
Earthworks is the only U.S. environmental nonprofit that focuses exclusively on the destructive impacts of resource extraction.

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Infrared videos show Denton oil and gas air pollution still unaddressed by regulators


October 21, 2014

Oct 21st, Denton, TX -- Newly released infrared videos taken over the past three months show that oil and gas air pollution is ongoing, chronic, and unaddressed in Denton, Texas despite assurances of safety by industry. The videos make visible normally invisible volatile organic compounds emissions (VOCs) -- such as carcinogens like benzene.

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Tagged with: fracking, texas, air pollution, ban, vocs, denton, flir

Millions of Americans urge Obama administration to curb oil and gas climate pollution

Earthworks et. al.

October 16, 2014

Washington, DC – Today, 130 local, state and national organizations representing millions of Americans sent a letter to President Obama urging him to immediately begin a rulemaking process to curb methane pollution from oil and gas development, the nation’s second largest industrial climate polluter after power plants. Methane, the principal component of natural gas, is 86 times more potent than carbon dioxide over a 20 year time period.

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Tagged with: fracking, air pollution, climate change, obama, methane

Colorado Fracking Commission Meets for 1st Time


September 25, 2014

Statement of Earthworks’ Oil & Gas Accountability Project Director Bruce Baizel

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Tagged with: fracking, colorado

Public Floods EPA with Support for Protection of Bristol Bay from Mining

Earthworks and Nunamta Aulukestai

September 22, 2014

Dillingham, AK/Washington D.C. – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received 700,000 comments in support of its plan to use its Clean Water Act authority to restrict mine waste disposal from the Pebble Mine proposed in Alaska’s Bristol Bay watershed. When combined with previous public input, over 1.5 million comments have been submitted in favor of Bristol Bay protection, including broad and diverse support from Alaska Native Tribes, commercial fishermen, hunters and anglers, businesses like CREDO Mobile, churches, conservation groups, restaurants, jewelers and investors.

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Tagged with: mining, epa, bristol bay, alaska, salmon

The myth of ethical gold

New Internationalist | Stephanie Boyd

September 16, 2014
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Modern goldmining has developed a Midas touch, turning low-grade deposits into vast wealth but with devastating consequences: over 900 farmers poisoned by a mercury spill in the mountains of Peru; Akyim indigenous people from Ghana forced from their forest homeland; an Indonesian bay and fishing community contaminated by arsenic and mercury; the Western Shoshone nation in Nevada deprived of their treaty rights and ancestral land.

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Tagged with: mining, gold, responsible jewellery council

Groups file appeal on Longmont fracking ban

Earthworks, et al

September 10, 2014

Denver, CO - A coalition filed an appeal on Wednesday to uphold the democratically-enacted ban on fracking passed by Longmont voters in 2012. Represented by the University of Denver Law Clinic, the groups Our Longmont, Food & Water Watch, Sierra Club and Earthworks filed the appeal to overturn a district court  decision that places the interests of the oil and gas industry over the health and safety of local citizens.

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Tagged with: fracking, colorado, ban, longmont, local control

Lachelt leads diverse group looking into well rules

Durango Herald | Peter Marcus

September 9, 2014
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La Plata County Commissioner Gwen Lachelt is readying to juggle multiple personalities after the governor announced the 19 members of a gas and oil task force.

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Tagged with: fracking, colorado, blue ribbon commission

Oil and gas task force expected to find middle ground in Colorado local control issue

Denver Business Journal | Cathy Proctor

September 9, 2014
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Gov. John Hickenlooper said Tuesday that he expects the newly named 21-memberoil and gas task force to find areas of compromise on one of the state’s most important issues.

In a meeting with reporters in his office, the governor also thanked the members of the task force for their willingness to step into one of the state’s most controversial issues, and the organizations who submitted nearly 300 names for consideration.

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Tagged with: fracking, colorado, blue ribbon commission

RJC Revealed

Rappaport | Brian Bossetta

September 1, 2014
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Across the many links in the jewelry supply chain, there are significant issues regarding human rights and the environment with which the industry must grapple, especially in light of increasing demand among consumers for ethically sourced products. And while there is no easy panacea for human rights abuses or harmful environmental practices, the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC), a not-for-profit organization based out of London, promotes a climate of social responsibility that works to mitigate and eliminate harmful, negative practices within the industry.

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Tagged with: mining, jewelry, rjc

PA Environmental Organizations Challenge PA-DEP Claims of Adequate Oil & Gas Oversight

Earthworks et. al.

August 28, 2014

Harrisburg, PA – Environmental and citizen organizations sent Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Secretary, Chris Abruzzo a letter today challenging the agency’s response to issues raised in Auditor General Eugene DePasquale’s DEP Performance Audit, released on July 22nd. The audit identified serious flaws in the DEP’s oil and gas monitoring and enforcement programs.

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Tagged with: fracking, pennsylvania, pennsylvania department of environmental protection, water contamination

Lawmakers hope to fund monitors for quakes in North Texas fracking areas

Dallas Morning News | Marissa Barnett

August 25, 2014
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AUSTIN — Lawmakers said Monday that they’re looking for money to add seismic monitors in areas with oil and gas production, following concerns about a series of earthquakes that rattled North Texas last winter.

For now, at least, it’s just a pipe dream. The Railroad Commission, which regulates oil and gas production, doesn’t have any plans in the works for more monitors or for permit surcharges to oil and gas operators.

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Tagged with: fracking, texas, earthquakes

Inside Energy: Fracking and health, part 1

Prairie Public | Jordan Wirfs-Brock and Leigh Paterson

August 25, 2014
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The oil and gas boom of the 21st century has been fueled - largely -  by a technique called hydraulic fracturing.  Its given access to massive shale gas and oil formations in states like Texas, Colorado, North Dakota, and Pennsylvania. But what’s different about this boom, is that drilling is bumping right up against communities. And people are worried about the health impacts.

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Tagged with: fracking, health, north dakota

Watch Six Months of Fracking Fires Blaze Across the Country

National Journal | Clare Foran and Stephanie Stamm

August 22, 2014
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Massive fires light up the sky in U.S. states at the center of a fracking boom.

The fires—known as flaring—are a symptom of the rapid spread of the controversial drilling technique. Cities and towns across the country are scrambling to keep up with a newfound surplus of natural gas, and towering flames arise when excess gas is burned off at drill sites. 

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Tagged with: fracking, texas, north dakota, flaring

State oversight allows flaring in North Dakota and Texas to emit greenhouse gases equal to 1.5 million cars

Earthworks, Skytruth

August 22, 2014

Aug 22 -- Today Earthworks released a new report showing that eliminating natural gas waste in two shale plays would have the same effect as taking 1.5 million cars off the road. The report is accompanied by an interactive map developed by SkyTruth showing flaring activity in the U.S. and around the world based on nightly, infrared satellite data.

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Tagged with: fracking, texas, air emissions, methane, north dakota, flaring

The long shadow of a decade of loose enforcement

Boulder Weekly | Elizabeth Miller

August 14, 2014
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Pennsylvania and Colorado may be a nation apart, but they’re side-by-side when it comes to having recently seen explosive increases in oil and gas development, specifically through the use of hydraulic fracturing in shale formations that are often drilled horizontally. Findings from a report from Earthworks — a nonprofit working to protect communities and the environment from the adverse effects of oil and gas development — that examined the oversight and the operational record of wells in Pennsylvania sheds light on the concerns people in Colorado express when it comes to oil and gas development.

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Tagged with: fracking, colorado, enforcement, ballot intiative

Groups Sue EPA for Letting Polluters Pass the Bill for Their Spills to the Public

Earthjustice, Earthworks, et al

August 11, 2014

Washington, D.C. — Earthjustice on behalf of Idaho Conservation League, Earthworks, Sierra Club, Amigos Bravos, Great Basin Resource Watch, and Communities for a Better Environment filed suit against the Environmental Protection Agency for failing to issue key rules mandated by the Superfund Act (the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, or CERCLA)

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Tagged with: regulation, financial assurance, bonding, cercla 108b

Black Butte Mine aquifer tests move ahead

Bozeman Daily Chronicle | Laura Lundquist

August 7, 2014
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The Montana Department of Environmental Quality has given Tintina Resources the go-ahead to dig four new deep wells to test the aquifer near the proposed Black Butte Copper Mine but has added one safety requirement for the project.

Tintina will be drilling to depths of between 200 and 400 feet through mineral deposits that could cause chemicals in the upwelling water to exceed safety limits set by the Environmental Protection Agency. In particular, samples from other wells have exceeded EPA limits for arsenic.

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Tagged with: mining, montana, tintina

New report: Pennsylvania prioritizes fracking at expense of law, health, environment


August 7, 2014

Washington, DC - The environmental and health impacts of gas development have been connected for the first time with a lack of state oversight on a site-by-site basis in a new report released by Earthworks. A year in the making, Blackout in the Gas Patch: How Pennsylvania Residents are Left in the Dark on Health and Enforcement documents and analyzes the permitting, oversight, and operational record of 135 wells and facilities in seven counties--and identifies the associated threats to water and air that are harming the health of nearby residents.

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Tagged with: fracking, regulation, pennsylvania, water, enforcement, pennsylvania department of environmental protection, health, air, dep

Imperial’s Mount Polley mine shuttered after tailings discharge

Mining Weekly | Henry Lazenby

August 6, 2014

TORONTO ( – After a tailings dam broke at the Mount Polley mine, discharging about five-million cubic metres of mine waste in the early hours of Monday, operator Imperial Metals on Tuesday said the copper/gold mine had been placed on care and maintenance pending a full investigation.

The TSX-listed firm said the water and tailings discharge had by Tuesday stabilised, with no persons reported missing or injured.

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Tagged with: mining, tailings, canada, tailings dam

BC Mine Failure Highlights Pebble Mine Risks


August 5, 2014

This week’s devastating tailings dam failure at the Mount Polley copper mine in British Columbia, which released vast amounts of mine waste into streams, rivers and lakes, raised alarms with Alaska Native communities and conservation groups concerned about the proposed Pebble Mine. The groups are urging the EPA to finalize proposed mine waste restrictions in Alaska’s Bristol Bay watershed.

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Tagged with: mining, tailings, canada, tailings dam, toxic mine waste

Hickenlooper seeks to halt oil-gas initiatives

The Coloradoan | Ryan Maye Handy

August 5, 2014
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Gov. John Hickenlooper on Monday created a task force to address oil and gas development in Colorado, in an eleventh-hour attempt to foster compromise over the highly divisive topic before it hits the polls in November.

With Congressman Jared Polis by his side, Hickenlooper announced a "blue ribbon" commission of 18 people will be tasked with studying oil and gas development in the state. The plan is for the group to make recommendations to the state Legislature in 2015.

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Tagged with: fracking, colorado, vote, ballot intiative

Colorado Fracking Opponents Losing Local Control Fight

Bloomberg | Bradley Olson and Jennifer Oldham

August 5, 2014
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Colorado’s compromise with drilling opponents has dealt a blow to environmentalists’ expanding battle to give local communities more control to limit fracking.

Governor John Hickenlooper and Representative Jared Polis agreed to a deal that weakened the prospects for two proposed ballot initiatives aimed at restricting oil and gas activity, the two men said at a news conference in Denver yesterday. Polis, who was expected to help finance the campaign for the measures, agreed to withdraw his support after Hickenlooper promised to create a task force to study the industry’s impact on local communities.

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Tagged with: fracking, colorado, vote, ballot intiative

15,000 Urge Federal Gov’t to Protect SW Oregon Watersheds from Mining


August 5, 2014

Portland OR – Today over 15,000 petition signatures were delivered to the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management to support a mineral withdrawal for public lands in critical watersheds in southwest Oregon, including the North Fork Smith River, Baldface Creek, Rough & Ready Creek, and Hunter Creek. 

These signatures build upon the request of a broad coalition of local and national conservation groups to withdraw these public lands from mining in response to proposals for nickel strip mining in the area.

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Tagged with: mining, oregon

Withdrawal of Colorado fracking ballot initiatives disappointing, community protection still possible through commission


August 4, 2014

DURANGO, CO: We are disappointed that Colorado’s environmental rights ballot initiative that would have allowed local governments to protect their citizens from the potential harms of oil and gas drilling has been withdrawn.

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Tagged with: fracking, colorado

Fracking ban court decision pushes conversation toward constitutional rights

Boulder Weekly | Elizabeth Miller

July 31, 2014

The lawsuit to defend Longmont’s voterapproved fracking ban is moving on from the district court, where a judge issued a summary judgment against it, but a stay against fracking in Longmont while the case is appealed to a higher court. It may become increasingly clear as the case advances that the question at stake pits the oil and gas resources under the town against the basic constitutional rights of those who live in the town to determine their exposure to a risk to human health and environment more than half of the town’s voters have said they don’t want in their back yards. The environmental organizations that have signed on as intervenors aren’t going to be shy about framing the debate in terms of whether the state will really choose profits over people.

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Tagged with: fracking, colorado, ban, longmont

Energy Dept. methane steps are welcome, but no substitute for EPA rules


July 29, 2014

While we applaud the commitments made by the Department of Energy, labor unions, utility groups and other stakeholders, voluntary measures and new research initiatives don’t adequately protect communities and the climate.

These rules can be a first step down the road to limit dangerous methane pollution and begin to truly shift our energy systems away from an “all of the above” strategy to one that throws the full weight of our resources behind renewable energy.

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Tagged with: fracking, climate change, methane

Longmont’s Fracking Ban Tossed as Colorado Vote Looms

Bloomberg | Joel Rosenblatt and Jennifer Oldham

July 25, 2014

A fracking ban in the city of Longmont, Colorado, was thrown out by a judge amid petition drives to hold a statewide vote in November on restricting oil and gas drilling that generate $30 billion a year.

The debate over fracking, in which water, chemicals and sand are injected below ground to extract oil and gas from sand and shale formations, has escalated in Colorado as drilling moves closer to suburbs, raising concerns about water and air contamination. Five communities in the state have voted to ban or put a moratorium on such activity.

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Tagged with: fracking, colorado, lawsuit, ban, longmont

Colo. court strikes down city’s fracking ban

E&E News | Ellen M. Gilmer and Mike Lee

July 25, 2014

A Colorado court yesterday ruled against the city of Longmont in a fight with state and industry officials over whether the city could ban hydraulic fracturing.

The decision could weigh heavily on voters considering potential anti-fracking ballot initiatives in Colorado in November. And the outcome swings the local control pendulum in favor of industry after a series of wins for municipalities in Pennsylvania and New York over the past year (EnergyWire, July 1).

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Groups vow to appeal ruling on Longmont fracking ban

Earthworks et. al.

July 24, 2014

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Pennsylvania’s Auditor General Faults Oversight of Natural Gas Industry

New York Times | Jon Hurdle

July 23, 2014
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PHILADELPHIA — Environmental officials in Pennsylvania have failed to adequately regulate the state’s booming natural gas industry, a state report said, reflecting what critics say is weak oversight of the oil and gas industry at a time when drilling is spreading across the United States.

Pennsylvania’s auditor general, Eugene DePasquale, said Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection has been unable to keep up with the workload placed on it by a proliferation of shale gas wells in the last five years, and has failed to respond adequately to many public complaints about water and air contamination resulting from gas development.

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Tagged with: fracking, pennsylvania, pennsylvania department of environmental protection, water contamination

Auditor General Issues Critical PADEP Audit: Pennsylvania Environmental Organizations Applaud Investigation’s Goals

Earthworks et. al.

July 22, 2014

Harrisburg, PA – Pennsylvania’s Auditor General office released a highly anticipated audit of the Department of Environmental Protection’s performance regarding shale gas development today.  Auditor General Eugene DePasquale stated that the audit “…shows that the meteoric growth of the shale gas industry caught the Department of Environmental Protection unprepared to effectively administer laws and regulations to protect drinking water and unable to efficiently respond to citizen complaints”. The report is available here:

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Tagged with: fracking, pennsylvania, water contamination

Hundreds comment on Black Butte mine proposal

Bozeman Daily Chronicle | Laura Lundquist

July 22, 2014
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For a relatively small project, a mining company's proposal to dig a few test wells generated a significant number of public comments.

By the end of the public comment period on Monday, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality received almost 940 comments on Tintina Resources' proposal to dig deep test wells in advance of a possible underground mining operation north of White Sulphur Springs.

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Tagged with: mining, montana, tintina

EPA Releases Plan for Restricting Mine Waste Disposal in Alaska’s Bristol Bay watershed

Earthworks and Nunamta Aulukestai

July 18, 2014

Washington, D.C. – An unusual group of Alaska Native leaders, commercial fishermen, investors, jewelers and conservation organizations applauded the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) release today of its Proposed Determination - a detailed plan for restricting mine waste disposal from the proposed Pebble Mine in Alaska’s Bristol Bay watershed. The EPA has authority under Section 404(c) of the Clean Water Act to restrict mine waste disposal that will harm important fisheries. Alaska’s Bristol Bay supports the largest and most productive wild salmon fishery in the world, supplying half of the world’s supply of wild sockeye salmon and generating 14,000 annual jobs and over $450 million in annual revenue.

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Tagged with: mining, epa, bristol bay, salmon, 404c

Texas fracking ban voted down by city council despite residents’ support

AlJazeera America | Renee Lewis

July 16, 2014
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Officials in Denton, Texas, voted Wednesday against a bid to make their natural gas-rich city the first in its state to ban fracking, despite more than 100 residents speaking out in favor of the ban at a public hearing that ran long into Tuesday night.

Some locals said the city council’s 5-2 decision against enacting the ban — instead passing it to a November ballot for a city-wide vote — was influenced by industry pressure.

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Denton City Council Rejects Fracking Ban

NBC DFW | Emily Schmalll

July 16, 2014
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The council governing a North Texas city that sits atop a large natural gas reserve rejected a bid early Wednesday morning to ban further permitting of hydraulic fracturing in the community after eight hours of public testimony.

Denton City Council members voted down the petition 5-2 at a 3 a.m., sending the proposal to a public ballot in November.

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Breaking: Denton City Council Rejects Fracking Ban: Referendum Will Be on November Ballot

DeSmogBlog | Julie Dermansky

July 16, 2014
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The failure of the Denton city council to pass a fracking ban in Denton, Texas, after a meeting that went on for over eight hours last night, was no surprise to Cathy McMullen, Denton resident and president of Denton Drilling Awareness Group.

“The vote was theater,” McMullen told DeSmogBlog.

Councilman Kevin Roden was the only one to call for ban. His motion was not seconded. A motion to deny the ban was approved 5 to 2, followed by an unanimous vote to put the ban initiative on the next ballot.

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Denton City Council Leaves Fracking Ban Decision to Voters

Texas Observer | Priscila Mosqueda

July 15, 2014
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Update 7:45am: Denton voters will decide the fate of fracking in their city come November after the City Council voted against the fracking ban this morning shortly before 3 a.m.

The Council seemed partial to the ban supporters during the hearing, which lasted eight hours, but in the end no one seconded Councilman Kevin Roden’s motion to pass the ban. The members voted 5-2 for a motion to deny passing the ban, so the initiative will now be on the November ballot. Activists had predicted their City Council would not adopt the citizen-led initiative, but the news was still disappointing and folks took to Twitter to say that industry won once again in Texas. We’ll be watching this come November, so stay tuned.

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Council rejects partial fracking ban

Denton Record Chronicle | Peggy Heinkel-Wolfe

July 15, 2014
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The Denton City Council, after hearing more than eight hours of public testimony that lasted until early this morning,  rejected a bid that would have made it the first city in the state to ban further permitting of hydraulic fracturing in the community.

Council members voted down the petition 5-2, sending the proposal to a public ballot in November.

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Texas town’s fracturing ban appears headed for ballot

Houston Chronicle | Rhiannon Meyers

July 14, 2014
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Denton voters, and not the seven-member City Council, probably will decide whether to ban hydraulic fracturing in the North Texas city, officials said Monday.

The issue is scheduled for a public hearing Tuesday in the gas-rich city about 40 miles northwest of downtown Dallas, where some wells are less than 200 feet from residential areas.

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Congressional initiative would end billions in public land and mineral giveaways, protect scarce water, create jobs


July 10, 2014

July 10, 2014, Washington, D.C. – U.S. House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Peter DeFazio (OR-4) and Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation Ranking Member Raul Grijalva today introduced a long-needed overhaul of the 142-year-old law governing mining of minerals such as gold, copper and uranium on federally-managed public lands.

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Tagged with: mining, 1872 mining law, reform

No Dirty Gold campaign draws another major convert

Mineweb | Dorothy Kosich

July 3, 2014
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BJ’s Wholesale Club, with 202 locations in 15 eastern U.S. states has endorsed Washington D.C.-based environmental NGO Earthworks No Dirty Gold’s Golden Rules.

The No Dirty Gold campaign asks jewelry retailers to pledge to source only from mines who meet the Golden Rules criteria.

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Tagged with: mining, gold, no dirty gold, bristol bay pledge

BJ’s Wholesale Club Says ‘No’ to Dirty Gold

Earthworks and BJ's Wholesale Club

July 2, 2014

July 2nd – Today, BJ’s Wholesale Club, with 202 locations in 15 Eastern U.S. states, became America’s first independent wholesale club company to commit to responsible metals sourcing by endorsing the No Dirty Gold campaign’s Golden Rules, a set of social, human rights, and environmental criteria set to improve metal mining practices around the world. BJ’s is also pledging to source their metals without harming Alaska’s Bristol Bay watershed – the world’s largest wild salmon fishery.

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Tagged with: mining, no dirty gold, golden rules, our bristol bay, bristol bay pledge

Sitting On a Gold Mine: How Fairtrade Gold Mining in Tanzania Is Set to Change the Jewelry Sector

CSR Newswire | Marc Choyt

June 25, 2014
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In early May, I visited small-scale gold miners in Tanzania who are seeking fair trade certification.

On site, I met with colleagues in from England and Fair Trade Africa, who have been working hard over the past two years to build an understanding of fairtrade* standards and principals with the miners on site. The purpose of the visit was also to bring jewelers and miners together to discuss what was needed to bring fairtrade African gold to market.

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Tagged with: mining, gold, no dirty gold, jewelry, fairtrade, tanzania


Ft. Worth Weekly | Peter Gorman

June 25, 2014
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A geologist who has spent years studying the effects of natural gas drilling on water sources said last week that he has “no doubt” that Range Resources gas drilling activity has contaminated the Trinity Aquifer, ruining several water wells in Parker County — but not due to leaks from the gas wells themselves.

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Scientists: Fracking Linked to Groundwater Contamination


June 9, 2014
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Last week a Texas TV station broke the news that new independent scientific analysis refutes the claim by the oil and gas industry that “there’s never been a confirmed case of fracking polluting drinking water.”

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Jewelry gets eco-friendly

Poughkeepsie Journal | Karen Shan

June 8, 2014
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David Walton buys goods made in America. He bicycles to destinations when possible and eats a vegetarian diet.

Plus, Walton, a designer and crafter of fine jewelry and owner/goldsmith of Hudson Valley Goldsmith in New Paltz, uses recycled precious metals, reclaimed stones and conflict-free gems in the design and fabrication of his bracelets, necklaces and rings.

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Tagged with: gold, no dirty gold, jewelry, fairtrade

Scientists: Fracking Polluted Texas Family’s Drinking Water

June 6, 2014

Last night a Texas TV station broke the news that new independent analysis refutes the oft-repeated claim by the oil and gas industry that “there’s never been a confirmed case of fracking polluting drinking water”.

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Tagged with: fracking, water pollution, range resources, lipsky, geoffrey thyne, wfaa

Cracks in the Frack Wall

Ft. Worth Weekly | Sharon Wilson and Cathy McMullen

May 28, 2014
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If it’s a blessing to live in interesting times, those of us affected by the fracking debate — that is, all Texans — are well and truly blessed right about now.

Within the past month, North Texas has seen:

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Tagged with: fracking, texas, parr, ban, denton

California Oil Deposit Is Far Smaller Than Predicted

Wall Street Journal | Russel Gold

May 21, 2014
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The U.S. government slashed its estimate of how much crude oil could be extracted from California's Monterey Shale, confirming widespread industry suspicion that developing the massive resource would be difficult.

The Energy Information Administration said there are 600 million barrels of technically recoverable oil, down 96% from its estimate a year ago of 13.7 billion barrels.

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Tagged with: fracking, california, oil, monterey shale, sb1132

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