CONCERNED WOMEN FOR AMERICA Legislative Action Committee

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Prayer in the People’s House

Prayer in the People’s House
By: CWALAC Staff - 4/30/2012

In conjunction with the National Day of Prayer activities, May 8 marks George Washington’s 223rd inaugural anniversary as President of the United States. Undoubtedly Washington was a man of faith whose first act as President was offering a prayer of dedication to God on behalf of the nation. To celebrate Washington and pray for the direction of our nation in these troubled times, Concerned Women for America is participating in, “Prayer in the People’s House.” Dan Cummins, Pastor of Bridlewood Church, joins CWA to discuss how through God’s blessings, this event’s humble beginnings in Texas have transformed into a nationwide prayer event that everyone can take part in.

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YWA is a student-oriented initiative that is geared toward high school and college campuses to bring active groups of young like-minded women together to promote conservative values to their schools and the nation.

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