Letters to the editor, Sept. 7

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Protect the USA

John Garner got this one right on target with his Aug. 14 DRC letter. The economy is still not free of the 2008 recession and Americans cannot handle the continual flood of illegals, who demand free health care, education, food stamps and welfare while Americans pay for it.

Also, while the Barack Hussein regime has our country wide open, there is a multitude of people with infectious diseases, criminals and foreign terrorists flowing in.

Why again was Obama the communist organizer and racial agitator elected?

As John Garner says, “We have to stop being the world’s policeman and we cannot feed everyone who wants to come here illegally.” If these foreign countries keep encouraging their folks to violate our country’s sovereignty, then we should, “forfeit their foreign aid our tax dollars” that is sent to prop-up their economy.

Then we see the usual leftist scribblings from Gary Ardis [DRC Aug. 19] that seem to attack Mr. Garner’s thoughtful letter.

The pitiful left has falsely cried racism for years, in hopes that good folks will back off and not defend America and the truth; as attempted by Gary’s letter.

But now days, we can expect some twisted leftist to defend the positions of the aliens who demand American tax dollars to the terrorists who want to take out soft targets (both are taking advantage of our open borders and generous nature).

The disease in the leftist mind has no bounds; we must boldly protect our country.

Eric Mach, Denton

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