HR 761: Threatening Water Resources, Disenfranchising Communities

HR 761: Threatening Water Resources, Disenfranchising Communities


AUTHOR: Earthworks

Testimony of Jennifer Krill before US House Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources

Testimony of Jennifer Krill before US House Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources

PUBLICATION DATE: March 21, 2013

AUTHOR: Jennifer Krill

SUMMARY: Hardrock mining companies in the United States enjoy subsidies and loopholes that create an extremely friendly regulatory environment for them.

Attractiveness of the United States for Mineral Investment

Attractiveness of the United States for Mineral Investment

PUBLICATION DATE: October 22, 2012

AUTHOR: Aaron Mintzes

S.1113 - The Critical Minerals Policy Act of 2012

S.1113 - The Critical Minerals Policy Act of 2012

PUBLICATION DATE: September 12, 2012

AUTHOR: Aaron Mintzes and Alan Septoff

SUMMARY: S .1113 is a backdoor attempt to redefine minerals critical to the United States, and then muffle the voices of the communities and the environment potentially impacted by mining of these critical minerals.

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New report: Copper #mining has a dirty problem via @frikels
RT @celiaalario: Get ready for an awesome Twitter chat about the important issue of #fracking coming up soon #tweetlive #boomtown #es161

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