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A History of Violence Update

A History of Violence Update

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Published by skychadde
Dallas Communities Organizing for Change, Report on Police Brutality
Dallas Communities Organizing for Change, Report on Police Brutality

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Published by: skychadde on Oct 22, 2014
Copyright:Traditional Copyright: All rights reserved


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 A History of Violence:
Uncovering Excessive Deadly Force by the Dallas Police
Dallas Police Department Officer Involved Shootings (2002-2013)
A History ofViolence:UncoveringExcessive Forceby the DallasPolice 
DCOC Mission Statement 
We are a coalition of organizations, families and citizens fighting for  justice for victims of police brutality, racial profiling and excessive force by Dallas law enforcement. We are a new school civil rights organization that mobilize people and resources to change policy, provide legal assistance and community mobilization.
October 2014 Prepared for the residents and families of the City of Dallas in an effort to identify a pattern and practice of excessive force against communities of color. By Stephen Benavides, DCOC Policy Analyst.
A History ofViolence:UncoveringExcessive Forceby the DallasPolice 
In Memory of James Harper, Clinton Allen , Tobias Mackey, John Husband, Bobby Walker, and all of the lives lost to the Dallas Police Department.

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