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Reddit Debuts an Official Mobile App

Screen shots of the iOS version of Alien Blue, the most popular third-party app for iPhones and iPads used to browse Reddit.Credit

Reddit is a web traffic powerhouse. And at 174 million regular monthly users, its growth shows little sign of slowing.

But Reddit’s staggering ascent — up by another 60 million users in just the last few months — comes with some trivia almost unheard-of for other social media start-ups: The company does not offer its own smartphone application for browsing the site, a popular online message board. Users have instead had to choose from various unofficial programs built by third-party developers to do so.

That changed Wednesday evening when the company announced it had bought Alien Blue, the most popular third-party app for iPhones and iPads used to browse Reddit, and will offer it for download as the official Reddit app in Apple’s App Store.

As a result of the deal, Jason Morrissey, Alien Blue’s sole developer and owner, will work for Reddit, though the company has unofficially collaborated with Mr. Morrissey for more than a year.

“We want to be able to have new features from show up on mobile faster and better,” Ellen Pao, Reddit’s head of partnerships and strategic development, said in an interview. “With Alien Blue and Jase, it was getting to a point where it was too much work for one person. He was helping us, we were helping him and the fit was really strong.”

Reddit would not disclose the terms of the purchase, nor would it specify Alien Blue’s mobile traffic numbers.

Reddit’s move comes at a crucial time in the broader Internet landscape, as consumers flock from relying on desktop computers to browsing websites and apps from their smartphones.

For the better part of a decade, Reddit operated on a shoestring budget compared with other start-ups of its popularity and following, and it had not dedicated resources to building a mobile app in-house. The company released an early version of its own app years ago, but stopped supporting it when apps like Alien Blue took off in popularity with Reddit users.

But fresh off a large round of venture funding, Reddit aims to jump-start its ambitions of becoming a real, viable business and wants to improve its ability to sell ads on its website and, eventually, its mobile offerings.

Reddit has failed to cash in on untold numbers of dollars by not owning its own mobile app. A recent release of Reddit’s AMA, or “ask me anything,” app, in which users can ask anyone from celebrities to normal people anything they want about their lives, has some early examples of what mobile advertising could look like on Reddit’s new Alien Blue application.

Ms. Pao said that, for now, users should not expect to immediately see ads inside the Alien Blue app. Eventually, the company would like to introduce ads but only after testing.

The new Alien Blue app will continue to be free to download, with the ability to pay for feature upgrades. Reddit would not disclose details on the revenue from those paid features.

Correction: October 17, 2014
An earlier version of this post and its headline misstated Reddit's history with apps. The company had a previous mobile app, iReddit; it was not debuting its first official app.