29 October 2014 Last updated at 17:59 ET

US Fed ends QE stimulus programmeDollar notes

US Federal Reserve announces an end to the quantitative easing stimulus programme begun in 2008 as economic recovery takes hold.

Ferrari logoFiat Chrysler to spin off Ferrari

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles plans to spin off Ferrari and sell a 10% stake in the luxury carmaker on the stock market.

Business Programmes World News logo

Special Reports

China's bullet train Designed in China

A series asking whether the world's factory can become a world-class design centre

Our Experts

Robert Peston Article written by Robert Peston Robert Peston Economics editor

End of QE is whimper not bang

As the Fed Reserve ends quantitative easing, those who prophesied that these trillions of dollars of debt purchases would spark uncontrollable inflation have been proved wrong. But QE could still prove toxic.

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Kamal Ahmed Article written by Kamal Ahmed Kamal Ahmed Business editor

High Street branches are still important for Lloyds

In a digital age, face-to-face interaction could be a market-beater for Lloyds Banking Group.

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Linda Yueh Article written by Linda Yueh Linda Yueh Chief business correspondent

Designed in China - coming to a store near you?

Can China to transform itself from the factory of the world to an innovative centre of creation and design?

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Market Data

Last Updated at 20:01 ET

Market index Current value Trend Variation % variation
Dow Jones 16974.31 Down -31.44 -0.18%
Nasdaq 4549.23 Down -15.07 -0.33%
S&P 500 1982.30 Down -2.75 -0.14%
FTSE 100 6453.87 Up 51.70 0.81%
Dax 9082.81 Up 14.62 0.16%
BBC Global 30 7446.84 Up 26.91 0.36%

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