Guest column: Vote for major capital improvements to city

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On Nov. 4, Denton residents will have the opportunity to vote for four city of Denton bond propositions that will make major capital improvements to our city.

As Denton voters plan to go to the polls, it is important for voters to know that these four propositions are votes for Denton.

These four bond propositions are about the quality of life that we have come to expect from our community and about how we build on that quality of life.

Proposition 1 is $61.7 million for street improvements. The 51-member blue ribbon committee, appointed by the Denton City Council to look at the capital improvement needs for the community, listened to Denton residents who have said that the No. 1 concern is the condition of our streets.

While the council suggested that $12 million should be considered for street reconstruction, the bond committee looked at the backlog of street reconstruction needs and determined that $12 million simply was not enough — $24 million was dedicated to street reconstruction and will cut into the backlog of failing streets.

When combined with the $20 million voters approved in 2012, we will have initiated a process of spending $6 million per year on fixing our streets.

Truthfully, it could have been more, but the consensus of the committee was that the threshold of tolerance for streets under construction at any given time is probably about $6 million per year.

Of the four propositions, 62.8 percent is dedicated to street improvements.

Other projects include the widening of Bonnie Brae Street from Interstate 35E north to Windsor Drive; a proposal that combined with the current widening project of Bonnie Brae south of I-35E will make Bonnie Brae a major north-south route through the city.

There are other smaller widening projects in Proposition 1, including Hickory Creek Road and other transportation projects that include traffic signals, railroad quiet zones and more. A complete list is available on the city website at

A vote for Proposition 1 is a vote for better streets and better mobility and is a vote for Denton.

Proposition 2 is $16.5 million for public safety facilities for the city police and fire departments.

This includes $13.5 million for the replacement of two substandard fire stations, on McCormick Street and on Sherman Drive. These two stations were built in the 1970s. The fire trucks have trouble getting in and out because the stations were not built to accommodate today’s fire engines.

Other elements in this proposition include improvements to the Police Communications Center and Criminal Investigation Bureau, improvements to the Police Firing Range and renovation of the police department lobby on East Hickory Street.

These improvements will relieve overcrowding and allow those departments to continue to grow as the city grows. Our police officers and firefighters put their lives on the line every day and we need to assure that their facilities enable them to be properly trained and housed.

A vote for Proposition 2 is a vote for Denton’s first responders and is a vote for Denton.

Proposition 3 is $8.5 million for storm water drainage and flood control improvements. These improvements are focused on two major areas of the city, the Magnolia Street and Hinkle Drive area and the downtown area.

The 2007 flooding in Denton was a reminder of how many homes and businesses are located in the flood plain. This proposition continues work done in the 2005 bond to move homes and business out of the flood plain and to, as a result, increase the value of those properties.

In addition, during the 2007 flooding, emergency vehicles were unable to get through part of downtown, making drainage a public safety issue, as well. A vote for Proposition 3 is a vote to assure that during periods of heavy rain that our drainage system will prevent flooding and damage to homes and businesses and is a vote for Denton.

Proposition 4 is $11.3 million for improvements to the Denton parks system. Part of what makes a community unique is how that community provides for green space, playing fields, trails and recreation.

The parks proposition is truly about the quality of life here in Denton. By 2020 there will be 150,000 people in Denton; by 2030 it is expected that the population of Denton will be 207,000. As a community, we must have the foresight to provide space to play.

Robert Moses, the master builder of New York City, once said “If you are on the side of parks, you are on the side of angels.”

Proposition 4 is a vote for the quality of life that makes Denton a place that people want to raise their families and is a vote for Denton.

This bond election will define Denton for years to come. There are other ballot items that are getting more attention, but these four propositions are opportunities to do something that will impact our community in a positive way for future generations.

We hope that you will join us in casting a vote for Denton for streets, public safety, drainage and parks on Nov. 4 or during early voting Oct. 20 to 31.

TIM CROUCH and RANDY ROBINSON are co-chairmen of the Citizen Bond Advisory Committee.

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