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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Business Day Technology

Bits Blog

The Nature of the IBM ‘Crisis’

The theme that IBM's profit performance relies as much on financial engineering as on computer engineering has been around since Louis V. Gerstner Jr. led the company in the 1990s.
Colin Braley/Reuters

The theme that IBM's profit performance relies as much on financial engineering as on computer engineering has been around since Louis V. Gerstner Jr. led the company in the 1990s.

The challenge for IBM today is very different from the crisis it faced in the 1990s. It is financially strong and more nimble, but there are echoes of the past.

Bits Blog

Survey Exposes Prevalence of Online Harassment

A new study from Pew reveals that 40 percent of adult Internet users have personally experienced some form of online intimidation.

Bits Blog

Coming of Age in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has been criticized as undependable and tough to manage. A number of recent announcements suggest that some companies are trying to address the issue.

Marissa Mayer Can Report Growth at Yahoo, but Strategy Is No Clearer

Strong third-quarter results, including an improved performance by mobile, ended a long pattern of declines at Yahoo.

Apple’s iCloud Storage Service Is Aim of Attack in China

Cybersecurity monitoring groups and security experts said iCloud users in China may have given away login information to a third party.


After JPMorgan Chase Breach, Push to Close Wall St. Security Gaps

Regulators are said to be discussing how to improve a critical area of cybersecurity: outside vendors, including law, accounting and marketing firms and even janitorial companies.


Google Invests Heavily in Magic Leap’s Effort to Blend Illusion and Reality

Google is leading a $542 million investment in a little-known firm called Magic Leap, in an investment that is said to value the start-up at about $2 billion.

Bits Blog

Staples Is Latest Retailer Hit by Hackers

The company said it was working with law enforcement agencies to determine the extent of the problem. It is one of many retailers and restaurant chains to be hit by hackers over the last year.

Bits Blog

Verizon Reports Higher Profit During a Price-Cutting War

Amid a price-cutting war in the American wireless industry, the Verizon juggernaut keeps growing, even though its prices are generally higher.

Bits Blog

For Microsoft, Cloud Business Looks More Promising Than Mobile

Despite being a laggard in cloud computing, Microsoft has established real credibility, and now runs twice as many data centers as Amazon and six times as many as Google.

Bits Blog

F.T.C. Names Ashkan Soltani as Chief Technologist

Ashkan Soltani, an independent technology consultant, co-wrote some articles in The Washington Post’s Pulitzer-winning series based off Edward Snowden revelations.

Hoverboard? Still in the Future

For the last 25 years, inventors like garage tinkerers, physics professors and engineers have been trying to make a hovering skateboard.

Bits Blog

Facebook Sues Lawyers for Pressing Dubious Ownership Case

The company says the former lawyers for Paul Ceglia, who claimed that Mark Zuckerberg had given him a large stake in Facebook, continued to argue his case despite knowledge that his evidence was fabricated.

A blog filled with news, insight and analysis on Silicon Valley and beyond.

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Personal Technology
State of the Art
Apple’s Silky Smooth Integration May Seduce You for Keeps

The tech giant has succeeded in ensuring that its phones, tablets and computers work seamlessly together. You might never leave.

IPad Air 2 and Mini 3 Review: Fantastic, but Largely Unnecessary, Tablets

The iPad Air 2 is substantially faster than its predecessor, and both it and the Mini 3 include Touch ID and Apple Pay. Needless to say, both products are costly.

Bits Blog

Google Unveils Inbox, a New Take on Email. And Possibly a Replacement for Gmail.

Google has created a new app for people to manage their overflowing inboxes.

App Smart

Don’t Be Afraid of These Halloween-Themed Apps

Play games, and get ideas for pumpkin carving, recipes and more for the spooky holiday.

Machine Learning

Apple Pay: Seamless in Stores, but Quirky Online

Integrating the new payment system with varied apps still has some flaws, but brick-and-mortar purchases are easy and fun.

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Insight & Analysis

Meet Facebook’s Mr. Nice

Arturo Bejar is trying to create empathy among teenage users to curb cyberbullying and harassment.

Your Money Adviser

Finding the Best Ways to Cut Utility Costs

A wide variety of alternative and “smart” gadgets, including advanced power strips and high-efficiency light bulbs, can help consumers conserve energy.

Bits Blog

Trying to Live in the Moment (and Not on the Phone)

By providing a scoreboard of our smartphone use, new apps may help us change our ways.

From the Magazine
It's the Economy

Can You Uber a Burger?

Surge-pricing comes to the restaurant industry.

Power Up

For South Korea, E-Sports Is National Pastime

The extent to which video games have become part of mainstream culture in South Korea may be a sign of things to come in the West.

Don't Miss...

Phone Hackers Dial and Redial to Steal Billions

A phone fraud on the rise and aided by Internet-connected phone systems can lead to six-figure bills for businesses.

To Siri, With Love

How one 13-year-old boy with autism became BFF’s with Apple’s Siri

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