Items Tagged with 'produced'


Researchers Say Electrodialysis Could Desalinate Frack Water

Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Saudi Arabia's King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals said they have found an economical solution for removing salt from water produced when hydraulically fracturing (frack) oil and natural gas wells, according to a paper published this week in the journal Applied Energy. Read More

Water, Water Everywhere in California Oil Production

In the drought-scarred West and the current era of hydraulic fracturing (fracking), California's preponderance of water produced in conjunction with oil is gaining more attention among industry and government leaders. Read More

Marcellus Is King, But Other Formations Also Boosting PA Production

In a wide-ranging analysis of 1H2014 state production data, the Pennsylvania State University Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research demonstrated how... Read More

Texas Plant Deploys Promising Technology to Clean Produced Water

A water desalination plant in Texas has been outfitted with a promising technology developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is being expanded... Read More

NGSA Winter Outlook Calls for Flat Gas Prices

Expected record production, despite fewer gas well completions, bolstered by associated gas from oil wells. Higher industrial takes will maintain demand. Read More

Two More Flood-Caused Spills in Colorado, State Officials Say

Additional minor spills of oil and produced water also were reported. Read More

Colorado Flood Recovery Looks Like Long Road

Oil and gas impact is centered in the Denver-Julesburg (DJ) Basin, where step-by-step assessments are ongoing. Read More