Items Tagged with 'water'


Researchers Say Electrodialysis Could Desalinate Frack Water

Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Saudi Arabia's King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals said they have found an economical solution for removing salt from water produced when hydraulically fracturing (frack) oil and natural gas wells, according to a paper published this week in the journal Applied Energy. Read More

EPA Expects to Publish Long-Awaited Draft Fracking Report in March

Officials from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said Monday that the agency plans to roll out a series of key peer-reviewed papers... Read More

Oasis Cleans Wastewater Spill in North Dakota; Impact Small

Houston-based Oasis Petroleum Inc. continued water and soil sampling Monday after one of its pipelines spewed 42,000 gallons of salty wastewater into a pool and small creek that are part of a tributary to a Missouri River reservoir in McKenzie County in northwest North Dakota. Read More

Ohio Awards Grant for Wastewater Treatment Research

Researchers at Ohio University and their oil and gas industry collaborators have been awarded $1.45 million to advance a technology that could keep more production and flowback water at the drilling site instead of heading to contentious underground disposal wells. Read More

Oil/Gas a Small Part of Water Problem, Part of Solution, Too

The volume of water used for mining -- which includes oil and gas extraction with fracking -- is miniscule compared to the amount used to irrigate crops, serve municipalities and supply manufacturers. But large-scale fracking is a relatively new use not without controversy, and that continues to draw scrutiny at a time when Texas and much of the West have been gripped by drought. Read More

WPX Still Appealing PA Orders to Replace Families’ Water Supplies

WPX Energy Inc. has appealed all three of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) orders to permanently replace the water supplies of families that were impacted by problems at the company's impoundment in Westmoreland County in 2012. Read More

Antero Ops Still On Hold at Site of West Virginia Drill Collision

Operations at Antero Resources Corp.'s Primm Pad in Doddridge County, WV, remain at a standstill after the company inadvertently breached a producing well while drilling another there two weeks ago. Read More

GWPC: More States Regulating Fracking, Requiring Baseline Water Testing

Regulators in 27 states, which collectively account for 98% of domestic oil and natural gas production, have "substantially improved groundwater protection laws and regulations governing oil and natural gas production," including laws governing hydraulic fracturing (fracking), according to a report by the Ground Water Protection Council (GWPC). Read More

Water, Water Everywhere in California Oil Production

In the drought-scarred West and the current era of hydraulic fracturing (fracking), California's preponderance of water produced in conjunction with oil is gaining more attention among industry and government leaders. Read More

Joint Online Water Monitoring Debuts in Colorado

An Internet-based groundwater monitoring technology was introduced in Colorado Wednesday in a joint effort by a university researcher, major oil/natural gas operator, environmental group and the state. Read More