Condom Casino promotes safe sex

By on October 8, 2014

Paul Wedding / Intern Writer

The University Program Council hosted the Condom Casino Tour at the Gateway Center on Oct. 8 at 7 p.m. to spread awareness to students on the dangers of unprotected sex and STIs.

The Condom Casino Tour goes around different campuses across the country to provide a tension-free environment for students to learn about sex.

“The casino format is a better way to get the college crowd,” UPC Traditions Coordinator Victoria Wentz said. “It’s a more interesting way to learn about sex.”

Condom Casino is a variety of 10 card and chance games that allow students to win chips and learn lessons about sex. Games like “5 Card Foreplay Poker” teach students about the increased chances of contracting an STI or becoming pregnant, while “Fact or Crap” informs students about sexual awareness and sexual consequences. Every placemat for each of the 10 games listed facts on the dangers of unprotected sex.

Every five chips a player received could be exchanged for a condom. At the end of the night, students exchange their amount of chips for condoms as well as an extra condom for participation.

Overall, the students at UNT seemed to really enjoy the event.

“It was a lot of fun. I love getting free condoms,” communication design freshman Mark Lester said.

Kim Parker has been part of the Condom Casino tour for two years and coordinated the event at UNT.

“If I prevent at least one unwanted pregnancy or one STD, then I feel that all of this was worth it,” Parker said.

Also present at the event was the UNT Condom Club, an organization located in the health and wellness center that provides students with a free weekly safer sex packet, which includes condoms.

Featured Image: Students place their bets at Texas Cond ‘em. UPC put on the Condom Casino at the Gateway Center last night. Photo by Byron Thompson – Senior Staff Photographer

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