

These conservatives make the case for vibrant cities. Most of their friends ignore them.

A few conservative intellectuals are speaking out against sprawl, and for denser "new urbanist" development. Sadly, their arguments will never gain traction.

Breathing Buildings

Bosco Verticale is Italian for dope urban treehouse

This just in: We no longer have to choose between living in the city or the forest.


You know it’s good when your biggest transportation problem is too many cyclists

We can learn some things about public transportation from how the Dutch handle their bike traffic jams.


Meet the man who re-energized NYC parks — and wants to do the same for yours

Adrian Benepe was responsible for adding more than 700 acres to the Big Apple's park system. Now he's taking the cause national.


An old railroad in Queens could become the coolest park in NYC

The only thing holding up the project: that little matter of the price tag.

Climate & Energy

This ambassador for black politicians argues that solar drags down African Americans

She takes the concerns of African-American communities straight to the White House -- and she's taking her talking points on solar net-metering straight from the utility companies.


Why more roads = more traffic jams

Think a new carpool lane will relieve gridlock on L.A.'s infamous 405? Think again.


Why Minneapolis’ beautiful bike freeways are totally the best

In the Twin Cities, old rail lines have become a sensible and delightful freeway system — just for cyclists.

Climate & Energy

Lost Louisiana: The race to reclaim vanished land back from the sea

The world’s fastest submerging state is looking to nature in an ambitious plan to turn back the tide, and to BP to fund it -- but will it work?

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