
Out of our Gourds

Pumpkins’ biggest threat isn’t Mischief Night or Billy Corgan

California's neverending drought spares no plant, animal, or holiday tradition. It's latest victim: pumpkins.

Climate & Energy

This could be the hottest year on record, again

The first nine months of 2014 broke the heat record, and now we're on track for this whole year to be the warmest ever.


You know it’s good when your biggest transportation problem is too many cyclists

We can learn some things about public transportation from how the Dutch handle their bike traffic jams.

Climate & Energy

We can provide power to everyone without a huge leap in emissions, study finds

The world’s poorest people use so little energy at the moment that initially, upon being connected to the grid, they will not add much to the climate crisis.

Age of Us

The Anthropocene is here, whether geologists make it official or not

Humans rule the world, for worse or for worse.

Climate & Energy

The Chinese people care more about the environment than Americans do

A new survey finds that Chinese citizens rank “pollution and the environment” as the top global threat. Americans aren't so concerned.

Climate & Energy

Here’s Obama’s latest strategy for a global climate deal

The president's chief climate negotiator has outlined the kind of agreement he might press for at the big U.N. climate summit in Paris next year.


Is the new Whole Foods rating system creating an inferiority complex for zucchini?

The grocery chain's new labels are actually nuanced and make a lot of sense.


Why more roads = more traffic jams

Think a new carpool lane will relieve gridlock on L.A.'s infamous 405? Think again.

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We've devised the world's shortest survey to find out what kind of actions our readers are taking. You know you want to.
