Climate & Energy

If it weren't for those meddling kids ...

These teens are taking their climate lawsuit all the way to the Supreme Court

The premise of the case: The sky belongs to everyone, so governments must protect it.

man the beericades!

Craft brewers join the fight against natural gas pipelines

At the base of the Blue Ridge, a battle is brewing over a massive pipeline designed to pull shale gas to the Atlantic Coast.

Climate & Energy

We were promised methane regulations! Where are our methane regulations?!

The U.S. oil-and-gas boom is dumping oodles of methane into the atmosphere, and so far, the feds haven't gotten meaningful regulations together.

Climate & Energy

This could be the hottest year on record, again

The first nine months of 2014 broke the heat record, and now we're on track for this whole year to be the warmest ever.

The sun! It burns!

Rooftop solar is just the beginning; utilities must innovate or go extinct

Fights over rooftop solar generally focus on "net metering," but the challenge to utilities is far greater than that, and if they hope to survive, their response must be more ambitious.

Climate & Energy

How skyrocketing development in Texas could suck the state dry

The Lone Star State is losing open space faster than any other, and that's bad news for the water cycle.

That's where the money is

U.K. climate activists take divestment to the banks

A new campaign in Britain aims to get banks to stop investing in the fossil fuel industry.


Clean energy advocates need to speak up if they want black lawmakers to hear them

Why are some African-American lawmakers taking their cues from the fossil-fuel industry? They're not getting the other side of the story.

Climate & Energy

Now congressional Republicans are digging through scientists’ grant proposals

Rep. Lamar Smith has launched an aggressive campaign against what he sees as misguided money management at the National Science Foundation.

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