
Ben Adler

The politics of climate, energy, and cities

Ben Adler covers environmental policy and politics for Grist, with a focus on climate change, energy, and cities. When he isn't contemplating the world's end, he also writes about architecture and media. You can follow him on Twitter.


These conservatives make the case for vibrant cities. Most of their friends ignore them.

A few conservative intellectuals are speaking out against sprawl, and for denser "new urbanist" development. Sadly, their arguments will never gain traction.

Climate & Energy

How to get Republicans to stop using the “I’m not a scientist” dodge

If journalists don't want a stupid answer about climate change, they should ask a better question.


Ron Paul and Rand Paul have crazy things to say about Ebola

And the Paulist philosophy leads to even crazier ideas about pollution, public health, and the role of government.

Climate & Energy

In Florida, it’s billionaire climate hawk vs. climate-denying governor. Who will win?

Tom Steyer is spending millions in an attempt to oust Florida Gov. Rick Scott. Is it working?


New York is about to get safer for walkers — if the NYPD does its job

The city is lowering its default speed limit, which will prevent pedestrian deaths, assuming the cops actually enforce the law.

Hold your nose and vote

Why climate hawks should still vote for fossil-fuel-loving Democrats

Even the Democratic Senate candidates who support the coal and oil industries are way better than their Republican opponents.

Climate & Energy

Will Andrew Cuomo oppose fracking after getting a scare from Zephyr Teachout?

The governor of New York lost more votes than expected to a progressive primary challenger who tapped into the energy of the anti-fracking movement.

Climate & Energy

The divestment movement is gaining steam. What can it achieve?

Dropping shares in fossil fuel companies might not make a huge difference on its own, but it can help lay the groundwork for other types of climate progress.

Hot planet? Hot yoga!

Yoga could be an answer to climate change, says India’s prime minister

And you were worried he wasn't taking the crisis seriously enough.

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