Statetap: Colorado’s GMO ballot-box war heating up

The "No on Proposition 105 Coalition" has raised around $11 million so far — $7.4 million of which came from Monsanto, Kraft and PepsiCo — and has plenty to spend in the final stretch. > read more

Wiretap: Midterm-election nation, a Republican-heavy America

The voting population swings dramatically to the right in the midterms. That's obviously a big problem for Democrats in 2014. But it might be even a bigger problem for Republicans in 2016. > read more

EPA to Senator Inhofe: Sorry, yes, we will be looking into fracking and water safety

One of the oil-and-gas industry's top champions on Capitol Hill and one of the country's most high-profile climate science deniers has been handed a defeat by the Environmental Protection Agency. It is going forward with its fracking study. > read more

Statetap: Colorado’s edible complex

At a long and heated public policy hearing in Denver, the proposed all-out ban on pot-edibles in the state was met with outcry bordering on panic, before it was swiftly retracted. > read more

Wiretap: Snowden wants an open trial, Ellsberg style

"I've told the government again and again that if they’re prepared to offer an open trial, a fair trial, and I’m allowed to make my case to the jury, I would love to do so. But they’ve declined." > read more

Again: A Denver sheriff’s deputy, a homeless man and a Taser

A Denver sheriff's deputy attempted to use a Taser on an apparent vagrant the same morning a jury slapped the city with an historic penalty in the death of a homeless man Tasered by deputies at the city jail. > read more

Statetap: Plugging a mine; plugging for Udall

State workers stopped up an abandoned mine that spews toxic heavy metals into the Peru Creek — a tributary of Snake River which ends up in Dillon Reservoir — in Summit County last week. Will the work finally stop the spewing? > read more

Wiretap: A ‘dark day for democracy’ in Texas

"If voters can't be protected after findings of intentional racial discrimination and a permanent injunction in a case where there was a year of discovery, nine days of trial and a comprehensive District Court opinion, when will they be?" > read more


Chasing Light: Textures

Combing through hundreds of autumnal photos today, I was struck by a few that evoked a sense of forest textures and layers. In each case, […] > read more