
Police: Assault Call Precedes Fatal McKinney House Fire

Monitored Health Care Workers Hit Milestone

Dallas city leaders are celebrating another milestone Wednesday as health care workers... Read More

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First Look at Proposed High-Speed Rail

The Dallas Morning News editorial writer Rudolph Bush takes a look at the Texas... Watch Video

Emmitt Not Ready to Confer Triplets 2.0

One of the Triplets from the '90s warns that it's still premature to anoint the... Read More

Pond Liners Used Against Zebra Mussels

Pond liners are being used to try to stop zebra mussels from spreading at a Central... Read More

Pleasant Surprises: Nick Martinez

In a season-ending countdown, we'll take a look at some of the more pleasant... Read More

Weird News
Cappuccino-Flavored Potato Chips Rejected

America has rejected the idea of cappuccino-flavored Lay's potato chips. Read More

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