"Police officers don’t like to be held accountable — and prosecutors tend to cover for corrupt police officers," says Austin activist Antonio Buehler, who is awaiting a verdict in his trial over a charge of "failure to obey a lawful order" ...after he filmed a 2012 arrest.

An Austin police officer has accused Buehler of being "a domestic terrorist threat" over his filming of police actions. He is co-founder of the group Peaceful Streets Project, whose members record the local police and post videos online.
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We get a live report from Indonesia by investigative journalist Allan Nairn, whose dispatches shook up the presidential race when he reported on the human rights abuses committed by former army general Prabowo Subianto and his statement that Indonesia needs "a benign authoritarian regime" because the country was “not ready for democracy."
In headlines today, we report that a newly obtained audit shows the U.S. Postal Service approved nearly 50,000 requests last year from law enforcement and its own inspection unit to secretly monitor Americans' mail. The New York Times reports the number is far higher than what the Postal Service had previously disclosed.
If you live in Oslo, we hope you can attend Amy Goodman's talk on Saturday.
Amy Goodman's photo.
Saturday, November 1 at 5:45pm in UTC+01
66 people are going
Tune in Tuesday when we'll be joined by Sheldon Krimsky, author of the new book, "The GMO Deception: What You Need to Know about the Food, Corporations, and Government Agencies Putting Our Families and Our Environment at Risk." In the meantime, read the introduction on our website, and share your comments below.
"There is a fundamental principle both of decency and common sense, which is, we should not leave people anywhere in the world bereft of a basic, functioning primary health system," says economist Jeffrey Sachs of The Earth Institute, which hosted a conference today titled, “The Ebola Crisis: What It Means for West Africa and the World.”
Did you know that there have been more than 75 school shootings since the Newtown massacre that left 26 dead in December 2012?
"The nomination of President Barack Obama’s choice to fill the public health position of surgeon general, Dr. Vivek Murthy, is languishing in the U.S. Senate. You would think that an Ebola epidemic would move people to transcend partisan politics."

Read Amy Goodman's latest column.
Amy Goodman is in Austria! If you are nearby, please consider attending this event today.
The Austrian newspaper Der Standard reports the NSA has accessed nearly 70 percent of telecommunications in Vienna, home to thousands of diplomats from around the world.

"The main thing that Edward Snowden did to the world is to provide evidence on things that we were suspicious about previously," explains Andreas Krisch, president of European Digital Rights.
"When I look at the documents that were being discussed now, both IAEA’s weapons report and the leaks that have come out, they look just the same. It looks like the same pattern of forgeries," explains Robert Kelley, who was part of the IAEA’s Iraq Action Team in 2003.

He is speaking out now because, "I learned firsthand how withholding the facts can lead to bloodshed."
"If the Constitution can be used against one, it can be used against all," says Mumia Abu Jamal via phone from SCI Mahanoy Prison in Frackville, Pennsylvania.

Do you agree with him that the new Pennsylvania law is unconstitutional?
"If the U.S. has problems with securing some of these top-secret facilities housing nuclear weapons, what about the rest of the world?" questions Elena Sokova of the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation.

"Global Zero is a goal of getting down to zero nuclear weapons."
In headlines today, we report that a small city in Florida has voted for the state's southern counties to secede due to inaction by state leaders on climate change. Citing the risks posed by rising sea levels, city commissioners in South Mi...ami passed a measure approving the creation of a new state called South Florida, saying it was "a necessity for the very survival of the entire southern region of the current state of Florida."

Florida Gov. Rick Scott has refused to acknowledge climate change is manmade. He is running against former governor Charlie Crist in a tight race for re-election.
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"This is an extremely important verdict, because we’re talking about a mercenary industry — a war industry — that has largely operated in a Wild West atmosphere, where there’s absolutely no accountability," explains Jeremy Scahill.
#tbt It was nine years ago in 2005 when Jeremy Scahill appeared on Democracy Now! to discuss his investigations into the private security company Blackwater, which at that time had been hired to patrol the streets of New Orleans after Hurri...cane Katrina. Well, today he was back in the studio to give analysis on the guilty verdicts against four Blackwater operatives involved in the 2007 massacre at Baghdad’s Nisour Square. His new article for The Intercept is "Blackwater Founder Remains Free and Rich While His Former Employees Go Down on Murder Charges." See his interview: http://owl.li/De1k2

As you know, his reporting on Blackwater, which has since renamed itself Academi, was the basis for his bestselling book, "Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army." Over the years, he has reported many times about Blackwater on our program. Watch those reports here: http://www.democracynow.org/topics/blackwater

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Photo: #tbt It was nine years ago in 2005 when Jeremy Scahill appeared on Democracy Now! to discuss his investigations into the private security company Blackwater, which at that time had been hired to patrol the streets of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Well, today he was back in the studio to give analysis on the guilty verdicts against four Blackwater operatives involved in the 2007 massacre at Baghdad’s Nisour Square. His new article for The Intercept is "Blackwater Founder Remains Free and Rich While His Former Employees Go Down on Murder Charges." See his interview: http://owl.li/De1k2 

As you know, his reporting on Blackwater, which has since renamed itself Academi, was the basis for his bestselling book, "Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army." Over the years, he has reported many times about Blackwater on our program. Watch those reports here: http://www.democracynow.org/topics/blackwater 

Live in Vienna? Amy Goodman is speaking Friday night and we would love to see you in the audience!

And if you have friends, colleagues or family in the city, can you please share this event information?
Amy Goodman's photo.
Friday, October 24 at 7:00pm in UTC+02
48 people went
Watch our report on how New Yorkers joined in the 19th annual National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and Criminalization of a Generation, and leave a comment on how you participated in the day of action.
“One important action that the United States could take is to live up to its own laws. Of course it would be nice if it lived up to international law, but maybe that’s too much to ask,” said Noam Chomsky in a discussion about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Breaking news: The jury has just returned guilty verdicts for all four former Blackwater guards charged in the 2007 Nisoor Square killings in Iraq. See our recent coverage of the trial.
“Many of the world’s problems are so intractable that it’s hard to think of ways even to take steps towards mitigating them. The Israel-Palestine conflict is not one of these,” said Noam Chomsky.

"On the contrary, the general outlines of a diplomatic solution have been clear for at least 40 years."
In our first headline today, we report that the Pentagon is investigating evidence that an airdrop of weapons intended for Kurdish fighters has ended up in the hands of Islamic State militants.

Watch this video to learn more.