Dominic Dezzutti’s Blog


What Would You Ask the Candidates for Governor?

If you had direct access to the candidates for Governor, what would you ask them?

13 hours ago

(credit: CBS)

Don’t Forget The Down Ticket Races

The races for U.S. Senate and for governor have captured all of the attention this election season, but it’s important not to forget the other major statewide races that will make a major impact in Colorado.


Mail-in ballots from Larimer County (credit: CBS)

The Impact of Colorado’s 3 Week Election Day

Colorado’s three week long Election Day started this week and brings with it some hidden costs.


(credit: CPT-12)

Spicy, Meaty and Hearty: The CD6 Debate

CBS4 and CPT-12 hosted a debate featuring the candidates running in the Sixth Congressional District, one of the most hotly contested races in the nation, and it was everything we should expect from candidates running for election.


(credit: CBS)

October: When The Games Really Get Fun

Even though the election campaign has been going on for months, everything comes down to the month of October and how unaffiliated voters feel right now. Let the games begin!


(credit: CBS)

Fight For The State Senate Hits The Airwaves

We’re used to seeing the big races and ballot issues fight it out over the TV airwaves, but now the fight for the Colorado State Senate joins the crowded commercial breaks.


From left to right: Alan Gionet, Michael Jones (Senior), Ross Sneider (Junior), Adina Glickstein (Junior), Dominic Dezzutti, host of Colorado Decides, Susan McHugh, the debate coach of the Denver East Forensics team, and Matt Murphy, the head coach of the Denver East Forensics Team. Also, not pictured but a participant in the program was Dylan Salzman (Senior). (photo credit: Alan Gionet)

High School Students Showing How To Be Responsible Voters

They may not be old enough to vote, but these high school students are showing the right way to consider issues on the 2014 Colorado Ballot.


(credit: CBS)

Polling: What To Believe & What To Ignore

The wide range of polling results this week have caused some confusion, but all point to how tight the races in Colorado really are.


Mike Dunafon (credit: CPT12)

Can Third Party Candidates Tap into Voter Anger?

While the alternate party and independent candidates running in Colorado may not win the races they are running, they can make a difference in a state that is handcrafted for a different voice.


Cory Gardner, left, Mark Udall, right (credit: CBS)

Club 20 Debates Feature Incumbents Going On Offense

The Club 20 debates kicked off the debate season for 2014 season, but will we have the opportunity to see Mark Udall and Cory Gardner actually debate on TV this fall?



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