
Teenager Says Man In Van Tried To Kidnap Her

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(credit: CBS)

(credit: CBS)

ADAMS COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4) – A teenage girl is shaken after she told police someone tried to kidnap her off a street near Westminster.

The 13-year-old said she was walking at 10:30 a.m. or so on Tuesday when a man in an olive-colored van pulled up and started walking towards her. That was near West 70th Avenue and Lipan Street.

The girl was able to get away.

She described the man as follows:

- Tall and skinny with dark hair and brown eyes
– Wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans
– Wearing a blue bandana tied around the lower part of his face

(credit: CBS)

(credit: CBS)

Anyone with any information that might help police in their investigation of the incident is asked to contact the Adams County Sheriff’s office at 303-288-1535.

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