What Would You Ask the Candidates for Governor?

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Dominic Dezzutti By Dominic Dezzutti
CBSDenver.com Blogger
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This time of year it’s easy to feel disconnected from the candidates running in the election. Thirty second ads and big campaign appearances don’t make personal connections.

But CBS 4 and CPT-12 hope to change that, if at least a little bit, by offering you a unique opportunity.

CBS4 and CPT-12 will host the final Governor’s Race Debate of the season, this Friday at 6:00pm on CBS4 and 8:00pm on CPT-12.

We want to include questions from you, the Colorado voter. If you had a shot to ask both major party candidates a question, what would it be?

You can trust that our debate producers have the big topics covered. But what are the other areas that we should include? What are the most important issues that no one is talking about?

When you place your vote for Governor, what issues influence your decision?

We’re counting on you to help us keep the candidates focused on the issues and questions that matter to you.

You might be tempted to ignore this opportunity. You might be tempted to consider that what you think doesn’t matter. But, you would be terribly wrong.

The candidates have heard hundreds of questions written by debate producers like myself. We’ll work hard to tackle the topics in different ways, but they have high paid professionals that can predict many of our topics.

But those same professionals would have a much tougher time predicting exactly what is on your mind. And you have a unique perspective that you can include in your question.

Are you a working mom, a recent retiree or maybe a college student? Perhaps you work in the energy or health care industry? Are you a Colorado native or did work bring you to the Centennial State recently?

All of these qualities and more can make your question unique and the answers provided by the candidates could be more than illuminating.

None of the major polls show the Governor’s race very far outside the margin of error. A few thousand votes may be the margin of victory.

Your one question can make a difference.

If I have convinced you to contribute a question, you can leave us a comment here or tweet one to #CBS4Debate.

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.

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About The Blogger

- Dominic Dezzutti, producer of the Colorado Decides debate series, a co-production of CBS4 and Colorado Public Television, looks at the local and national political scene in his CBSDenver.com blog. Read new entries here usually every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Dezzutti writes about federal, state and local matters and how our elected leaders are handling the issues important to Colorado. Dezzutti is also the host and producer of the Emmy award winning Colorado Inside Out on Colorado Public Television.

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