
Glenwood Hopes New Hot Springs Heats Up Tourism

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GLENWOOD SPRING, COLO. (CBS4) - Construction has started on a new natural hot springs in Glenwood Springs. But it’s different than the iconic pools visitors are used to.

This area has a rich history for hot springs.

“This property was part of a property of a hot springs in 1896. So it was a hot springs for about 80 years, got into disrepair and got torn down.” Steve Beckley, the owner of Iron Mountain Hot Springs, said. He’s been working on the project for about three years.

Beckley said the property draws from four different water sources with temperatures ranging from 102 to 125.

Unlike the massive pools that draw hundreds in downtown Glenwood Springs, the new attraction will be more intimate with smaller pools and different temperatures.

The hot springs is scheduled to be open by Memorial Day.

The town says it’s another option that’s helping Glenwood become a bigger tourist destination.

“It builds Glenwood Springs more as a destination for hot springs because it’s a different type of resort than the one that we already have,” Lis Langer of Visit Glenwood said. “We think extended stays are going to happen as a result of this.”

Glenwood has seen a steady increase in lodging taxes, setting the highest marks this year since before the recession.

Beckley says he’s hoping this helps make Glenwood Springs a bigger star on the state map.

“We’re very bullish about it,” he said. “Glenwood is one of the top destinations in Colorado.”

A model of the new hot springs (credit: CBS)

A model of the new hot springs (credit: CBS)



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