The family of Amber Vinson, the second nurse to contract Ebola, has released a second statement regarding her travel before being diagnosed with the deadly virus.

Vinson's family defended her decision to fly from Cleveland to Dallas on Frontier Flight 1143.

"To be clear, in no way was Amber careless prior to or after her exposure to Mr. Thomas Eric Duncan. She has not and would not knowingly expose herself or anyone else," the statement reads.

Vinson was the first to request to stay at Texas Health Presbyterian until the end of her 21-day monitoring period, according to the statement. She was told that the agency would consider it.

The statement asserts that Vinson was fully cleared to travel by the CDC, and that she was contacted by the Dallas County Health Department after her colleague, Nina Pham, was diagnosed with Ebola. The Health Department reached out to all healthcare workers who had contact with Thomas Duncan, who died of Ebola on Oct. 8.

Vinson arranged to fly back to Dallas as a precaution after being informed of Pham's diagnosis.

Her family's statement emphasizes that Vinson cooperated with the hospital and the CDC and was proactive in self-monitoring her symptoms before diagnosis.

"Suggestions that she ignored any of the physician and government-provided protocols recommended to her are patently untrue and hurtful," the statement reads.

Below is the full letter from Amber Vinson's family.

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