
Where politics, government and energy intersect.

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Voters Cast Ballots in First-Ever Push to Ban Fracking in Texas

For Cathy McMullen, the reasons to ban fracking in Denton are as obvious at the drilling rig that sits on the corner of Masch Branch and Hampton Road on the northwest side of town. It’s big, it’s noisy, and she believes it vents toxic emissions into the community. The site is, however, not very close to [...]

Texas PUC Leaves CenterPoint’s ‘Excess Revenue’ Untouched

CenterPoint Energy, a state-regulated utility that maintains poles and wires for over two million electricity customers, had millions of dollars in “excess revenue” last year. At its meeting Friday morning, the Texas Public Utilities Commission considered whether something should be done about that. A report from the PUC’s staff said that last year alone CenterPoint had [...]

How Much ‘Excess Revenue’ Did CenterPoint Energy Make?

The Texas Public Utility Commission meets Friday and will consider a report that says the Houston utility company, CenterPoint Energy, made almost $47 million in “excess revenue” last year. According to one utility watch-dog group, that’s too much. CenterPoint Energy doesn’t sell electricity. It delivers it through thousands of miles of power lines. A charge is added [...]

KRTS: Public Access to Chinati Mountains State Natural Area Secured

The Chinati Mountains State Natural Area in south Presidio County finally has public access, according to Corky Kulhmann, senior project manager for land conservation for Texas Parks and Wildlife. This is news given exclusively to KRTS. For eight years, Kulhmann and his team have been working to gain public access to 39,000 acres donated to [...]

Energy Secretary Moniz Comments On Proposed Denton Fracking Ban (Sort Of)

It’s not every day that you get to talk to the US Secretary of Energy about how the oil and gas boom affected your hometown. So, when Alyssa Wolverton saw her chance, she took it. After delivering the keynote speech at this year’s SXSW Eco conference, Department of Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz took some questions from [...]

Texas Lost Over 1 Million Acres Of Private Farm and Ranch Land In 15 Years

Talk of Texas often conjures images of wide open ranch land and farmers at work their fields. But that iconic territory is being lost, according to a new analysis. Dr. Roel Lopez, director for Texas A&M Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, says the state lost over 1 million acres of privately-owned farm land and forest land [...]

Will Texas Even Bother Trying to Comply With EPA’s Clean Power Plan?

As greenhouse gases reach their highest concentrations in human history, the Obama administration has pledged to take action on climate change, unveiling a Clean Power Plan this summer to go after a prime target of those emissions: coal power plants. And true to form, that plan is running into opposition from lawmakers and regulators in [...]

State Lawmakers Consider the Impacts of EPA Regulations

Texas will need to make big cuts in carbon emissions over the next 15 years under a mandate from the Environmental Protection Agency.  You can expect to hear complaints about the EPA rule at a two-day meeting of the House Environmental Regulations Committee starting Monday. The federal agency and state leaders have been at odds for years and many conservatives [...]

Perry: More American Energy to Counter Russian Aggression

Governor Rick Perry says the United States can keep Russia in check by increasing the production of oil and gas here at home.Perry spoke last night in Houston at a conference on energy and climate policy, sponsored by the conservative think tank the Texas Public Policy Foundation. “The reliance on oil has made us more dependent [...]

Eminent Domain Debate Goes To The Railroad Commission

Last year at a farm in outside of Beaumont, Dick O’Keefe sat at the kitchen table and talked about how a pipeline had come to his land. The company had claimed eminent domain powers. O’Keefe was not convinced. “The pipeline companies should have to demonstrate that they have the right of eminent domain before they [...]

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