San Antonio city seal

Code for America will leave the City of San Antonio with a cool app that helps our citizens by fulfilling a service need for our Citizens and, ideally, likewise helps a business unit tasked with fulfilling that service.

More than that, though, they’ll leave us with a successful example of how agile methods can be applied to solve problems that are too small to survive our sometimes overly restrictive formal processes, governance structures, and organizational silos. Sure we’ll be capable of sustaining what they’ve built for us, but we’ll also have a new toolset to solve the next problem that comes our way.

Kevin Goodwin, ITSD Asst. Director, City of San Antonio

The 2014 Fellowship in San Antonio

San Antonio loves its neighborhoods. The way people interact with their neighborhoods has a huge impact on the neighborhood’s viability and the quality of life it provides for residents. Well-kept neighborhoods with vibrant social scenes are highly sought after; their property values increase, and businesses build up around them. The Fellows want to help residents come together and fix up their neighborhoods for themselves and the community at large.

The goal of the Fellows' work in San Antonio is to empower residents to own the city they live in, and to give residents the opportunity to give fearless feedback and fix community problems themselves.
  • Homebase will make it easy to apply for permits, find grants, and pick the right contractors to work on home repair projects. The Fellows believe these three elements are the key to encouraging people to take the first step toward improving their homes.
  • Fix That Problem is a website explains building and property code violations in simple-to-understand language and points citizens to the resources to address them.
In partnership with San Antonio, the Fellows are also helping the city continue its efforts to be more transparent and modernize its internal technology processes. Check out the Fellows' mid-year update to learn more.

Meet the team:

  • David Leonard

    San Antonio Team

    David is an ace designer. He recently worked as Digital Design Coordinator for Gannett's Louisville Design studio. He focused on helping Gannett newspapers lead the charge into a digital future with tablet-only publications. He also crafted front pages for the Cincinnati Enquirer, Indianapolis Star and…


  • Amy Mok

    San Antonio Team

    Amy is a software engineer with a passion for space and social impact. Most recently, she led a team to identify and implement common designs in flight software to improve productivity in Lockheed Martin. She holds a BA in Computer Science from UC Berkeley and a MS in Software Engineering from Carnegie…


  • Maya Benari

    San Antonio Team

    Maya is a web designer and developer from Los Angeles. She is passionate about creating beautiful and functional online spaces that make a positive impact on the world. Recently she's developed the NRDC's Demand Clean Power campaign and led the US & Brazil teams to launch a new web presence …


Team Leads: Hugh Miller, Chief Technology Officer; Kevin Goodwin, Assistant IT Director Enterprise Applications
Community Partners: 80/20 Foundation

Follow the fellows' progress on their blog Techzans

Contribute to the San Antonio team's work on Github.

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