Program Overview

Code for All is an international network of civic innovators who are helping to transform their own communities by using technology to improve government and foster citizen engagement. We are teaching and learning from each other, sharing insights and tools, and making sure that all of our work is better because we are connected.

Program Contact: Lynn Fine, International Programs Manager,

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Country Partners

Advisors and Mentors

Stacy Donohue, Director of Investments, Omidyar Network

David Eaves, Public Policy and Open Government Entrepreneur

Felipe Heusser, Director, Ciudadano Inteligente

Ginny Hunt, Principal, Strategy and Civic Innovation, Google

Andrew McLaughlin, SVP, betaworks and CEO, Digg

Ory Okolloh, Director of Investments, Omidyar Network

Tom Steinberg, Founder and Executive Director, MySociety

Chris Vein, Chief Innovation Officer, World Bank

Ethan Zuckerman, Director, Center for Civic Media, MIT

What We Believe

CfA and its international partners operate under the following shared values:

  • We write code. Though the ultimate goal is sustainable institutional change, it starts with building technology. Teams of fellows function like a small start-up within government, quickly delivering tools that solve real problems.
  • We show what’s possible. Using lean start-up methods and design thinking, Code for All fellows create interfaces to government that are simple, beautiful, and easy to use, and do this dramatically faster and cheaper than through traditional channels. Showing what’s possible changes the conversation, sets a new bar, and creates political will for innovation in government.
  • We improve government, not politics. Code for All’s work focuses on opening and innovating the bureaucracy of government: how government delivers services, communicates with citizens, and creates opportunity. We leave the reform of politics to other organizations.
  • We operate in public. Everything we build is open source. We actively encourage documentation, sharing, and app reuse.
  • We help build an ecosystem. Whenever possible we reuse existing tools and platforms, encouraging integration and extension.

Program History

In 2013, groups in Mexico (Laboratorio para la Ciudad), Germany (Open Knowledge Foundation Germany) and the Caribbean (Slashroots) adapted Code for America's model to suit their countries. The groups continue to tweak their programs establishing their process along the way. Since then a number of new partners have also established programs.

Sponsors / Funders