Sports & Recreation

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Best TV Sports Anchor Dallas 2011 - Mike Doocy

Readers' Choice: Dale Hansen
Channel 8's Dale Hansen may have pushed our policy on term limits had his banter with weatherman Pete Delkus not deteriorated from witty to warped. Mike Doocy has the advantage of batting first in the sports wrap-up show game each Sunday night, and more often than not he takes advantage with a solid, often spectacular Sports Sunday on Fox 4. His highlights are comprehensive. His graphics are by far the best on local television. He provides one-on-one interviews. And his popular "Open Mike" segment gives a voice to everyone from Steve Busby to Tony Casillas to RJ Choppy. Furthermore, we know Hansen is secretly jealous of Doocy's perfectly coiffed hair. Actually, that's not a secret.
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Like Doocy's toupee too.

