San Juan Basin

Black Hills Expects Mancos Wells to Flow by End of Year

Rapid City, SD-based Black Hills Corp., as it has been of late, remains focused on its substantial oil and natural gas holdings in the Mancos Shale within the San Juan and Piceance basins, CEO David Emery said Tuesday during a conference call to discuss third quarter performance (see Shale Daily,Oct. 7).

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Encana's Top Five Money Makers Getting Bulk of Budget

Encana Corp., in stress mode since natural gas prices collapsed in 2009, will spend 75% of 2014 capital on only five North American onshore plays, all oily and liquids-rich, a strategy that within four years is designed to create a more evenly balanced operator. Read More

Permian, California Focus Oxy's U.S. Growth Plans, CEO Says

Stepped-up activity in unconventional plays in both the Permian Basin and California are at the heart of growth plans for Los Angeles-based Occidental Petroleum Corp. (Oxy) as outlined by senior executives Tuesday during a 3Q2013 earnings conference call in which they reported increased profits. Read More

Encana Reverses Losses, Lifts Liquids Volumes 92%

Encana Corp. recorded its second consecutive profitable period in the third quarter, and the move to oil and natural gas liquids (NGL) also trended higher, with volumes up 92% year/year, the Calgary operator said Wednesday.

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California House Republicans Weigh In on Fracking Law

A group of Republicans in the California congressional delegation led by Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy warned Gov. Jerry Brown last Thursday that implementation of the state's new hydraulic fracturing (fracking) legislation (SB 4), signed into law last month, should not get in the way of the state's oil/natural gas resurgence. Read More

Drill, Baby, Drill -- Faster Still

The average U.S. onshore drilling rig is producing 2% more wells than it did three months ago, and increasingly, rigs are targeting liquids-rich plays over those known for producing... Read More

Black Hills Content as Small Mancos E&P, Execs Say

With strategic objectives to keep oil and natural gas exploration/production (E&P) as no more than a quarter of its utility-dominated overall business, Rapid City, SD-based Black Hills Corp. is content to take a slow, steady approach to developing its shale and other gas resources, its executives told Wall Street analysts Thursday. Read More

WPX Adds San Juan Basin to Growing List of Targets

 WPX Energy has achieved its second exploratory success of the year, this time from the Mancos Gallup Sandstone formation in the oil window of Northwest New Mexico's San Juan Basin, company management said during an earnings conference call. Read More