Wild claims vs. facts and figures on Obamacare

I am new to Dallas, but it seems that the there are contrasting views on a given subject of public concern. I believe this column certainly qualifies as a concern to most everybody.

Grace-Marie Turner of the Galen Institute wrote of the higher costs and that virtually everyone will pay higher premiums on Obamacare, and backed her assertions with facts and figures.

Dean Baker, a macroeconomist and co-founder of the Center for Economic Policy and Research, wrote a far different column. From the headline to the last paragraph, he attacks Republicans and promotes the Democratic legislation called the Affordable Care Act.

Baker makes wild claims that I believe are his opinions. He claims that the ACA will not lead to rationing of services, socialized medicine and death panels. I believe it’s too early to tell.

Employers are hiring part-time employees rather than full-time in spite of his conclusion. Republicans feel the ACA is a disaster just waiting to happen, and how does he conclude that Medicare will save over $1 trillion in the next decade?

He somehow projects job growth of $2.5 million a year and the ACA is only a few months old. Finally, he says adding 5 million people to Medicaid is a success.

Hank Schichtle, McKinney 



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