Clay Jenkins will get my vote

Re: “Jenkins’ high profile attracts praise, scorn — Some see political motives in his efforts,” Friday news story.

As a lifelong Republican voter, I must admit that County Judge Clay Jenkins is a statesman worthy of emulation.

His willingness to become personally involved in a number of important issues such as mosquito spraying, the plight of unaccompanied migrant children and, most recently, the well-being of a Dallas family terrorized by Ebola is the type of servant leadership more politicians should aspire to.

Actions are always more meaningful than words, especially when it involves political and personal risk.

The judge and I are former neighbors and I remember quite vividly encountering him early one wintry morning as he was lying sprawled out on the sidewalk in front of his home. He had slipped on the ice and broken his leg in several places.

As we waited for the ambulance, he seemed more interested in what my day would entail than what his current predicament would for his.

If his name is on my ballot come Election Day, he’ll surely receive my vote.

Jack Vaughn, Dallas/Greenway Parks



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