Tea party conservatives are rightly saying ‘we’ve had enough’

Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor plans to step aside from his leadership post following his primary election loss.

As I write this column, the tea party is basking in the glow of a blowout primary victory in Virginia that sent longtime U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor back to the private sector. Like so many in Washington, Cantor was well-connected with his fellow members but not so much in tune with his constituents. Like other establishment Republicans, Cantor is discovering that the tea party isn’t a party at all. It’s simply conservative Americans who want a voice.

These constituents appreciate President Ronald Reagan’s belief in a “big tent” party. On that we can agree. But conservatives today are at least as concerned about our burgeoning national debt, the horrors of Obamacare and the disastrous foreign policy of the Obama administration as about the major wedge issue of illegal immigration.

Since the election of President Barack Obama, Americans of both parties have seen change in this country such as they’ve never witnessed before. His signature accomplishment, the tragically named Affordable Care Act, has completed a government takeover of health care. In a majority of states, men can now marry other men. The Environmental Protection Agency is attacking coal-fired energy plants, causing electricity costs to soar. The president is threatening additional unilateral action in the name of abating climate change. And we have a humanitarian crisis along our southern border with tens of thousands of young people illegally crossing into America, hoping for amnesty.

What do all these things have in common?

The voice of the American people was not heard in any of these monumental changes. Obamacare was passed without a single Republican vote. Activist judges are tossing out state laws against gay marriage that were duly passed by the people. Obama is using his pen and his phone for his climate change schemes.

That’s what I mean when I say “the tea party” is actually “the people.” And, yes, these people are rightly concerned about the massive influx of young illegals crossing the border.

Parents in crime- and drug-riddled Mexico and Central America see daily reports about the DREAM Act and hear Obama and House Speaker John Boehner on TV talking about what sounds to them like amnesty. The adults want their kids to have a better life, so encouraged by the news reports, they are willing to risk the treacherous journey through Mexico.

And they’ve been proven right. We’ve sent no one back. We’ve set up shelters and we provide food, clothing and lawyers.

If only the people in North Korea, Syria and Ethiopia could get in on this. Imagine how we could flood our schools and hospitals with immigrants — and how compassionate we could be — so long as the taxpayers are not maxed out.

What we are experiencing in America is the tea party — the people — saying “enough.”

Cantor, who campaigned against amnesty but took a different attitude in Washington, has learned that not all the people are low-information voters. Some are paying attention — like that 5.5 percent that voted in the Texas primary runoff. Don’t think for a moment they are the only ones. Like frustrated job seekers, some have given up on politics and simply dropped out.

We need a comprehensive plan to address illegal immigration that makes sense for our country. It would address language, “anchor babies,” chain migration, a sensible guest worker program, measures to protect our schools, hospitals and social services, and a strategy to deal with immigrants who commit violent crimes. We could get a big tent for that.

The people don’t seem to be buying the gloom-and-doom of encroaching demographics. Instead, they want a say in how their country is being run.

Lynn Woolley is a Texas-based talk show host. He blogs at www.WBDaily.com.

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