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‘We Have No Choice': One Woman’s Ordeal with Texas’ New Sonogram Law

The painful decision to terminate a pregnancy is now—thanks to Texas' harsh new law—just the beginning of the torment.
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Jed Obray Photography

Halfway through my pregnancy, I learned that my baby was ill. Profoundly so. My doctor gave us the news kindly, but still, my husband and I weren’t prepared. Just a few minutes earlier, we’d been smiling giddily at fellow expectant parents as we waited for the doctor to see us. In a sonography room smelling faintly of lemongrass, I’d just had gel rubbed on my stomach, just seen blots on the screen become tiny hands. For a brief, exultant moment, we’d seen our son—a brother for our 2-year-old girl.

Yet now my doctor was looking grim and, with chair pulled close, was speaking of alarming things. “I’m worried about your baby’s head shape,” she said. “I want you to see a specialist—now.”

My husband looked angry, and maybe I did too, but it was astonishment more than anger. Ours was a profound disbelief that something so bad might happen to people who think themselves charmed. We already had one healthy child and had expected good fortune to give us two.

Instead, before I’d even known I was pregnant, a molecular flaw had determined that our son’s brain, spine and legs wouldn’t develop correctly. If he were to make it to term—something our doctor couldn’t guarantee—he’d need a lifetime of medical care. From the moment he was born, my doctor told us, our son would suffer greatly.

So, softly, haltingly, my husband asked about termination. The doctor shot me a glance that said: Are you okay to hear this now? I nodded, clenched my fists and focused on the cowboy boots beneath her scrubs.

She started with an apology, saying that despite being responsible for both my baby’s care and my own, she couldn’t take us to the final stop. The hospital with which she’s affiliated is Catholic and doesn’t allow abortion. It felt like a physical blow to hear that word, abortion, in the context of our much-wanted child. Abortion is a topic that never seemed relevant to me; it was something we read about in the news or talked about politically; it always remained at a safe distance. Yet now its ugly fist was hammering on my chest.

My doctor went on to tell us that, just two weeks prior, a new Texas law had come into effect requiring that women wait an extra 24 hours before having the procedure. Moreover, Austin has only one clinic providing second-trimester terminations, and that clinic might have a long wait. “Time is not on your side,” my doctor emphasized gently. For this reason, she urged us to seek a specialist’s second opinion the moment we left her office. “They’re ready for you,” she said, before ushering us out the back door to shield us from the smiling patients in the waiting room.

The specialist confirmed what our doctor had feared and sketched a few diagrams to explain. He hastily drew cells growing askew, quick pen-strokes to show when and where life becomes blighted. How simple, I thought, to just undraw those lines and restore my child to wholeness. But this businesslike man was no magician, and our bleak choices still lay ahead.

Next a genetic counselor explained our options and told us how abortions work. There was that word again, and how jarring and out-of-place it sounded. Weren’t we those practical types who got married in their 30s, bought a house, rescued a dog, then, with sensible timing, had one child followed by another? Weren’t we so predictable that friends forecast our milestones on Facebook? Suddenly something was wrong with our story, because something was wrong with our son. Something so wrong that any choice we made would unyoke us forever from our ordinary life.

Our options were grim. We learned that we could bring our baby into the world, then work hard to palliate his pain, or we could alleviate that pain by choosing to “interrupt” my pregnancy. The surgical procedure our counselor described was horrific, but then so seemed our son’s prospects in life. In those dark moments we had to make a choice, so we picked the one that seemed slightly less cruel. Before that moment, I’d never known how viscerally one might feel dread.

That afternoon, my husband and I drove through a spaghetti of highways, one of which led us to a nondescript building between a Wendy’s and a Brake Check. This was Planned Parenthood’s surgical center, part of the organization constantly in the news thanks to America’s polarizing cultural debates. On that very day, Planned Parenthood’s name was on the cover of newspapers because of a funding controversy with the Susan G. Komen Foundation. These clinics, and the controversial services they provide, are always under scrutiny. The security cameras, the double-doors and the restricted walkways assured us of that fact.

While my husband filled out the paperwork, I sat on a hard chair in the spartan reception area and observed my fellow patients. I was the oldest woman in the waiting room, as well as the only one who was visibly pregnant. The other patients either sat with their mothers or, enigmatically, alone. Together we solemnly marked time, waiting for our turn behind the doors.

Eventually we were called back, not to a consulting room, but to another holding area. There, the staff asked my husband to wait while a counselor spoke to me in private. My husband sat down. Posters above him warned women about signs of domestic abuse.

Meanwhile, I was enclosed with a cheerful-looking counselor who had colored hair and a piercing in her nose. Feeling like someone who’d stumbled into the wrong room, I told her between choked sobs how we’d arrived at her clinic on the highway.

“I am so sorry,” the young woman said with compassion, and nudged the tissues closer. Then, after a moment’s pause, she told me reluctantly about the new Texas sonogram law that had just come into effect. I’d already heard about it. The law passed last spring but had been suppressed by legal injunction until two weeks earlier.

My counselor said that the law required me to have another ultrasound that day, and that I was legally obligated to hear a doctor describe my baby. I’d then have to wait 24 hours before coming back for the procedure. She said that I could either see the sonogram or listen to the baby’s heartbeat, adding weakly that this choice was mine.

“I don’t want to have to do this at all,” I told her. “I’m doing this to prevent my baby’s suffering. I don’t want another sonogram when I’ve already had two today. I don’t want to hear a description of the life I’m about to end. Please,” I said, “I can’t take any more pain.” I confess that I don’t know why I said that. I knew it was fait accompli. The counselor could no more change the government requirement than I could. Yet here was a superfluous layer of torment piled upon an already horrific day, and I wanted this woman to know it.

“We have no choice but to comply with the law,” she said, adding that these requirements were not what Planned Parenthood would choose. Then, with a warmth that belied the materials in her hand, she took me through the rules. First, she told me about my rights regarding child support and adoption. Then she gave me information about the state inspection of the clinic. She offered me a pamphlet called A Woman’s Right to Know, saying that it described my baby’s development as well as how the abortion procedure works. She gave me a list of agencies that offer free sonograms, and which, by law, have no affiliation with abortion providers. Finally, after having me sign reams of paper, she led me to the doctor who’d perform the sonography, and later the termination.

The doctor and nurse were professional and kind, and it was clear that they understood our sorrow. They too apologized for what they had to do next. For the third time that day, I exposed my stomach to an ultrasound machine, and we saw images of our sick child forming in blurred outlines on the screen.

“I’m so sorry that I have to do this,” the doctor told us, “but if I don’t, I can lose my license.” Before he could even start to describe our baby, I began to sob until I could barely breathe. Somewhere, a nurse cranked up the volume on a radio, allowing the inane pronouncements of a DJ to dull the doctor’s voice. Still, despite the noise, I heard him. His unwelcome words echoed off sterile walls while I, trapped on a bed, my feet in stirrups, twisted away from his voice.

“Here I see a well-developed diaphragm and here I see four healthy chambers of the heart…”

I closed my eyes and waited for it to end, as one waits for the car to stop rolling at the end of a terrible accident.

When the description was finally over, the doctor held up a script and said he was legally obliged to read me information provided by the state. It was about the health dangers of having an abortion, the risks of infection or hemorrhage, the potential for infertility and my increased chance of getting breast cancer. I was reminded that medical benefits may be available for my maternity care and that the baby’s father was liable to provide support, whether he’d agreed to pay for the abortion or not.

Abortion. Abortion. Abortion. That ugly word, to pepper that ugly statement, to embody the futility of all we’d just endured. Futile because we’d already made our heart-breaking decision about our child, and no incursion into our private world could change it.

Finally, my doctor folded the paper and put it away: “When you come back in 24 hours, the legal side is over. Then we’ll care for you and give you the information you need in the way we think is right.”

A day later, we returned to the clinic for the surgery that had us saying goodbye to our son. On top of their medical duties, the nurses also held my hand and wiped my eyes and let me cry like a child in their arms.

Later, in reviewing the state-mandated paperwork I’d signed, I found a statement about women who may opt out of the new sonogram edict. It seemed that minors, victims of rape or incest, and cases in which the baby has an irreversible abnormality might be spared the extra anguish. I asked the Planned Parenthood staff about this and, after conferring privately, they thought that my child’s condition might have exempted me from the new sonogram rules. They apologized for their uncertainty, explaining that the law was so new they’d not had a chance to understand what it means in practice. “Could I have skipped the 24-hour wait, too?” I asked, wondering whether that extra day of distress might have been avoided. “No,” a staffer replied, “the mandatory wait applies to everyone.”

A few weeks later, I decided to clarify this for myself. I asked the Department of State Health Services, the agency responsible for implementing the sonogram law, who exactly is exempt. The department responded by email: “A woman would still be subject to the sonogram but would not be required to hear an explanation of the sonogram images if she certifies in writing that her fetus has an irreversible medical condition as identified by a reliable diagnostic procedure and documented in her medical file.” Based on this reply, it seems that the torturous description I’d borne was just a clerical mistake.

However, in looking through the paperwork I signed for Planned Parenthood, I noticed that the Department of State Health Services had issued technical guidelines four days after I’d been at the clinic. So for three weeks, abortion providers in Texas had been required to follow the sonogram law but had not been given any official instructions on how to implement it. Again, I asked the agency about this, and a spokesman replied as follows: “No specific guidance was issued during that time, but clinics were welcome to ask questions or seek guidance from their legal counsel if there were concerns.”

My experience, it seems, was a byproduct of complex laws being thrown into the tangled world of abortion politics. If I’d been there two weeks earlier or even a week later, I might have avoided the full brunt of this new law’s effect. But not so for those other young women I saw in Planned Parenthood’s waiting room. Unless they fall into one of those exemption categories—the conditions under which the state has deemed that some women’s reasons for having an abortion are morally acceptable—then they’ll have politicians muscling in on their private decisions. But what good is the view of someone who has never had to make your terrible choice? What good is a law that adds only pain and difficulty to perhaps the most painful and difficult decision a woman can make? Shouldn’t women have a right to protect themselves from strangers’ opinions on their most personal matters? Shouldn’t we have the right not to know?

Carolyn Jones is a freelance writer based in Austin. Read more of her work at

  • Persephone

    Well, I haven’t read this article in apparently 9 mos., but perhaps it was because it’s a decision left up to the woman in question? OK, after a quick reread of the article, it is clearly stated that the baby might not have even made it to term, and if born would’ve suffered horribly due to his condition, and would require a lifetime of care. You think that should be your call or the government’s when parents are facing that sort of option? Really? I consider that BIG government and not terribly far from fascism.

    There’s no war on the unborn, babies are being born and gleefully carried to term by millions of happy parents. There is no war on religious liberty, you and everyone else are free to practice your religion as you see fit, but religious liberty doesn’t mean getting your way or imposing it on other people. Period. I don’t have to live by laws based on your religion, you don’t have to live subject to laws based on someone else’s religion, either.

    No war on women? Oh, I’d really love to see your rationale on that one. We have one political party determined to not ensure equal pay to women, nor support the VAWA. Determined to say we should have less say in our reproductive rights, determined to define the “legitimacy” of our rapes. Determined to continue to slut-shame women who speak out for equality (surely you didn’t miss Limbaugh Vs. Fluke?). Determined to keep trying to sponsor ALEC written bills aimed at limiting our rights. Determined to define us FOR us. There is a war on women, and its consequences can clearly be seen in the results of the election last month. Adios, Todd Akin, Mourdock, et al. Thanks for the great rape comment memories!

    This country would be in such better shape if the anti-abortion loons would just get out of the picture. I used to have great sympathy for the pro-life side, and am not personally a “fan” of abortion–but it’s NOT MY RIGHT TO IMPOSE THAT VIEW ON OTHERS. But I also have yet to talk to a single pro-lifer who isn’t a raging religious nut, so I did kind of give up. It’s always nice when they adamantly state that they were at least not in favor of the assassination of Dr. George Tiller, at least.

    Have a great day, I’ll continue to vote in MY best interests, continue to boycott Hobby Lobby, and keep fighting the War on Women while advocating for programs that benefit the babies that are already born, along with the women who gave birth to them. Despite the GOP’s determination to destroy any form of financial aid. Thanks for the reply.

    • William

      Good point! Those who oppose abortion also oppose Health Care Reform. Isn’t that strange, no health care before or after birth. Many a baby was born while the Mother was being sent “elsewhere” for lack of insurance of some sort.

      • Persephone

        Thanks. I have no idea why it took 9 mos. for that reply to show up in my email, but it hit on a day I felt like replying!

  • LauraAkers

    You didn’t answer the question. While pregnancy (at least modern pregnancy) often does involve invasive medical procedures, that’s beside the point. There is a greater risk of injury and death to the mother from carrying to term than having an abortion. If you’re in favor of women being informed, are you therefore in favor of women who come in for a pregnancy test being told that abortion is far safer for them than pregnancy?

    • bb2712

      Your statement that carrying a baby to term is a greater risk than an abortion is not backed up. Abortion being far safer than pregnancy is an absurd comment since one must first be pregnant to have any desire for an abortion.

      • LauraAkers

        You are factually incorrect and trying to legally force doctors to misinform women.

        “Researchers found that women were about 14 times
        more likely to die during or after giving birth to a live baby than to
        die from complications of an abortion.”

        Abortion is safer. But you don’t actually care about giving women the actual facts, are you? Only in manipulating them through lies to follow your conscience rather than their own.

        • Robyn Kern

          Well said Laura!!

      • Adam A. Wanderer

        Simple fact, abortion is safe and decent. Childbirth often kills or injures the mother. Women should know this. They should also know how children will destroy her life and happiness. Women need to keep child filth out of their lives, and abortion is a good way to do it.

        • dragontech64

          Too bad nobody aborted you.

          • Adam A. Wanderer

            It was my Mother’s _choice_. She’d have had a much, much better life if she chose
            abortion. As for me, non-existence doesn’t hurt anyone.
            Abortion, good. Baby, bad!

    • margieR

      Laura is correct, in the developed world, given access to clean water and a diet of at least 1800 calories per day of nutritious food.

  • William

    Pure, lying bull shit and disinformation, you stupid, ignorant forced birther!!! Any reason for an abortion is a good reason. Yes, it’s a war on women by religious women haters. Abortion is normal and decent. Child birth is pure filth!

  • William

    Is that you in the video, Ossibell?

  • William

    It’s between the woman and her Doctor. The Doctor is up to date on the latest medical science. The state of Texas is still in the Dark Ages.

  • William

    Informed of what? Women and their Doctors have the facts. They know that abortion is normal and decent. Any reason for an abortion is a good reason! The fetus needs, and wants, to be aborted.

  • William

    Bull shit! They’re telling the woman deliberate, conscious lies and disinformation.

  • William

    Good point! Perhaps Texas should outlaw Viagra. After all, “God” has dictated that the man not have sex anymore. Who are we to interfere with “God’s will”? Also, the man should have a rectal ultrasound to make sure his prostate is Ok.

    • Cats333

      William: And if they are legislators, they should have to get two on one day and return 24 hours later for a third.

    • margieR

      A monthly rectal ultrasound!

    • Robyn Kern

      I AGREE!

  • William

    Abortion is always the right choice! Birth is always the wrong choice.

  • William

    Bull shit! There’s no shortage of labor in China, it has well over a billion people, most living in abject poverty. There is a shortage of electric power, so they have to build more coal fired plants constantly. Someday, we’ll have to inhale that coal dust when it drifts over here! Abortion is always good.

  • Cats333

    Erin Cleary: Absolutely correct! Thank you!

  • Cats333

    candeee_1: I have been an abortion clinic escort for women seeking abortion for many years. FYI, an escort helps shield the woman from the horrible, disgusting, outrageous comments and completely incorrect graphic signage from the anti-abortion crowd. We used music and umbrellas as well to shut them out. I’ll never forget one woman in particular whose very much wanted baby had already died in the womb. She was forced to cross a gauntlet of so-called “Christians” who were screaming the most vile and hateful comments at her. Their “God” surely was ashamed of these pro-lifers that day. If YOU don’t believe in abortion, there’s a simple answer: DON’T HAVE ONE!! But please, stop your attempts at controlling women’s choices. i.e. STAY OUT OF MY VAGINA!!!

  • Cats333

    I think Adam is one of those people who like to say outrageous things just to get a reaction. Clearly, Adam is a junior high school student. He’s got a lot of maturing to do yet.

    • William

      No, I’m 67 years old. I have seen the sickness and ugliness that children bring to families. The last thing normal, decent adults want in their lives are children!

  • Amanda

    This is completely unacceptable.

  • William

    Is anyone really stupid enough to think that a woman seeking abortion isn’t already informed? Are they stupid enough to think her Doctor can’t answer any questions she may have? The Texas law is an abomination!

  • Callie

    You are an idiot. This woman already had all the information she needed from two other doctors, one of whom was a specialist who could probably tell her more about what was actually wrong with her very-much-wanted baby than anyone else. Making her sit through a third ultrasound was just mean and heartless. Also, there is a difference between being informed with actual medical facts and being barraged with lies, like the scientifically incorrect “information” linking abortion and breast cancer.

  • Gab

    If you were his mother, you would have definitely aborted him :-) ’cause you own everything that comes out of you :-)

  • Gab

    really? you seem to be far from the real world…do you know what are the majority circumstances under which women go for abortion? It is simply – “I made a mistake, did not plan for it”

  • Gab

    sorry sir…do not use populist baseless languages

  • Gab

    as in?

  • Gab

    Women for whom pregnancy is an unplanned mistake, it is a forced information. The law in it’s current form is accurate. What the author went through is unfortunate

  • Gab

    Agreed about the Pregnancy argument

  • Gab

    Excellent Megan!

  • Gab

    Life’s so simple is it ? Answer a simple question – What is integral of exponential x?

  • Gab

    I see our point. Was there any guilt with the Pregnancy? or that got neutralized by the abortion?

    • Xena180

      Why should she have felt guilt with the pregnancy?

    • LauraAkers

      At no point during or since have I felt guilt in relation to any of it. No reason I should. Women have been controlling their reproduction for thousands of years through use of abortifacients. The only difference is that we can now do it much more safely.

  • Gab

    hmmm…peace bro :-)

  • Gab

    Agreed. It was a mistake that she had to go through the ordeal

  • Gab

    Morality Life…Life >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Morality. However, the woman made the right decision

  • Gab

    Forget Jesus…nobody is talking about him

  • Gab

    What the hell!!! :-)

  • Gab

    Racist much ? :-)

    • Xena180

      I believe Rene was sarcastically posing the question to Megan, because most anti-abortionists tend to be Republicans who are very passionately against illegal Mexican immigrants. It’s interesting that Megan never responded to Rene’s question.

  • Gab

    women can’t get access to all possible, available and viable forms of reliable contraception — why should it only be a woman’s imperative?

    • Jacqueline S. Homan

      Because it’s HER body, HER life, HER health and wellbeing and HER liberty that is 100% at risk, that’s why…unless you’re fine with the idea of women — including your own daughters — as reproductive chattel slaves, as disposable meatpuppets and fetus containers.

      • Gab

        I tried to say that men should be also equally responsible for contraception…in other words women should demand their men to wear ru****…are most of the feminists that are raising their voices here subordinates to their men?

        • Jacqueline S. Homan

          They are when deprived of any and all rights to have control over our own bodies in a society where NO ONE question’s MALE self-entitlement to sexual access to women’s bodies without any consideration for what the penis dangers of UTI’s, yeast infections, and unwanted pregnancies imposes on us. And many women are living in poverty and are not able to fend for themselves economically and are not able to simply walk out of marriages and hetero cohabitation arrangements. Gee, how nice that works out for the MEN, huh?

          • Gab

            Are you talking about USA or 3rd world countries? Have you any idea how privileged college educated women are in this country? “NO ONE question’s MALE self-entitlement” -> what planet are you talking about? In the US women are pretty conscious about their rights (and still want Federal Government and Tax payers to support them!)

          • Jacqueline S. Homan

            Tell that to all the college-educated women who are jobless and poor with mountains of student loan debt in the worst economy since the Great Depression of the 1930’s; tell it to the women who have no income or access to birth control because of being uninsured in this rapists’ rights shithole of a country. Tell it to the 31,000 rape victims in the US who are made pregnant each year and, due to inability to obtain Plan B courtesy of “conscience clause” laws, are forced to carry those pregnancies to term and endure the risks, hazards, pain, trauma and disfigurement of childbirth against their will since nearly 90% of ALL US counties lack an abortion provider and women without money — regardless of having a degree and an unpaid internship under their belts or not — have NO access to early term abortion. All because MEN feel entitled to women’s bodies. Tell that to all the women who were impregnated due to rape who not only are being forced to endure a term of pregnancy and childbirth against their will but who are also forced by law in 31 states to have ongoing contact with their rapists who continue to victimize and control their victims through “fathers’ rights” laws.

        • Xena180

          No, us feminists raising our voices here are not subordinate to our men. However, we are speaking out about society (which is vastly not feminist) holding men equally responsible for contraception on behalf of women at large (who are also vastly not feminist, to their own peril). If society truly held men equally responsible for contraception, as you said they should be, women would not have to DEMAND that men wear ru****.

          • Gab

            Why aren’t the feminists fighting for holding men responsible for contraception at all levels of society? Whey are feminists fighting for free contraception for women and not fighting for the root cause? What’s wrong in women demanding their men to wear ru**** – why are feminists not fighting for this issue?

          • Xena180

            What do you mean by “the root cause”? I believe I did address the root cause: society at large holds women to the highest scrutiny over the issue of contraception (along with many other things), while not holding men accountable at all. You’re doing the same thing (that society does) when you say that women should have to DEMAND this of men, instead of saying that men should take some responsibility themselves by gladly wearing condoms or having vasectomies.

          • Gab

            What do you do when someone is reluctant to do the right thing? you DEMAND!

          • Xena180

            Personally, I wouldn’t sleep with a guy in the first place if I had to make demands of him.

            I think I was very clear with what I said in my previous post, but you’re determined to just go on scrutinizing women for the behavior of men. I’m done with you. Bye.

  • Gab

    I think those who want to make a choice about their pregnancy should be allowed to do so. Those who are pro-life – let it be their own personal choice. Women have overwhelming voted for pro-choice. I don’t know why people are still arguing. The “fetus” is a lost cause.

  • Gypsyd8

    Kill it.

  • Vida Boheme

    I sincerely doubt that every single one of those ten thousand women had the exact same generic reasons you state in your post. You have selective amnesia

  • getthefacts

    Wow, I am so sorry you had to go through this Carolyn, I know you are a writer so i just wanted to clarify that this was actually YOUR personal experience? I have read several of your articles and it seems that you have an amazing connection to pregnancy incidents both personally and as a writer.
    I have had many friends who chose to walk their pregnancy out after being given a “grim” diagnosis and have been blessed by doing so. I will preface this by saying that I HAVE had an abortion and know the anguish, guilt and shame that can follow by making a choice to terminate a life. Have you ever seen a baby dodge the abortion instrument coming at them during an abortion procedure? Do you believe in pain in utero? Those who believe that every precious human being was made for a purpose and created by THE LORD to fulfill that purpose would tell you that trusting in His blessing for the precious baby’s life will in turn bring health and healing to both Mommy and baby and family! I am praying that you would perhaps focus on interviewing a few families who have chosen to walk out the pregnancy and trust in someone other than a mere “man”. I could certainly guide you to many who would tell you what a positive, life changing opportunity this was…with NO trauma to that sweet child! No guilt or shame for the family who decided to end a life based on a medical diagnosis.

  • disqus_KOhXtjoObS

    I read this a year ago, never realizing I’d be in the same situation. Thank you for sharing your story.

    And now, here we are, and Texas wants to ban all abortions at 20 weeks (or even earlier, thanks to the wording of the bill) and many don’t even get a poor pre-natal diagnosis until the 20 week ultrasound. Here’s my journey after my tx two months ago :

    I had to sign paperwork, but my doctor was very supportive of me, but I’m livid that since your story, things have gotten even worse.

  • Nicci

    I am so sad to see hate on both sides of this topic. I guess it is inevitable that we cannot all agree. Legislation for a large population is difficult in that it cannot possibly suit all people. Of course all people are going to vote based on their beliefs whether religious or not. The seemingly material point for a large majority of pregnancy termination is the rights of the unborn life. A door was opened in legalizing abortion to misuse this medical procedure as a means to steal a healthy unborn child’s right to live. There are two competing rights here, that of the unborn and that of a woman. Some reasons seem justified to terminate: health of mother at risk, rape, incest, medical risk of child. The reason of many to terminate seem to be convenience; and that is inappropriate. If a mother chooses to have the child and loves the child until they become an ungrateful, emotional, destructive teenager, now that the teen is out of the womb their rights become material. With the logic of a mothers right to terminate life based on convenience it should then be said that the mother should still be able to terminate the child’s life. While this analogy is drastic, it is an attempt to clarify the drive to uphold the rights of a defenseless life.

    • Whitewitch

      It is a matter of women’s choice regarding the unborn. They are not people…just a mass of cells. If they were people and viable outside the womb totally save them, help them and support them. They are not children. And your beliefs should not outweigh mine. Don’t like abortions, don’t have one.

  • LauraAkers

    My name is Laura, not Lauren. Perhaps your inability to absorb information is why this is so difficult for you to understand: I don’t think abortion is a moral issue. Full stop. There are abortions that occur during full-term labor. They are almost always done in an attempt to save the mother. I have no problem at all with that. I feel bad for the mother who obviously wanted her child and now must make the most painful choice possible. Are you against those? How is it moral for the law to decide that a person who has done nothing whatsoever wrong MUST die because something went wrong at the end of a pregnancy? Are you willing to see you sister, your best friend, your daughter die in such a case? Screaming in pain, begging for help, and told by the doctors, “No, we could save you but the law won’t allow it”? What if she’s a single mom and now leaves not only this baby but all of her other children orphaned? Is that moral too?

  • IrishEddieOHara

    That is not an answer. When does the killing stop? I posted clear evidence that we are becoming a world in which the baby will be killed if it is not perfect. Yet some of the happiest people I have met, some of the most loving people I have met, are the Down’s Syndrome men and women I have known.

    If I am an idiot, you are a murderous fool.

  • William

    I prefer to have the fetus aborted as soon as possible. Why allow it to be born only to suffer and die? The fetus has no consciousness at all, but once born and breathing is able to feel pain, to suffer. It’s cruel and inhumane to allow a defective fetus to be born.

  • bb2712

    The STATE, is made up of women and men, and many women have DECIDED how they want life in Texas, and have gone to the legislators and ask for help in passing legislation on these issues. Do not act as though the women in Texas have no say in this matter, they certainly do. Doctors are individuals who act independently using the training they have received; however, there are women I have heard praising midwives due to the amount of information those caretakers share, while they have mentioned their doctors tell them little – even when questioned.

    • tccstend

      My comment was, of course, complete sarcasm

    • Adam A. Wanderer

      What sewer did you fish this sack of lying filth out of?

      Texas, and it’s people, don’t get to vote on basic human and constitutional rights any more than they got to vote on civil rights! Abortion, on demand, federally funded, without argument, debate or notification of any sort is a basic human right and a constitutional right. If anyone in Texas objects to this, they can immigrate to some third world, religious hole in the ground. There’s not a woman on Earth that doesn’t know what an abortion is and why they are performed. It’s _her_ decision. They don’t need any lies that the state of Texas and the sick, degenerate religious filth of Texas, have just dreamed up!

      • bb2712

        There are women who believe abortion is harmful, not to just the fetus but the woman as well. (Some of those women are politically active and vote, as well as make other contributions.) There should be no human right to have a FEDERALLY funded abortion. It certainly isn’t a constitutional right. Some Texans have this belief, and would suggest that others migrate to less humane places to live if they believe differently. I’m not sure why you believe this belief is based solely on religious ideas. And contrary to your beliefs there are young women who are taught unreal nonsense, and they would not realize they had caused harm to a “Person”, or “killed” a person through means of abortion until later in life. (Must you criticize others for you to feel worthy of respect? Much of your post is no more than name calling tactics.)

        • Adam A. Wanderer

          Abortion never harmed a single woman! No baby is involved in _any_ abortion. Abortion is harmless. Childbirth is highly dangerous and often ruins a woman. Yes, there is a constitutional right to a federally funded abortion. Yes, abortion is a constitutional right!!! It’s in the same clause your right to an appendix operation and to blood transfusions is safe guarded. Pray that the religious crap opposed to modern medicine never gets in power, but, who knows? I prefer the religious filth of Texas move elsewhere, like to Romania or Nigeria. Every female on Earth knows and understands a fetus isn’t a baby. Why do you want sick, degenerate religious lies told to them? Answer, you want women to become brood sows and gender slaves in accordance with your religious Dogma, you know, the Dogma you fished out of the toilet. No “person” is harmed in an abortion, stop your religious, Republican lies!!! Pro-liars and forced-birthers need to be exposed for who they are. They aren’t worth or worthy of respect! Now, run along and crawl back under the dark, wet rock you crawled out from under.

          • bb2712

            You only have your opinion, not facts, and you are disrespectful of others. Though I have been polite to you, you obviously lack simple human courtesy. Those who care about the unborn encourage our legislators to vote pro life as they are doing at this very moment. Most females I have met KNOW their in utero babies are BABIES, and they would not want to harm their children. Most women have the ability to have children which naturally, men do not have. Most men possess abilities that women naturally do not possess. Its just fact, not a problem.

          • Adam A. Wanderer

            No, this isn’t opinion, this is scientific, proven fact. All you and your fellow forced-birthers have are whatever lies and disinformation you can dream up. Why do you think you’re known as “pro-liars” and the “pro-lie” movement? (You use one too many “f”s!) There’s simply no such thing as an “unborn” any more than you’re an “undead” or “predead”. Every single female I know realizes their fetuses were _not_ babies and had no trouble at all aborting them. I’ve helped many, many women obtain the decency of abortion, and none of them ever regret it. Those who chose the mistake of childbirth are leading lives of miserable poverty wishing to God they’d aborted their fetuses when they had the chance! Women also posses free will, which is what the religious gutter filth actually object to. This isn’t so much about abortion as it is about who controls women’s bodies, the women themselves, or the religious sewer filth that has crept out of the gutters of America determined to reduce all women to gender slavery and brood sow status. You and your kind don’t deserve the slightest respect. To you and yours, life ends at birth. Isn’t it funny how Texas opposes any form of health care or welfare assistance for mothers with infant children, how Texas hates food stamps with such passion, how Texas works night and day to make life for women and children as miserable as possible, how Texas works night and day to deprive women of any sort of health care? Yes, funny, isn’t it? You want to dictate to women, and then avoid the results of your ugly little laws. Well, the public can’t avoid the results. They’re the ones that’ll have to watch their lives, health, futures and, yes, their families destroyed because of your obstructing them from the common decency of having an abortion. The rich can go to California or New York, the poor can sleep under the bridge. P.S. The lady was right to tear up the Pope’s picture. Too bad she didn’t spit on it first!

          • bb2712

            There are those in the scientific field and the medical field who would disagree with your opinion. Pro-liar and Pro-lie are terms that you use, and they are not used at all in my area. You must not know the females I know , for I do not know any woman who has had an abortion who did not regret it. I’ve also met several young females who did not realize they were carrying a live person, because someone like you told them they were carrying “contents of the uterus”. They failed to explain the baby had the ability to feel pain, and other things. Not all women like your beliefs or believe as you do. Texas works to make life better for Texas women and children. Texas Women are free and independent people who may not have the same opinion as you. Women are not forced to have children. They have children by choice, unless they are raped. Carrying a gun could stop a portion of that crime. Texas has also provided MANY dollars to children and Texas women, contrary to your beliefs. In some cases the programs have proven to be excessive, providing more funds than needed. For many women, there is no feeling of decency in regards to having an abortion. May Texas stay independent in thinking, free from the lies and nonsense of those who have no regard for life.

          • Adam A. Wanderer

            Yes, some Doctors and scientists agree with the pro-liar view point, they’re called, “quacks” and “frauds”, they don’t know their heads from holes in the ground. It’s a proven fact, life only begins at birth. Of course you don’t use the term, “pro-lie”, you’re a pro-liar and you deny that you’re a liar, very natural. You even lie about women regretting abortion, women don’t regret abortion, neither do normal, decent males. The fetus doesn’t feel pain. If the fetus did feel pain, it’d die during the birth process. Stop lying about everything for a change, why don’t you? All you seem to be able to do is spout lying crap about “babies in the womb” and “feeling pain” and “personhood”. Everything you say are just lies you’ve been taught to parrot. Texas hates women, and works hard to destroy their lives and turn them into gender slaves and brood sows. When you deny women access to comprehensives sex education, sterilization and abortion on demand, easy access to effective contraception, you’re forcing them to have children. You are a forced-birther, no two ways about it. Texas has provided nothing at all to women and children except the slogan, “Let them eat cake!” or “Sleep under the same bridge rich women sleep under!” Tell me, have you ever told the truth about anything at all, or are you just a natural born liar?
            May Texas purge itself of religious filth and conservative Republicans.

          • bb2712

            You call the Doctors and Scientist I approve of “quacks and frauds”. They are not. There are differing opinions on what the evidence supports in this matter. Your need to call others liars is very telling about you. I Know many women who regret ever having an abortion – so they definitely do exist. I also know men who regret having dated girls who had abortions- so they also exist, whether you deny it or not. I do not use the word personhood – just not my style. Women are not denied education, or effective contraception. Schools and parents teach sex education, and effective contraception are very available. Please get out and meet more people. You are missing a lot.

          • Adam A. Wanderer

            Oh, yes they are, and you know they are! There is no “difference of opinion” on the evidence. You know you’re lying, after all you’re a pro-liar. The only women you know are pro-liars, much like yourself. And any male you know is a pro-liar, it’s just the kind of people you are. Why don’t you pull you head out of your ass and admit that you’re a sick, degenerate piece of woman hating trash, unfit to associate with normal, decent pro-choice people. I’ll understand. Remember, life only begins at birth, never at conception.

          • bb2712

            When you can express your point of view like a civilized person, it may be worth someone’s time to talk to you. I do not know any pro-liars. Hurling insults at others is no defense either. Many women support the pro-life movement. They love their children, and many do not approve of abortion. Those are facts. Now, my generosity for your ranting has served its purpose.

          • Adam A. Wanderer

            When you have learned how to tell the truth, it may be worth a minute of someone’s time to talk to you. Until then, you’re just another useful idiot in the forced-birther, pro-liar cause. If you don’t approve of abortion, don’t have one. In the meantime, get out of the way of women who have the good, common sense to have an abortion. Now, your inane recital of pro-liar slogans, nonsense and disinformation really has started to bore me. Go crawl back into your dark, wet, little hole in the ground and dream up some new lies to tell. As for myself, I’ve a female friend I need to take to the clinic to get rid of an unwanted fetus.
            Have a nice day.

  • tccstend

    Your assumption that women are uninformed exhibits deep contempt for the adulthood and autonomy of women. If you think childbirth is less risky than abortion, you surely haven’t spent any time in 18th and 19th century cemetaries

  • h4x354x0r

    Thank you for pointing this out as a class warfare issue. When you run the entire gamut of “rules” laid out, you realize that if you’re poor, or young, you simply aren’t allowed to have sex.

    That attitude has worked *SO* well since the dawn of human civilization!

  • h4x354x0r

    “Physicians are sometimes wrong…” That would definitely include the perverted anti-abortion MD who recently projected sexuality onto a 15-week old fetus. If your cause and ideology attract, support, or need people like that, your cause and ideology are in a deep moral quagmire.

  • h4x354x0r

    It’s almost impossible to force a positive outcome. If nothing else, this tragic and heartbreaking story of misguided, hurtful, and useless state interference should at least drive home that point.

  • h4x354x0r

    Most of the literature I’ve read regarding failure to implant puts the ratio at nearly 50%, not 33%. Spontaneous abortions are another 20-25% of implants. Fact is, roughly 70% of all conceptions fail, naturally. Human decisions take out another 10%.

    By the numbers, failures to implant and spontaneous abortions amount to well over 7 million “unborn person” deaths in the US every year. It’s a 6:1 kill ratio vs. humans.

    The whole idea of conceptions and gestation somehow being perfect and pure is deeply and tragically flawed; this story is just one of millions of cases where facts and real-world experience prove otherwise. Biological reproduction is a messy, imprecise, low-yield process. Any ideology or law which ignores this simple fact is being completely and entirely unfair to women, and is fundamentally wrong.

  • Adam A. Wanderer

    Then tell them about the deadly record of childbirth, and where to go for the common decency of an abortion.

    • bb2712
      There it is……… Death rate of Abortion is three times higher than Childbirth. Actually its probably more than just three times higher. Children born in places like Scandinavia where more midwifes are used has a lower mortality rate of 3.5 per thousand, than those of the US at over 6 per thousand.

      • Adam A. Wanderer

        Congratulations!!! The URL you refer to is a known, and proven, internet lie rag run by the pro-liar loons of the “Elliot Institute”, an organization whose sole purpose is to eliminate a woman’s basic human right and constitutional right to choose abortion. It is accountable only to itself. It’s data is based on fraudulent “studies”, those are studies where no actual research or data collection took place. They manufacture disinformation, lies, and propaganda and try to sell it to the public. This is the primary weapon of the anti-choice movement, the “big lie”. Here’s some actual research and data from an _accountable_ web site:

        Does that get through to you? If not, try another nation:

        The Royal College of Physicians.
        Any link you go to that is _accountable_ for what it publishes says the same thing, abortion is 14 times safer than childbirth. It’s even safer for underage girls who often need abortion the most. Childbirth for underage girls is extremely dangerous!!!
        Now, you can Google this, and you’ll find web sites run by pro-liar loons (why do you think they call them “pro-liars” and “loons”?) that say whatever lie and disinformation it takes to sway public opinion. The aim is the same, pass laws to stop a woman from choosing abortion. They’re easy to recognize, they’re never government agencies, have no accountability. If you really dig into them, you’ll find the “Doctors” and “Scientists” who run them are either frauds or have degrees like “engineering” that have _nothing_ to do with medicine or health!
        By posting and referring to this web sit, bb2712, you have proven yourself a deliberate, conscious liar and woman hater. That’s the real grip and agenda of the pro-liars, they hate women and wish them returned to brood sow and gender slavery status. I don’t think you were actually stupid enough to swallow the nonsense published on your lie rag!
        Now, please run along and crawl back into your dark, wet, hole in the ground and think up some new lying nonsense to impress us with.

        • bb2712

          The Elliot Institute does not list its sole purpose as eliminating women’s rights, because that is not what it does. You will have to site evidence if you wish to say their evidence is based on fraudulent studies. The studies you printed are from other researchers- but not necessarily more accurate. There is money in the abortion industry and that alone encourages some researchers to promote the act. On the other hand, it is families that receive the most value when a child is born. You do not consider the loss of human life that goes with abortion. It is a huge loss. Americans need to have more children, not less.

          • Adam A. Wanderer

            You keep supplying evidence that you’re a dedicated pro-liar and forced-birther. You full well know what the “Elliot Institute” is, what it does, and what it wamts. If you claim otherwise, well, not even you are that stupid. The “Elliot Institute” is a pro-liar and forced-birther front organization dedicated to suppressing women’s right to control their own bodies. It is dedicated to stopping any access to abortion, including rape, incest and the life of the mother being in danger. It is opposed to any form of effective sex education, it is in favor of “abstinence only” education which is a demonstrated failure. It is opposed to any form of effective contraception, including condoms. It is opposed to voluntary sterilization for any reason. Do you see a pattern here? If you don’t, here’s a good place to get your education started:


            Mr. Reardon founded the Elliot Institute. A finer woman hating loon you’ll never find elsewhere.
            Money in the abortion sector??? Again, I doubt you’re that stupid, but I know you’re a liar from day one. Doctors and clinics make several times as much money from childbirth as they do from abortion. Check the cost of any abortion and the cost of any delivery, from Doctor, to nurse, to hospital, to pharmacy!
            Families receiving value from children. Damn, is it possible you’re both stupid and a liar. The bare minimum cost from birth to high school graduation is $300,000.00 and it’s going nowhere but up. Rent, water, heat, electricity, medical costs (pro-liars oppose health care reform) food, gasoline, a single child can easily break a family and put it on the welfare rolls (which pro-liars also oppose). Americans need more children. The strain on our fresh water supplies is already showing, and you want more of the little bayyybeees draining every resource we have. I think about the time we have our first famine you’ll change your tune. We used to be a net exporter of food, now we’re a net importer of food.
            Next time spend more time in your dark, wet little hole in the ground dreaming up lies and disinformation. This last batch of your brain stools stank pretty bad.

          • bb2712

            Among many other things you failed to add in what the children contribute. That sir, would be the adults that come from children. They add back far more than it takes to raise them. As for the Elliot institute wanting to stop abortion, there is nothing wrong there. Abstinence only education is not a failure, its the people who refuse to apply abstinence who are the failures. They lack self discipline. Some abortions are naturally occurring, and do not require a doctor or hospital. Abortions of choice are not natural, and do require aid. Child birth, for the most part, can be handled outside a medical facility. It is only when there are complications that a medical facility is needed. Therefore, many cost comparisons are irrelevant. They are relevant when people are asking others to pay for their care.

          • Adam A. Wanderer

            What children contribute? Not a God Damned thing! Oh, wait! They contribute to building more prisons (most prisoners in institutions were unwanted kids), more police, more courts and judges, higher insurance rates, higher taxes, why the list is endless!
            Yes, there’s a great deal wrong with wanting to stop abortion, why not stop blood transfusions if some other religious jerks want them stopped. Why not put a barrier in place to any form of medical procedure? Sir, the Catholic Church and its priests can’t make abstinence work!!! And you expect kids to make it work, or normal adults? Abortion is perfectly natural. We’re only duplicating what Mother Nature does, and that is where many of our medical procedures come from. It’s just like trimming off a hangnail, the most natural thing on earth. China has had compulsive abortion for ages and has had very positive results. If you think we can keep growing beyond the present seven billion population, you’re sadly mistaken. Either we limit growth ourselves, or Mother Nature will do it for us, and I don’t think you’ll like how she’ll do the job! Abortion can easily be handled outside of a medical procedure, and often is. If you knew how many abortions were being done without a Doctor since the restrictive laws, you’d puke. Abortions require less assistance and aid than childbirth, didn’t you know that? No matter how you compute it, childbirth is many, many times more profitable than abortion. By the way, an abortion saves future taxpayers millions and millions of dollars, but you already knew that too. So, as a taxpayer I’ll gladly pay for abortions. I’ve already paid for abortions for several women, it’s a good investment in the future. Being child free, they’ll be able to marry a man of their choice later and start a real family. With an unwanted kid, their futures are destroyed and they’ll never have a real family of any sort. Odds are, the unwanted kid will destroy her parents family as well.

          • dragontech64

            It is a well documented fact that in populations given “abstinence only” sexual education, teen pregnancy, including multiple teen pregnancies are at a much higher rate than in populations that have truly scientific age-appropriate sexual education. The reason, as you put it “Abstinence only education is not a failure, its the people who refuse to apply abstinence who are the failures.” is because abstinence only just does not work for strongly hormonal driven teen agers. The ONLY responsible measure is to ensure that they know how to PREVENT getting pregnant in the first place, when, no matter what, they WILL be sexually active. Teens have been having sex for as long as there have been teens. To be so stupid that teaching them to “be godly, be abstinate” is monumental.

          • leighperson

            Anybody who knows anything about history knows that this is what dictatorships do.

            The Romanian despot Nicolae Ceausescu made contraception illegal in 1966 for any woman who had fewer than five children. Not satisfied with that: 20 years later
            in 1986, he created a monitoring system for all pregnant women and miscarriages
            became subject to a criminal investigation.

            This “sonogram law” is every bit as dictatorial. It’s no different. God help this country with the evil psychopaths running the Rethuglican Party.

            Among the first things the Nazis did upon seizing power in 1933 was to outlaw
            abortion. Family planning centers were closed, access to contraception made
            increasingly difficult and abortion criminalized. By 1943, the Nazis made
            abortion a capital offense.

            Stalin, too, outlawed abortion in 1936 and both dictators clearly saw control of
            women’s reproduction as a part of the larger apparatus of state control.
            Face it, people. This is no longer the land of the free. This is a dictatorship with the Fourth Reich as the dictators.

          • pbfa

            Quoting those frauds at the Elliot Institute automatically qualifies you as an ignorant dolt. The founder is known for the creation of the phony Post Abortion Syndrome thing – thoroughly debunked by every reputable American Medical group involved. Why are you all such liars?.

          • dragontech64

            America, in fact the whole damn world, does NOT need more children. We are already suffering the effects of overpopulation with our stagnant economy, poor job availability, pollution, inner city violence. If anything, ALL nations should be studying the tools necessary to REDUCE the population, not expand it.

      • Bob Johnson

        Dude, did you even READ the studies you cited? It’s made clear within the first three paragraphs that the authors compare mortality rates AFTER the various pregnancy options, not due to them.

        In other words, the study compares a population of women who are healthy enough to give birth against a much smaller population that includes women who are not healthy enough to bring a pregnancy to term. The authors do not attempt to correct for this issue.

        I know this may seem shocking to you, but women who suffer from heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or other dangerous health conditions sometimes choose NOT to bring a pregnancy to term, rather than risk death in the attempt. It is really not a surprise that healthy women live longer than women suffering from heart disease, etc.

        I thought Christians were supposed to value the truth, Satan is the father of lies, etc. You just lied. What does that show about your cause?

      • dragontech64

        Unless you are a pregnant woman it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! You only have the right to decide if YOU are going to get an abortion, not whether a woman is. And since your avatar doesn’t look female, I sincerely doubt you’ll need to worry about it. Let women make THEIR own decisions and keep the politicians out of medical procedures.

  • Sophie Davies

    This made me cry

  • Alison Freer

    How fucking DARE you respond to this woman in this manner. You are disgusting and vile. There is a WORLD of difference between an accident victim and a severe fetal abnormality. It is patently unacceptable for you to pass judgement on her.

  • pbfa

    Really? So you like the idea of a woman birthing a baby into unimaginable pain or suffering so she can indulge her emotional needs at the suffering child’s expense? That tells me all I need to know about your heart.

  • pbfa

    No, it’s not. The information these doctors are forced to inflict on their patients is oftentimes overtly inaccurate and designed to cause enough emotional pain that a woman will change her decision to abort. Did you even read the article?

  • Ramos

    Seen my neighbours raise a multihcp child through 12 yrs and they were the most levelheaded and strong parents and couple you’ll find. They still suffered alot because of all the massive time constraints their eldest daughter put on them and they had to neglect their younger daughter, who nearly ended on a wrong path. Today their eldest daughter is in a home where she can live as much of her own life as she is able to, which isn’t more than a mentally 2yr old at 5″11, 150lbs having a fit twice a day, because her brain is damaged.

    It nearly cost them their marriage, and I would rather wish my worst enemy a slow death of cancer than raising an avoidable multihcp child, that cannot ever get better.

    Your son was likely alright in the head after accident, you probably had help to take care of him and someone to relieve you in this task and that changes everything. If your son got into a veg state or got braindamaged, then I really hope you will be able to scale down your workload or diverse it out on others or it will destroy the rest of your own life as well. Don’t neglect your other kids fx. And good luck.

  • rwagg

    Just read this. I am pro-life except for rape/incest/life of mother but think it’s fine in cases like this as well. It is ridiculous what you went through. This is a perfectly justifiable termination of a pregnancy to prevent a horrible life for the child you were carrying. I am sorry this law did that to you.

  • don’tmindme

    The load about breast cancer, fertility, etc is all patently false. Just one more thing to bully women out of having an abortion.

  • don’tmindme

    Tax payer dollars don’t go towards abortion. Pro-life Republicans have beat that dead horse for years to rally their base, even though their are multiple pieces of legislation guaranteeing tax dollars don’t go to abortion.

  • Whitewitch

    How horrible to live like you…with such hatred for her fellow women. How vicious your tongue and cold your heart. Most of what you said is silly tripe…especially since you have no idea what the issue with the fetus was. You are a cruel woman…you can believe anything you like, but shredding a woman, a mother the way you have demonstrates your internal self-hatred.

  • David Bequette

    First off I agree that this law is horrible and should not be forced upon these poor people who are obviously going through enough as it is, but I do disagree when you say “The only purpose of this legislation is to torture women.”.

    I do however believe that the only purpose of this legislation is to try and guilt these women out having the abortion. Let’s be honest here, telling these women all these horrible things and basically attacking their morality, THEN making them wait another 24 hours to sit and stew in these awful feelings… Yeah, it’s too guilt them.

    • Robyn Kern

      Ok, so then how is not to torture women if its to guilt them into not having it, I don’t understand your comments.

  • David Bequette

    Sounds like you should not be working in this field pushing your religious beliefs.

  • David Bequette


  • NOSA48

    Hospitals lose money on Medicare and especially on Medicaid patients. If religious hospitals were not allowed to serve them, they would have nowhere to go. If you want freedom, you have to allow it to others as well—including freedom to refuse to perform procedures they consider immoral. This situation is a tragedy and I’m very sad and horrified for what Carolyn suffered, but your hatred for the Catholic Church is so obvious, that it renders your rant irrelevant.

  • margieR

    My heartfelt condolences for the legal brutality that you had to suffer. I am 56 and I hope to live long enough to see women gain the status of full adulthood, legally allowed to make whatever decisions we are faced with.

  • margieR

    I AGREE! While I have never had to face that choice, I have supported two of my friends through it. It is unimaginably painful for the woman making that decision, unless she is a sociopath, in which case you REALLY don’t want her to have children.

  • margieR

    All men should be required to use condoms at all times unless they are legally married to the woman they have sex with and she is in agreement that they want a child. Failure to use a condom outside of marriage should be punishable with jail time, regardless of whether or nor the woman was consenting. A law such as this would go a long way in leveling the playing field for women and would significantly reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancy.

  • margieR

    i hope Adam doesn’t have any children. IF he does, He should give them up for adoption by a family whose adults have had a decent education and can reasonably be expected to teach their children the facts of life BEFORE they reach the age of being able to reproduce.

  • margieR

    I refused to have an ultrasound when I was pregnant, because it raises the internal temperature to almost 600 degrees Kelvin, which is quite enough to CAUSE birth defects.

  • Keith Schiffner

    Dear Texans, what were you idiots THINKING when you put the lame brained, denser than brain dead coyote scum bags in office who put that law in place? I lived there many years and frankly, you guys have gone full retard and getting as out there on a limb as California. Run those fundamentalist out of the state.

  • dagobarbz

    Female texans need to take their state back from these despicable old men.

  • Truly S.

    There is nothing “real” about the lies this woman was forced to have read to her. For example, she was obliged to be told that getting an abortion increases her chances of breast cancer. This is not true at all. That was done because theocratic politicians are trying to frighten women out of getting abortions by using breast cancer as a bogeyman.

  • Truly S.

    They are telling women LIES. That is NOT reality.

  • GracieW

    What other surgery do you know of where the patient doesn’t have to be fully informed? Only abortion. Before any surgery I’ve ever had they’ve always explained to me fully what they were going to do and the risks associated with the surgery. What is all this fuss about? Shouldn’t women know WHO they’re removing from their wombs? All my friends who had abortions were lied to and told their babies were nothing but dots even as far along as 10 weeks! What condescension! As if women can’t handle the truth. Let women be fully informed.

  • Pippa_Laughingstock

    Sorry, I just have to point out that planned parenthood is not just for abortions. Your piece makes it seem like that’s what all the girls in the waiting room are there for, but they might have just been there for a pap smear. Condolences.

  • Robyn Kern

    Not to mention that they had to read that the abortion could cause infertility and increased risk of breast cancer which is not accurate information.

  • Robyn Kern

    Not when the information is incorrect lie that abortion causes breast cancer, there is no evidence of this whatsoever!

  • dragontech64

    What POSSIBLE advantage is there to allowing yourself to be subjected to such abuse? Your religious choice has NO PLACE in the laws of the United SECULAR States. We are NOT a religious nation, never have been, and I will fight to my last breath to prevent it coming to pass, and such BULLSHIT as these sonogram lynch mobs are just that!

  • dragontech64

    This sort of thing ISN’T informing women, it is abusing them, especially when you consider how many of these states “informed consent” laws require the doctor to outright LIE to women in order to brow-beat them out of their decision to govern their own bodies. Yes, your dismissal of this pain does make you cruel.

  • dragontech64

    Forcing a woman to give birth to a baby with a birth defect that will doom it to a short, futile, pain filled life is torture for both the woman and the baby. That baby won’t feel love, it will feel pain. Baptism means nothing, it is a palliative for the parents to lie to themselves that there is an afterlife where their child is happy and healthy. Same with a grave the parents can visit. There is no moral, ethical, medical or scientifically sound reason to force a dying child to be born. NONE.