There Are More Important Things Than Saving for College

The Merrill family after soccer practice in Maine. From left, Gabriel, Asher, Judah, Lydia, Meadow Rue Merrill with Ezra, and Dana Merrill. Their eldest son is starting to look at colleges.Credit Craig Dilger for The New York Times

I often tell my children, “With humility and a good sense of humor, you never have to be embarrassed.” I think I’ll add, “You never have to be embarrassed for honesty either.”

That’s how I feel after scanning the comments about our family after we were featured last week in The New York Times. When the paper’s financial columnist, Ron Lieber, shot me an email requesting an interview to follow up on a post I had written for Motherlode about not having saved money to send our children to college, I had mixed feelings.

Wow! The New York Times! was quickly followed by recollecting the avalanche of judgmental comments I had received after publishing my original essay last April. Knowing I would likely receive more, I hesitated. But I’m a writer. I put people out there for others to examine all the time, so it seemed only fair to say yes.

Mr. Lieber asked great questions, sent out a fun photographer, and wrote a thoughtful article that I hope will help many families with modest incomes afford higher education for their children. But again, some of the comments really floored me, like those by people who assumed that having a large family and a limited income meant we were complaining or planning to borrow excessive loans or hadn’t considered the future. Some seemed to suggest we should feel ashamed, as if we’d done something wrong.

There is no shame in having more children than average. Or of working hard to support them without having money to fund individual college savings accounts. No shame in paying for piano lessons or Boy Scout camp, knowing it will go a lot further developing your children’s gifts now than it will toward the ever-increasing cost of a college education later. No shame in telling them: “You are your ticket to college. Work hard.”

And there’s no shame in sharing honestly with your children – or others – about the challenges of preparing for what comes next. From the time our children were in elementary school, we’ve encouraged them to consider all their college options, including living at home while attending a public college or serving in the military. We’ve also encouraged them to use their God-given gifts and abilities to serve others.

Even more than how to pay for college, what I learned from Mr. Lieber’s column was how we often use our own experiences and expectations to judge those whose values differ from ours. And how even a well-written essay or article reveals only part of a story.

This is the kind of life we’ve chosen. No, it doesn’t always come with financial fulfillment. But as I look at my children in the photo that ran with Mr. Lieber’s column, I have fulfillment of another kind – the kind that comes from seeing five healthy, happy children walking through the rain with their mom and dad together.

We’re not perfect, but I’m pleased with the choices we’ve made. I expect to work hard alongside our children as they reach for their goals. Their futures are wide open. And when someone else shares their struggles, I hope to be slow to judge.

Thankfully, not all comments were negative. My favorite mentioned that some German colleges now offer free tuition to qualified American students. Thankfully, my oldest son is good at languages. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?