De Niro Gives Up a Taxi

Dear Diary:

Years ago, I had just come from a doctor’s appointment and had to get back across town to my office. I was in front of an A-list Central Park West building and time was short. At the curb, I paused to check my BlackBerry and used the other hand to hail a taxi.

As a taxi emerged, a man in a short navy jacket and cap came from behind the cars parked a few yards north of where I was standing. Distracted, but focused on my lack of time, I watched the taxi slow down for him, not me.

We’ve all been there. Sometimes you yell and say, “Excuse me, you saw me standing here,” and other times you might let it go. This time, I decided to just talk to myself and stomp one foot.

As I focused my gaze beyond the man and his taxi, I noticed the taxi was now in front of me. The gentleman then walked to the taxi, grabbed the handle and opened the door for me. It was Robert De Niro.

In true New York fashion, I didn’t make a fuss and thanked the incredible and very polite movie star. After I told the driver my destination, I proceeded to call my husband, mother and sister: “Guess who just opened a cab door for me?”

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