6 quick tips for executives on Twitter

6 quick tips for executives on Twitter

Twitter's stock price is soaring following its initial public offering – maybe even enough to catch the eye of the many CEOs who have been reluctant to embrace the social media giant.

To coincide with Twitter's highly anticipated IPO, we recently asked readers and our social media followers to share their best advice for executives on Twitter, in 10 words or less.

If you are one of those executives who is just now wading into Twitter (NYSE: TWTR), here are six of our favorite tips that can help get you up to speed and tweeting like a pro:

"Listen. Be present. Respond. Provide value. Measure." - Altitude Marketing, @TeamAltitude

"Tweet like you speak, not a headline." - Upstart Business Journal, @upstartbusiness

“Be personable and engage followers with relevant industry topics.” V.J. Graffeo, Burr & Forman LLP, @VJGraffeo

"Be authentic. Be accessible. Stay active! #3A's" - Lori Sullivan, FitzMartin @FitzMartinb2b

“Social media is just that — social. Use it to interact.” - Janey White, Markstein, @JaneyAWhite

"Tweet consistently + w/ value. Grow your audience." - Ruwena Healy, Marketing 24/7, @marketing247net

Read more: Click here to meet our #40toFollow - Birmingham's must-follow executives on Twitter

Ty West is the managing editor for the Birmingham Business Journal. Click here to follow him on Twitter.
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