Business Day Markets

FINRA TRACE Corporate Bonds

Treasury Bills, Notes and Bonds
Most recent issues
Maturity % yield Change
At 10:59 AM ET
Data delayed at least 15 minutes
3-month 0.0253% +0.0023
6-month 0.0552% –0.0008
2-year 0.3784% +0.0244
5-year 1.45% +0.0388
10-year 2.22% +0.0154
30-year 2.99% +0.0046

Market Summary

At 10:44 AM ET: Treasuries in New York are mixed across the curve today as the 2-year note is down 1/32 to 100 7/32, yielding 0.38%, up from 0.35% at the previous close. The benchmark 10-year bond is down 4/32 to 101 10/32, yielding 2.22%, up from 2.21% while the 3-month T-bill's current discount rate is little changed at 0.03%. The discount rate on the 6-month T-bill is relatively unchanged at 0.06%.

FINRA TRACE Corporate Bond Data

Credit rating
Issuer name (symbol) Coupon % Maturity Moody's S.&P. Fitch Last Change Yield %
Abbvie Inc ABBV4036934 1.75% Nov '12017 Baa1 A n.a. 100.697 +0.133 1.51%
Petrobras Global Fin B V PBR4106372 6.25% Mar '12024 Baa1 BBB- BBB 105.967 –1.25 5.43%
Citigroup Inc C4134004 3.75% Jun '12024 Baa2 A- A 102.234 +0.173 3.48%
Morgan Stanley MS4161029 4.35% Sep '12026 Baa3 BBB+ BBB+ 101.096 +0.438 4.23%
International Business Machs Corp IBM4096360 3.63% Feb '12024 Aa3 AA- A+ 103.367 –0.76 3.20%
Verizon Communications Inc VZ4050439 6.55% Sep '12043 Baa1 BBB+ A- 129.568 –0.458 4.67%
Petrobras Global Fin B V PBR4006643 4.38% May '12023 Baa1 BBB- BBB 92.75 –3.08 5.44%
General Elec Co GE3911599 0.85% Oct '12015 Aa3 AA+ n.a. 100.571 +0.094 0.25%
Bank Amer Corp BAC4113180 4.00% Apr '12024 Baa2 A- A 103.889 +0.227 3.51%
Jpmorgan Chase & Co JPM4091129 3.88% Feb '12024 A3 A A+ 104.24 +0.413 3.34%

The most active information represents the most active fixed-coupon bonds (ranked by par value traded). Inclusion in Investment Grade or High Yield tables based on TRACE dissemination criteria. 'C' indicates yield is unavailable because of issue's call criteria.

*Par value in millions

Source: NASD TRACE data. Reference information from Reuters DataScope Data. Credit ratings from Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch Ratings.

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