The Definitive Ranking of Cokes

Categories: Lists

Vivian Chen/Flickr
Your vessel of choice.
Not all Coca-Colas ("Cokes") are created equal. On one end of the spectrum is an especially frothy Coke that comes fizzing from a fountain into a much-too-big red plastic cup loaded to the brim with ice, in a dark pizza parlor in the sweaty aftermath of an especially tense slow-pitch softball game that you pretended not to care about but really, man, what a big win. On the other, or near it anyway, is a Caffeine-Free Coke, so pointless that its presence in the fridge has been known to cause unsuspecting soda-seekers to briefly consider drinking La Croix before slamming the fridge shut, huffing loudly and driving to 7-11 for a Big Gulp.

Here, the definitive ranking of Cokes. When bottles and cans are involved, they are presumed to be acceptably cold.

1. Fountain Coke in a red plastic cup like the one above, lots of ice

2. Fountain Coke in a clear plastic cup, lots of ice

3. Fountain Coke in a Styrofoam cup, lots of ice

4. Fountain Coke in a paper cup, lots of ice

5. Fountain Coke in a pint glass or mug, lots of ice

6-10. Glass bottle of Mexican Coke poured into the above vessels, lots of ice

11-15. Can of Coke poured into the above vessels, lots of ice

16-20. Plastic bottle of Coke poured into the above vessels, lots of ice

DC Atty
I mean, I guess?
21. Glass bottle of Mexican Coke, straight from the bottle

22. Can, straight from the can

23. Plastic bottle, straight from the bottle

24. Any of the above styles of Coke poured into any of the above vessels with too little or no ice

25. Fountain Coke poured directly into your mouth from the fountain while children look on befuddled (points deducted for resulting stickiness and misdemeanor vandalism charge)

26. Any of the above styles of Coke poured into a thin layer on a sheet pan, freeze dried, chopped and snorted like actual coke.

27. Actual coke

28. Cherry Coke

1,000,000 (tie). Diet Coke, Caffeine Free Coke, Diet Caffeine Free Coke, Coke Zero, Coca-Cola Black Cherry Vanilla, Coca-Cola Cherry Zero, Coca-Cola Zero Caffeine-Free, Diet Coke Black Cherry Vanilla, Diet Coke with Lime, Diet Coke with Splenda

1,000,010. Pepsi

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Mexican Coke, ice cold, straight from the half-liter glass bottle.  Watering it down with ice is a crime that should be punishable by firing squad.


Mexican Cokes suck!! Anyone that thinks otherwise doesn't know Coke. Whats with all the ice? Only weinies insist on ice in their Coke. Probably a damn yankee!!


"6-10. Glass bottle of Mexican Coke poured into the above vessels, lots of ice"

#1 on my list.  Otherwise the ordering is perfect.


What the hell is wrong with you?! Coke should be pre-chilled and served neat. No ice. Never ice!


Cheeburger! Cheeburger! Cheeburger! No Coke. Pepsi! 


I love coke zero. There's gotta be crack in it or something.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

Crazy Catfish on Buckingham & Garland Rd. has the fizziest Cokes around. Styro cup & small cubes.

This is the type of Coke that burns your sinuses from the carbonation if you take a big hit while it's still fizzing from the pour.


mcdonalds coke is on a different level, even from mexican coke.


I see someone has been reading a lot of Gawker lately. 


1,000,011 - Any product from those stupid Coca-Cola Freestyle machines that force 25 different types of beverages with other add-on "flavors" to come from the same fountain. Nothing ever tastes good from those machines.


I rather enjoy Mexican Coke straight from the bottle. However, there is something special about the red "pizza joint" plastic cups that makes Coke taste otherworldly. 


gotta have crushed ice like from Quik-Trip. not available at 7-11.


Burns so good!


@ChrisYu  Not a fan of the crushed ice. When I get enough ice to make my drink cold enough it instantly reduces my 32 ounce drink to a 12 ounce. Crushed iced takes up way too much real estate in the cup.

joe.tone moderator

@ChrisYu I probably could have incorporated into these rankings the ice, cups and even the soda itself from any number of fast-food and convenience stores. I guess I got lazy. I'll try to be better.

kplo communitymanagertopcommenter

@joe.tone Sonic has the magic ice.


@TheCredibleHulk I hate it when I am forced to use crushed ice in a cup with no lid. Each sip has me on edge thinking that it will be the one that leads to an avalanche on my face.


@kplo I have an aunt that will go to Sonic just to buy ice. When she told me that I assumed that she had a drug connect that worked there. Nope, she really meant ice.

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