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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Today’s Paper

The Times in Print for Wednesday, October 22, 2014

New Freedoms in Tunisia Drive Support for ISIS

Even as Tunisians have approved a new constitution and the country has one of the Arab world’s most educated populations, militants are recruiting more openly there than in any other country.


States Ease Laws That Protected Poor Borrowers

Lawmakers in several states have voted to increase the fees or the interest rates that lenders can charge on personal loans used by millions of poor or financially struggling borrowers.

On TV, Hong Kong Openly Debates Democracy

After more than three weeks of protests, the meeting resembled less a negotiating session than a high school debate.

Nation’s Confidence Ebbs at a Steady Drip

With every passing week or month, it seems, some American government agency has had a misstep or scandal that has led to a deeply eroded public confidence.

Ben Bradlee, Editor Who Directed Watergate Coverage, Dies at 93

Mr. Bradlee, a quintessential newspaper editor, supervised The Washington Post’s exposure of the Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon.

Requirements Keep Young Immigrants Out of Long Island Classrooms

Despite guidelines, schools districts are requiring documents that are often difficult for parents to obtain, forcing children to stay at home.

Today's Front Pages

Quotation of the Day
"It would be a sad day for this country if an impression was created that there is one law for the poor and disadvantaged and another for the rich and famous."
JUDGE THOKOZILE MATILDA MASIPA, sentencing Oscar Pistorius, the South African track star, to five years in prison for killing his girlfriend.




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