
  1. China Putting on Its Shiniest Face for Economic Summit

    Now that China is the world’s second-largest economy, its leaders have proved willing to throw some cash around to ensure this year’s APEC summit meeting fully represents the country’s transformation into an economic giant and important geopolitical player.

  2. Tempest Over a Chamber Pot as Taiwan Scrutinizes Chinese Tourists’ Manners

    A recent report that Chinese tourists allowed their 3-year-old child to urinate in an upscale Taipei restaurant has raised complaints in Taiwan about the behavior of mainland visitors.

  3. Estimated 2,400 Executions Last Year Put China Far Off Peak

    The estimated number of executions compares with about 12,000 in 2002, according to a United States-based human rights organization.

  4. Love Blooms Amid the Umbrellas in Hong Kong

    The barricaded areas in the financial district have served as a backdrop for wedding and graduation photos, as young Hong Kongers intertwine their personal lives with the historical significance of the protests.

  5. Rare Night Scenes of Mother Panda and Cub Filmed in the Wild

    Chinese news media say this is the first time an infrared camera has been used to film a panda mother and cub at night.