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Wednesday, October 22, 2014


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Corner Office

Michelle Munson of Aspera, on Always Respecting the Opportunity

For the chief executive of the Aspera unit of IBM, respecting an opportunity means embracing it and dedicating yourself to making the most of it.


Where the Spectrum Is Sliced and Diced

A manager’s colorful work area at Pantone reflects the company’s mission: to create color standards that can be used by a range of designers.

Applied Science

When Those Who Know Won’t Share

Teamwork may be important in the workplace, but research shows that individual workers find various rationales for keeping knowledge to themselves.

The Workologist

Please, Boss, Give Me Something to Do

A recent college graduate finds herself in a new position with a salary and benefits, but few duties.

Vocations: The Infection Preventionist

On the Lookout for Ebola

A nurse who works in infection prevention describes her hospital’s precautions against the risk of Ebola. The experience, she says, has taught her “to constantly be ready.”

On Work

Drowning in Dishes, but Finding a Home

A job at Pizza Hut offered a sense of family, all because of a caring boss and his simple message: Work hard and do things right, and you will succeed.

Vocations: The Field Team Coordinator

Taking Stock After a Disaster

Michael Pelonero brings personal experience to his job of conducting home inventories after natural disasters. He lost his own home in Hurricane Ike in 2008.

The Workologist

When Your Ex-Boss Haunts Twitter

A reader who followed an ex-supervisor on Twitter and Instagram asks the Workologist how to break those ties.


The Contrarians on Stress: It Can Be Good for You

Studies indicate that stress can be stimulating and healthy, and that boredom can have the same effects as having too much to do.

Corner Office

Penny Herscher of FirstRain: What Parents Can Teach a C.E.O.

A chief executive says the skills learned in raising a child are analogous to “nurturing a team and bringing a project to life.”

The Upshot

Looking at Productivity as a State of Mind

Policy makers often fret that worker productivity isn’t growing fast enough. And each of us also worries about individual productivity.


Pearls of Career Wisdom, Found in the Trash

Michael Cascio, a media consultant and former television executive, says nothing prepared him better for work and life than a summer job as a janitor.

Stimulating Job Growth

Stephen Case, the co-founder of AOL, speaks with Catherine Rampell on job creation and entrepreneurship.

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Small Business

Amy Astley of Teen Vogue says that in hiring, she wants to get a sense of applicants’ work ethic and whether they can think in an entrepreneurial way.

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The New York Times and Monster have joined forces. The combined power of The New York Times and Monster will enable employers to reach one out of every two active and passive candidates online, in print and in person. Employers will have access to more than 3 million resumes in the New York DMA; the ability to reach 4.7 million New York Times weekday readers, 5 million Sunday Times readers, and 1.4 million daily visitors to NYTimes.com.