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Wednesday, October 22, 2014


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Flight Club

Jessica Chastain, Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway star in “Interstellar,” opening in wide release on Nov. 7.
Damon Winter/The New York Times

Jessica Chastain, Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway star in “Interstellar,” opening in wide release on Nov. 7.

Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain discuss “Interstellar”; its director, Christopher Nolan; and the humor of physicists.

Movie Review | 'E-Team'

Gallantry and Glamour in a War Zone

“E-Team,” a documentary, follows the high-risk work of four globe-trotting investigators for the organization Human Rights Watch.

News & Features
On Video

Man-Child in the Puppet Land

The Saturday-morning CBS series “Pee-wee’s Playhouse,” now in a Shout! Factory collection, was a riot of invention that alternated between the sweet and the risqué.

Real Men Flee Avalanches

In “Force Majeure,” the director Ruben Ostlund observes how a father’s terror during an avalanche damages his relationships and self-image.

Want to Make a Film? Stand on a Corner

Manfred Kirchheimer’s documentaries are getting a new look, with “Stations of the Elevated” now having a theatrical run.

Tribeca Enterprises and Lionsgate to Team Up on Subscription Video

The new service, which is expected to start by June, will emphasize a curated selection of films intended for an art house audience.

The Hand That Feeds Bites Back

Suha Arraf, who directed “Villa Touma,” identified her film as Palestinian at the Venice Film Festival. Israel, which helped finance it, objected.

Hand-Carved Love Triangle

The director Jorge R. Gutierrez and the art director Paul J. Sullivan describe how Mexican folk art influenced the look of “The Book of Life.”

Honky-Tonk Tchaikovsky? ‘Fantasia’ Game Offers a Way

In Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved, developers at the video game company Harmonix build on Walt Disney’s classic 1940 animated film.

Arts, Briefly

Parents Loosen Up Rules for Viewing

In making judgments about children’s film viewing, parents are quickly desensitized by their own exposure to scenes depicting sex and violence, according to a study.

Snapshot | Kaitlyn Dever

Some Teenagers Are Old for Their Age

Kaitlyn Dever talks about new films, “Men, Women & Children” and “Laggies.”


A Photographer in a Danger Zone

The recent beheadings of Western journalists in the Middle East provide stark real-life context for “1,000 Times Good Night.”

The Ethicist

Why Tell Koko About Robin Williams’s Death?

Contemplating the inner life of gorillas.

Flirting With the Dark Side

Bereavement plays a part in several current museum exhibitions, on television shows and in films.

Snowden Film Tests Hollywood Obama Backers

Laura Poitras’s documentary “Citizenfour,” a provocative and admiring look at Edward J. Snowden, is being backed by companies led by Obama allies.

A Japanese Film Series, Brought to You by John Zorn

Mr. Zorn is programming a five-part monthly series of films at Japan Society, with a focus on less familiar Japanese films.

Movie Reviews
Movie Review | 'Fury'

They’re Buddies, but as Coarse as the War Around Them

Brad Pitt returns to Nazi killing in “Fury,” this time leading a tank crew during the vicious, bloody final battles of World War II.

Movie Review | 'Birdman'

Former Screen Star, Molting on Broadway

Alejandro G. Iñárritu’s comedy “Birdman” stars Michael Keaton as a onetime movie superhero betting his career on a strange Broadway play.

Movie Review | 'Dear White People'

Advanced Course in Diversity

Justin Simien’s “Dear White People” explores the hypocrisy, awkward good will and unwitting racism that hamper relations between white and black students at a fictional Ivy League school.

Movie Review | 'Listen Up Philip'

He Suffers for Art, and Forces Everyone Around Him to Do So

In the dyspeptic comedy “Listen Up Philip,” Jason Schwartzman plays a shabby, self-loathing novelist whose agonies affect everyone around him.

Movie Review | ‘Camp X-Ray’

Prisoner and Guard, Cautiously Bonding in a Limitless Hellhole

In “Camp X-Ray,” an Army private newly assigned to the Guantánamo Bay prison develops some empathy for a detainee.

Movie Review | 'The Book of Life'

Fluttering Hearts in a Land of Magic

A love triangle forms among three lifelong friends who live in a Mexican-flavored fantasy village in “The Book of Life,” an animated film.

Movie Review | 'The Best of Me'

After 20 Years Apart, Reunited, in a Way

“The Best of Me,” a Michael Hoffman film about fate and second chances, stars James Marsden and Michelle Monaghan.

Movie Review | 'Rudderless'

A Mournful Duet With the Past

“Rudderless,” the directorial debut of William H. Macy, centers on a father and his son’s music.

Movie Review | 'Relationship Status: It's Complicated'

High School Sweetheart Spells Mischief

“Relationship Status: It’s Complicated” is a comedy that at times exudes a Neil Simon vibe.

Movie Review | 'Eternity: The Movie'

Stardom? They Could Go for That

“Eternity: The Movie,” a parody of a music biography, tells the story of a duo with a suspicious resemblance to Hall and Oates.

Movie Review | 'The Hacker Wars,'

The Hacktivist as Angry Young Man

“The Hacker Wars” surveys the federal government’s legal pursuit of hackers and journalists who have exposed security flaws and surveillance of citizens.

Movie Review | ‘Watchers of the Sky'

A Mission for Justice in the Face of Genocide

“Watchers of the Sky” examines genocide and the work of the human-rights pioneer Raphael Lemkin and others to combat it.

Movie Review | 'The Tale of the Princess Kaguya'

Life, a Royal Pain

“The Tale of the Princess Kaguya” is the first animated feature in over a decade directed by Isao Takahata.

Movie Review | 'Young Ones'

The Future Is Bright, and Hot

“Young Ones,” starring Michael Shannon, merges a western with a science-fiction tale.

Movie Review | 'Summer of Blood'

From Selfish Slob to Sex God

In “Summer of Blood,” an offensive and unattractive young man finds his dating life transformed by an encounter with a vampire.

Movie Review | 'Felony'

When Good Cops Do Bad Things

In the Australian drama “Felony,” a police officer gets into a drunk-driving accident, which leads to an investigation.

Movie Review | 'A Requiem for Syrian Refugees'

Lives Uprooted by War

The documentary “A Requiem for Syrian Refugees” chronicles the lives of people pushed into a northern Iraq camp.

Movie Review | 'Default'

Hijacking the News

In Simon Brand’s film “Default,” created from found footage, a pirate who wants to be called “terrorist” makes an unusual proposition.

Movie Review | 'The Golden Era'

A Chinese Writer’s Short, Turbulent Life

Ann Hui’s “The Golden Era” recounts the short, unhappy life of the Chinese author Xiao Hong, who wrote several acclaimed novels.

Movie Review | 'Diplomacy'

Paris Wasn’t Burning: A Look at Why Not

Volker Schlöndorff’s “Diplomacy” imagines an evening’s conversation that saved Paris from being blown up by a retreating Nazi army in 1944.

Movie Review | ‘The Vanquishing of the Witch Baba Yaga,’

A Slavic Tone Poem, via Hansel and Gretel

“The Vanquishing of the Witch Baba Yaga” entwines a folk tale of that title with evocative footage of contemporary Eastern European locales.

Movie Review | 'Addicted'

A Wife Addicted to Lust, No Matter the Cost

“Addicted,” a film by Bille Woodruff, is a cautionary tale of a restless businesswoman who seems to have it all but descends into sex addiction.

Photos & Video
Alejandro G. Iñárritu Narrates a Scene From ‘Birdman’

The director discusses a scene from “Birdman or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance,” with Michael Keaton and Edward Norton.

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Fall Arts Preview - Times 100

How to wade through the crush of culture coming your way this season? Here’s a guide to 100 events that have us especially excited, in order of appearance.

Photos & Video
Damien Chazelle Narrates a Scene From ‘Whiplash’

The writer and director of “Whiplash” discusses the opening sequence from his film.

Anatomy of a Scene

In this series, directors discuss ideas and techniques behind moments in their films.

The Best 1,000 Movies Ever Made

This guide includes links to the original reviews from the archives of The New York Times.