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Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Books News & Reviews
Anna Todd, the author of the fan fiction novel “After.”
Elizabeth Weinberg for The New York Times

Anna Todd, the author of the fan fiction novel “After.”

Fantasizing on the Famous

“After,” Anna Todd’s wildly popular web novel based on Harry Styles of the boy band One Direction, is being published as a book.

Children’s Books

Into the Woods

Neil Gaiman and Lorenzo Mattotti reinvent “Hansel and Gretel.”

Books of The Times

‘High Times’

At a time when marijuana laws are loosening in the United States, High Times magazine is celebrating its 40th anniversary with a hefty book.

The Eye of a Pilot Serves a Writer

Samuel Hynes’s new book, “The Unsubstantial Air: American Fliers in the First World War,” was inspired by his life of flying, most notably as an airman in World War II.

Ali Mazrui, Scholar of Africa Who Divided U.S. Audiences, Dies at 81

Professor Mazrui, who had taught since 1989 at Binghamton University, set off national criticism with his 1986 television documentary, “The Africans: A Triple Heritage.”

Books of The Times

‘All Things Possible’

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York has written a memoir that also touches on the general state of American politics today.

Books of The Times

Moonwalk a Mile in His Shoes

“Michael Jackson’s Dangerous” looks at an album up close, while “The Michael Jacksons” examines Jackson impersonators.

Park Honan, a Biographer of Authors, Is Dead at 86

Mr. Honan’s groundbreaking books included biographies of Matthew Arnold, Robert Browning, Jane Austen and Shakespeare.

Capturing the Life of a Striver Who Fell Short of the White House

In 15 years of research on Nelson A. Rockefeller, Richard Norton Smith says he came to see him as an impetuous dreamer who also wanted circumstances very much under his control.

A Word With: Richard Preston

Updating a Chronicle of Suffering: Author of ‘The Hot Zone’ Tracks Ebola’s Evolution

“The Hot Zone,” the nonfiction thriller about Ebola that Richard Preston wrote 20 years ago, is back on best-seller lists.

Books of The Times

‘Being Mortal’

In “Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End,” Atul Gawande explores how to bring meaning and purpose to the last phase of life.

Books of The Times

‘Boy on Ice’

In “Boy on Ice,” John Branch examines the death of the N.H.L. player Derek Boogaard and the role that hockey’s culture of violence may have played.

Exquisite Corpse

Taking their cue from the Surrealist parlor game, 15 renowned authors take turns contributing to an original short story.

Australian’s P.O.W. Novel Wins Man Booker Prize

Richard Flanagan, who was honored for “The Narrow Road to the Deep North,” is the third Australian to win the prize.


Shortlists for National Book Awards Announced

The National Book Foundation announced the finalists for the 2014 National Book Awards in poetry, young adult literature, nonfiction and fiction on Wednesday morning.

Books of The Times

‘The Heart Is Strange’

Several new books include works of, and details about, the poet John Berryman, who would have been 100 this year.

Children's Books

Slide Show: Bookshelf: Tricks and Treats

New Halloween picture books include “Not Very Scary” and “Bob’s Hungry Ghost.”

A Black Detective, an 1870 Trial and a What If

Citing a fair 1870 trial, “The Great New Orleans Kidnapping Case” by Michael A. Ross argues that the racial reforms of Reconstruction were not preordained to fail.

Books of The Times

‘Nora Webster’

In Colm Toibin’s new novel, “Nora Webster,” the flinty heroine is a just-widowed mother of four who returns to work and finds the experience slowly transformative.

Books of The Times

‘Pay Any Price’

James Risen’s book “Pay Any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War” describes the seamy sides of America’s war on terror during the past 13 years.

So What’s the Big Idée?

A sumptuous new bookstore, Albertine, and an accompanying festival of ideas literary, economic and mathematical arrive at the French Embassy’s Cultural Services office on Fifth Avenue.

Cosmos as Masterpiece

Over thousands of years, humans have tried to represent the universe in graphic form, whether in manuscripts, paintings, prints, books or supercomputer simulations.

Eternal Regard for a Self-Obsessed Id

Though not an adaptation of a Roth novel per se, “Listen Up Philip” underscores the novelist’s hold on filmmakers.

Sunday Book Review

‘The Invisible History of the Human Race’

Eric Nyquist

Christine Kenneally explores what DNA can tell us about our ancestors and the rest of human history.

Neil Patrick Harris: By the Book

The author of “Choose Your Own Autobiography” loved “Gone Girl”: “I devoured the acknowledgments, the book cover flaps, the ISBN, you name it. If it had been like a DVD, I could have read the ‘making of’ the writing of the book. I was that into it.”

‘Spoiled Brats’

Simon Rich’s humorous stories take on the millennial generation.

‘Just Mercy’

A lawyer personalizes the struggle against injustice with the story of a man wrongfully convicted of murder.

‘Mr. Bones: Twenty Stories’

Men follow their compulsions, and sometimes receive their comeuppance, in Paul Theroux’s stories.

‘The Betrayers’

Two Soviet Jews — an Israeli politician and a disgraced K.G.B. informer — are reunited decades after a devastating betrayal.

‘A Path Appears’

Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn show how to make a difference in the lives of the disadvantaged.

‘The Wallcreeper’

The wallcreeper of this novel’s title and its protagonist both crave freedom.

‘The Sense of Style’

In his writing guide, the Harvard polymath Steven Pinker favors looser, more easygoing grammatical usage.

‘Corruption in America’

In Zephyr Teachout’s history of American political corruption, the main target is the current money-in-politics doctrine.

‘Landslide: LBJ and Ronald Reagan at the Dawn of a New America’

Jonathan Darman’s history of the 1960s weaves together accounts of the activities of Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan.


Gone to the Dogs

In John Sandford’s “Deadline,” dogs are being stolen and auctioned off for resale as laboratory animals.

Children's Books
Smiley face: An unexpected friendship blooms in

Smiley face: An unexpected friendship blooms in "The Farmer and the Clown."

From a distant farm to the African veldt, these picture books celebrate the limitless nature of creativity and imagination.

Children's Books

‘Kinda Like Brothers’ and ‘Half a World Away’

Two novels featuring adoption and foster care show how bonds are formed despite less than ideal circumstances.

Children's Books

Slide Show: Bookshelf: The Dark

New picture books include Lizi Boyd’s “Flashlight” and Madeline Valentine’s “George in the Dark.”

Children's Books

‘Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle’ and ‘Heap House’

Characters in two dark urban fairy tales for middle-grade readers uncover events hidden in the past.

Children's Books

‘Through the Woods’ and ‘Monstrous Affections’

A collection of illustrated tales with a sinister bent, and an anthology of stories featuring otherworldly creatures.

The Times's Critics

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Books Update

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Sunday Book Review
‘Worthy Fights’

Leslie H. Gelb reviews Leon Panetta’s memoir, which recounts a career in public service, including stints as White House chief of staff, director of the C.I.A. and defense secretary.

What’s the Most Terrifying Book You’ve Ever Read?

Francine Prose and Ayana Mathis discuss their scariest reading experiences.

Open Book

A Bevy of the Best

Each October brings a shelf full of Best American anthologies.

The Shortlist

New books by Nick Jans, Rebecca Frankel and Benoit Denizet-Lewis.

Paper Gallery
Hail! Hail! O Classic Superhero

Superheroes are here to stay (just turn on your TV), and five new superbooks celebrate heroes of comics, and the men (and occasional woman) who brought them to life.

Inside The New York Times Book Review Podcast

This week, Christine Kenneally discusses “The Invisible History of the Human Race”; Alexandra Alter has news from the literary world; Zephyr Teachout talks about “Corruption in America”; and Gregory Cowles has best-seller news. Pamela Paul is the host.

Book Review Features

Inside the List

Marilynne Robinson, whose novel “Lila” is No. 4 on the hardcover fiction list, has found success agreeable. “A Pulitzer Prize is very reassuring, and that’s a fact.”

Paperback Row

Paperback books of particular interest.

Editors’ Choice

Recently reviewed books of particular interest.

Sunday Book Review
‘Pay Any Price’

James Risen argues that America’s open society has been a casualty of the war on terror.

The New York Times Book Review: Back Issues

Complete contents of the Book Review since 1997.

Book Covers: Before and After

Designers discuss their work on recent book covers.

Author Interviews

A collection of author interviews published on ArtsBeat.


Show Biz Pride and Shame; Hotel’s Hyphen

New books delve into the life of a New York actor, a promoter who created a human zoo in Brooklyn and one of the most expensive hotels.


Times Topics: Featured Authors

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