Tribpedia: The Brief


We’re merged the convenience of the email blast and the need-to-know nature of the Brief into a single daily missive, delivered from newsletters editor John Reynolds’ fingertips directly to your inbox first thing every morning.

The Brief will still show up on our website — once a day, early in the morning. But if you’re the type who reaches ...


The Brief: What More Could Texas Have Done About Ebola?

Gov. Rick Perry visiting soldiers at Fort Hood on Oct. 9, 2014. The 36th Engineering Brigade is preparing to deploy to Liberia to assist in the effort to control the Ebola outbreak.
Gov. Rick Perry visiting soldiers at Fort Hood on Oct. 9, 2014. The 36th Engineering Brigade is preparing to deploy to Liberia to assist in the effort to control the Ebola outbreak.

Criticism by state leaders of the Obama administration for failures in the response to the Ebola virus omits mention of the tools at the state's disposal that were not used.

Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person in the United States diagnosed with the Ebola virus, died in Dallas, Texas on Oct. 8, 2014.
Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person in the United States diagnosed with the Ebola virus, died in Dallas, Texas on Oct. 8, 2014.

The Brief: A Somber Milestone in the Texas Ebola Story

A sad chapter was marked Wednesday in the story of Ebola in Texas with the death of Thomas Eric Duncan, the Liberian man who flew to Dallas to join family only to be diagnosed with the deadly disease after arriving.

A day after a federal appeals court allowed Texas to begin enforcing new abortion restrictions, a group protested the ruling on the South Steps of the Texas Capitol building.
A day after a federal appeals court allowed Texas to begin enforcing new abortion restrictions, a group protested the ruling on the South Steps of the Texas Capitol building.

The Brief: An Unanticipated Consequence of New Abortion Law

New abortion restrictions passed by the Legislature could lead to one unexpected result: more abortions performed in doctors' offices as the number of abortion clinics in the state drops to single digits.

State Sen. Wendy Davis and Attorney General Greg Abbott before their debate at the Edinburg Conference Center at Renaissance in Edinburg on Sept. 19, 2014.
State Sen. Wendy Davis and Attorney General Greg Abbott before their debate at the Edinburg Conference Center at Renaissance in Edinburg on Sept. 19, 2014.

The Brief: Abbott and Davis to Clash Once More, With Feeling

The major party nominees for governor — Republican Greg Abbott and Democrat Wendy Davis — hold their second and final debate tonight in Dallas. The smart money is on an encounter similar to the first one held 11 days ago in Edinburg.

Gov. Perry and DPS Director Steve McCraw, speak to media following a tour to a federal facility housing unaccompanied alien children in Weslaco, Texas June 23rd, 2014. The state is providing $1.3 million per week to commence surge operations to help combat crime along the border.
Gov. Perry and DPS Director Steve McCraw, speak to media following a tour to a federal facility housing unaccompanied alien children in Weslaco, Texas June 23rd, 2014. The state is providing $1.3 million per week to commence surge operations to help combat crime along the border.

The Brief: Is There an Endgame on the Border Surge?

State leaders seem reluctant to break out the "Mission Accomplished" banner on the border surge even though apprehensions of illegal immigrants have hit a target goal laid out in July.

Chairman Gene Powell gavels in the meeting April 10, 2013 where the UT Board of Regents voted to turn over records to lawmakers regarding the Law School Foundation.
Chairman Gene Powell gavels in the meeting April 10, 2013 where the UT Board of Regents voted to turn over records to lawmakers regarding the Law School Foundation.

The Brief: UT Regents Shut Door on Lawmaker Involvement in Probe

University of Texas System regents moved quickly Monday to keep two lawmakers from sitting in on interviews conducted by an external investigator into admissions procedures at the system's flagship Austin campus.

State Rep. Dan Flynn (right), R-Van, talks to state Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer, D-San Antonio, on Oct. 23, 2013. Van is co-chair of the House Select Committee on Transparency in State Agency Operations, whose members include Fischer.
State Rep. Dan Flynn (right), R-Van, talks to state Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer, D-San Antonio, on Oct. 23, 2013. Van is co-chair of the House Select Committee on Transparency in State Agency Operations, whose members include Fischer.

The Brief: Legislators Want Seat at Table In New UT Investigation

At stake, according to a posted agenda for today's meeting of the UT System regents, is "the integrity and independence" of an external investigation of admissions procedures.