The extreme right and left unite over Syria, drawing on lack of informed judgment to make their case

U.S. Senators view photographs of victims of chemical weapons attacks in Syria as U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, and U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the topic of "The Authorization of Use of Force in Syria" September 3, 2013 in Washington, DC. U.S. President Barack Obama is attempting to enlist the support of members of the U.S. Congress for military action against the Syrian government for using chemical weapons against its own people last month. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

The fastest way to make an argument go in your favor is to skew the argument so extraordinarily that it makes all other points of view seem irrational. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, the Dallas Democrat, finds herself in unusual company with Pearland tea-party Republican Rep. Randy Weber, in arguing that, heck, we just can’t go out there and fight everybody’s war and get involved in every single conflict in the world. I mean, there are dozens of really awful, bloody conflicts happening everywhere. We just can’t go into every country and spend every taxpayer dollar and deploy every one of our troops to fight everyone else’s war. That’s the gist of their positions.

As quoted by KERA, here’s Johnson’s take on Syria: “We cannot go into every country that has an uprising without going through NATO or the UN or a partnership with other countries.  We don’t have the money to take on everybody’s war. I really feel for what’s going on there but we have to do it with caution and with understanding about what we are going for; how long will be stay;  when will we determine the results for us to leave.”

And here’s Weber’s position, as quoted in today’s Dallas Morning News: “It breaks your heart, especially when you consider the 400 children” among the more than 1,400 killed in the Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack launched by Syria’s government on suburbs surrounding Damascus. “You can’t go into every country and right every single wrong.”

They are correct. There are 196 sovereign countries in the world. Many, if not most, have some sort of conflict or abuse happening that probably deserves some kind of principled stand by the United States.

But of all those countries, only one has had the gall to use a known weapon of mass destruction, most likely sarin gas, since the 9/11 attacks. (Another, Iraq, did in the 1980s, and its dictator is now dead. The current Iraqi government has no chemical weapons nor any inclination to acquire them.)

Can anyone cite a single quote, inference or hint that President Obama proposes to intervene in every country in the world where there’s a conflict or injustice going on? I doubt it. But that’s the basis of the the argument that Johnson, Weber and numerous other skeptics in Congress are using to say that we shouldn’t take action against Syria. It’s not only a weak argument, it’s based on an absolutely false premise.

They would be correct if they were to cite some of the very bad military decisions this country has made in the past, including Iraq in 2003. Syria’s use of chemical weapons does not even remotely fit into any other category. The Aug. 21 attack was mass murder using an internationally banned weapon. The weapon, sarin, was invented by Nazi Germany for use as an agricultural pesticide. But it’s no coincidence that, shortly after inventing sarin, Nazi Germany began using gas to kill humans by the millions. Syria is not Nazi Germany, and President Bashar al-Assad is not Hitler.

But if Congress buys into the argument posed by Johnson and Weber, and refuses to grant permission for U.S. missile strikes against Syria, there is little question that the Assad regime will proceed with the use of chemical weapons against its enemies as well as civilians who happen to live in areas where the rebels are active. The Assad regime will not think twice about killing thousands more.

Eventually, with unrestricted used of chemical weapons and amid international silence, the Assad government will win the Syrian civil war. Those who remain alive in Syria will, no doubt, agree wholeheartedly with everything Bashar al-Assad says and thinks. Because they will die if they don’t.

And once he recovers his military strength, Assad will once again return to the kind of proxy fighting that has dogged his neighbors, mainly Israel and Lebanon, for decades. He will sow mayhem. He will resume his close alliance with Iran. And he will be emboldened to add chemical weapons to the mix. Those are all vital U.S. national security concerns. But regardless of national security concerns, the United States should act because this is the right thing to do for all humanity.

As I’m writing, Secretary of State John Kerry is testifying on Capitol Hill. Behind him are anti-war activists holding up red hands, as if to simulate blood. Their message is that America should not engage in this war and get blood on its hands. This is where I vigorously part ways with the anti-war movement. There are times when the world must shed blood in response to a willful atrocity, and this is one of them. We didn’t provoke this, Assad did. And any failure to respond will result in far more bloodshed than what America will produce with some well-targeted missile strikes.



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