In-person Seminar Announcement In-person Seminar Announcement

NRRI Training Seminar on Energy & Utility Regulatory Matters

Gallaudet University's Kellogg Conference Center

800 Florida Avenue, NE, Washington, D.C. 20002

November 6-7, 2014

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On Day 1, the attendees will first acquire a general knowledge of utility regulation in the U.S., including an overview of how regulatory agencies work and the interaction with industry.  This will be followed by an overview of natural gas industry in the U.S. and its regulation by FERC and state utility commissions. The sessions will then provide an overview of several issues confronting the natural gas industry and regulation, ending with more in-depth discussion of four of them.

On Day 2, the attendees will gain familiarity with recent court decisions concerning major Federal Energy Regulatory Commission actions.  Attendees will also receive an overview of legal issues raised by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's proposed Clean Power Plan.

View the agenda here


Industry and legal professionals who seek to work in the energy regulatory arena will benefit from this training, especially those are new to the field or have just entered the field and seek to enhance their knowledge.


NRRI offers this training with its in-house staff, who have a combined experience of over 60 years in the regulatory arena.  Their bios are listed towards the end of this document.  Depending on scheduling availability, 1-2 state utility commissioners will be invited to share their experiences in their decision-making process.

NRRI Teleseminar Announcement NRRI Teleseminar Announcement

"Best Practices in Preparing for Water Emergencies:  A Matter of When, Not If." 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014; 2:00-3:30 p.m. Eastern


The goal of the teleseminar on Oct 29 is to share best practices for water and wastewater utilities in the aftermath of water emergencies.  Numerous recent challenges - the West Virginia Elk River chemical spill, the Ohio Lake Erie crisis, and the ongoing water supply challenges in many western states - have highlighted the importance of proactively responding to an increasing number of water security threats.  What are the utilities doing?  How are regulators responding?  And what can we learn from such experiences?


Chairman Rob Powelson of Pennsylvania PUC

        Other panelists TBA

Moderator: Raj Barua, Executive Director, NRRI

Upcoming Research Presentations Upcoming Research Presentations

NARUC Annual Convention

Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, CA (Sierra B Room)

November 18, 2014; 2:30pm-4:30pm

 "Municipal Broadband:A Review of Rules, Requirements, and Options" – Sherry Lichtenberg (2:30-2:55pm)

"Adapting Public Utility Regulation to a New Electric Industry" – Ken Costello (2:55-3:20pm)

"A Summary of State Regulators' Responsibilities Regarding Cybersecurity Issues" – Dan Phelan (3:20-3:35pm)

"A Comprehensive Summary of EPA's Clean Power Plan andtheInteractionbetweenthe Clean Air Act and Federal Power Act" – Rishi Garg (3:35-4:30pm)

This Month's Teleseminar This Month's Teleseminar

Recent Research Presentations Recent Research Presentations

"The Challenges of Ratemaking for State Utility Commissions

Ken Costello, Principal Researcher - Energy and Environment, NRRI

"Preserving the Integrity of the Physical Electric Power Markets: Why States Should be an Indispensable Party in Federal Enforcement Actions against Market Manipulation"

Rishi Garg, Esq., General Counsel, NRRI

"Characterizing Competition:  A Look at State Processes"

Sherry Lichtenberg, Ph.D., Principal Researcher - Telecommunications, NRRI

"A Review of NERC's CIP  Standard Version 5"

Daniel Phelan, Research Assistant, NRRI

"Review of Solar PV Cost Studies: Exploring Economies of Scale"

Tom Stanton, Principal Researcher - Energy and Environment,NRRI

NRRI Teleseminar Schedule NRRI Teleseminar Schedule

The NRRI Teleseminar schedule until June 30, 2015 can be found here