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WASHINGTON — Republican leaders, conceding the futility of a flight ban from Ebola-afflicted West Africa, are refining their response to the outbreak, pressing to suspend visas for travelers and create “no boarding” lists.

But a supercharged political atmosphere is making legislative nuance difficult two weeks before midterm elections and days before a hearing on Friday on the Ebola response called by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, a panel riven by partisan division. Republicans on the campaign trail continue to goad Democrats to embrace a broad travel ban, although no direct flights to the United States from Liberia, Sierra Leone or Guinea exist.

Democrats are slamming Republicans for slashing the budgets of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other federal agencies charged with stopping the spread of Ebola, even after the White House circulated talking points to House Democrats in advance of a hearing last week that said funding had been adequate.

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Graphic: A Cascade of Contacts From a Single Case of Ebola in Dallas

“Even within a constrained environment, the administration has prioritized C.D.C. funding over the years with significant increases for control of infectious diseases,” the memo said. “The administration has also included significant increases for C.D.C. within the Prevention and Public Health Fund and other sources.”

Days of news media fixation, mounting public concern and political pot-stirring have created an odd dichotomy in which leadership aides on Capitol Hill are urging caution while candidates on the campaign trail are pressing hot buttons. House Republican leadership aides have repeatedly said lawmakers are not calling for an actual ban of airline flights, even as the likes of Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, and Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, have done just that.

Because there are no direct flights from the countries afflicted with Ebola, a flight ban would have to ground connecting flights from Brussels, Amsterdam and other European cities.

The Republican leaders of the House Homeland Security Committee, in a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, clarified that they would like a temporary suspension of visas to travelers from the Ebola-affected nations “while simultaneously permitting a robust effort by the U.S. government and global health agencies to combat this vicious disease in West Africa.”

Mr. McConnell, said a spokesman, Don Stewart, was “using shorthand” last week when he said, “It would be a good idea to discontinue flights into the United States from that part of the world.” He, too, supports a temporary suspension of visas, a position put into legislative language on Monday by Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, who vowed to press visa-suspension legislation when Congress returned in November.

In reality, Republicans are not planning a legislative response, at least for now, Republican leadership aides said Monday. They merely want their voices heard.

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“The president has the authority to put a travel ban into effect right now,” said Kevin Smith, spokesman for Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio. “The speaker has not ruled out bringing the House back to address the Ebola crisis if our oversight efforts demonstrate a need for legislation to help combat the spread of the disease.”

Representative Peter King, Republican of New York, who signed the Homeland Security Committee letter, said he would like a “hard stop” to travel from the afflicted countries but added, “That’s not going to happen.”

Democratic leaders have kept largely quiet. Democratic leadership aides said Monday that they hoped the all-clear given on Sunday to Dallas residents who had been exposed to the one Ebola patient to die in the United States could defuse the latest political tempest, just as fears over the militant Islamic State and Mexican border breaches dissipated.

Most Democrats continue to adhere to the Obama administration’s position on travel restrictions, which were laid out last week in the talking points. That document emphasized that travelers from Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea were already screened on departure, and again on arrival.

“Imposing a ban would give travelers an incentive to evade detection, conceal their travel history and, therefore, make it much harder for us to ensure they are screened before they enter the U.S.,” the document stated. “In addition, the only way we can eliminate the risk of Ebola to the American public is to stop the outbreak at the source. That means we need to surge resources to West Africa, and imposing a travel ban would only make it harder to move critically needed personnel and supplies to these countries.”

Representative Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland, the ranking Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, took up the cause on Monday. “At the end of the day,” he said, “election-year posturing about a travel ban wastes precious time that should be spent mobilizing to attack this disease at its source — in Africa — so it does not continue to end up on our shores.”

On Nov. 6, two days after the midterm elections, the Senate Appropriations Committee will hold a hearing on the government’s response. Aides released data on Monday showing the C.D.C.’s budget, at $6.8 billion for the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, was just shy of its 2009 peak of $6.9 billion and well above the $6.3 billion the agency received in the 2013 fiscal year, when across-the-board cuts pinched almost every government function.

But Democrats maintain that if the 2004 C.D.C. budget were adjusted for inflation, it would be above $7.5 billion. Republicans counter that funding for Ebola would be sufficient if the issue was prioritized, a position not far from that of the White House.