Lewisville Rotary to conduct flag retirement ceremony

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The Lewisville Morning Rotary will conduct its fourth annual U.S. Flag Retirement Ceremony on the courtyard of the MCL Grand Theater at 1 p.m. on Oct. 25.

The program will honor World War II veterans, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and the Lewisville Police Honor Guard.

The MCL Grand Theater will display a U.S. flag from the Rotary clubs’ flag program, recently returned from a tour of Afghanistan. Later this year, the theater will display loaned memorabilia, posters and photos from WWII. Donors will receive a receipt for their items.

The Rotary club will accept worn and torn flags at the ceremony to be destroyed appropriately.

Call 972-420-8592 for more information.

On Twitter:  @schrader_adam

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