Tom Leppert for Senate. Let's Talk About That.

Categories: Get Off My Lawn

Dear Opposition Researchers working for U.S. Senate campaigns other than that of former-after-midnight Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert:

Please contact me about the following things Leppert is going to say about himself in a campaign. First, he is going to say he led two successful referendum campaigns, one for the Trinity River toll road and the other for a downtown convention hotel.

On the toll road: That's not what he was fighting for. There never was a referendum to kill the toll road. The referendum was about building it between the levees, where it floods. He was on the side that wanted to build it in the flood zone. He won. I can tell you a lot about what that did to Dallas.

He won the hotel thing too -- to use public funding to create a hotel that belongs to the city council and competes with private enterprise. He'll be running as a conservative. I think you see the opportunities there.

He will say he brought down crime rates in Dallas. He actually brought down crime rate statistics. Lots to talk about.

He is going to say he opposed a tax increase. Yes. He was opposed to a tax increase after he was in favor of a tax increase. I know you know what to do with that.

Mainly he's going to say he left Dallas in better shape than he found it. Please plan to spend some time with me on that one. I want you to remember two names on this score, and I will explain later.

Arthur. And Archie.

Yeah, we know Tom. Let's talk.
Let me see if I'm forgetting anything. Oh, yeah, the head of his campaign finance committee was about to be indicted for fraud when she died in a so-called murder-suicide. We need to chat about that.

But the big one is this. When Tom Leppert took over as mayor, the city of Dallas had a levee system that was rated to protect it from an 800-year flood. That's like a Noah flood. He leaves the city with a levee system that is rated not to protect the city from anything. Squat. No good. At all.

What else? Oh, the honesty thing. How could I forget?

He promised Dallas voters during the 2007 Trinity River referendum that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had "signed off" on all safety issues involving the levees. A fibski. They had not. And that little issue remains unresolved.

And he promised voters that the North Texas Tollway Authority had full funding all arranged to build the road. Also a fibski. Three years later, the money is nowhere in sight.

Folks, you know where to find me. Don't be strangers.

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Well Jim, you actually forced me to defend Lie-ppert. In the first place, he had nothing to do with the design or construction of the levee system. In the second place, he had nothing to do with the rating system. In the third place, those levees NEVER would have withstood an 800 year flood, which is why the entire rating system has been rethought after Katrina wiped out the Ninth Ward in New Orleans.

Now, I don't mind bashing a numbnutz liar like Lie-ppert when he does something wrong, but I am not going to blame him for things that happened long ago before he ever came to Texas. What I will blame on him is the "leadership" of building a toll road between those sand-filled levees and promoting construction projects that further weakened the levee system so that his personal friends (and himself, now that he is no longer mayor) could benefit at our expense.

Lie-ppert and Company should have been spending money rehabilitating those levees. That will become abundantly clear when FEMA changes the maps next year and all that real estate along Riverfront Blvd. and in downtown gets reclassed as flood plain land. When property owners see massive reductions in property values that leave them upside down on mortgages, are forced to buy federal flood insurance, and when Dallas County takes a massive hit on its tax rolls resulting in huge losses of tax revenues that fund county and city projects (including hospitals, fire, police, sanitation, transportation, etc.) then the people of Dallas will truly see the damage caused by a mental midget with a huge ego.

Lie-ppert will never be elected to the US Senate. And, it will not be because he got beaten by a Democrat. It will be because his Republican opponents are going to broadcast his failures far and wide.




What's a Leppert? An insect or a reptile?

J. Erik Jonsson
J. Erik Jonsson

JS, I'm tempted to make a mean and poorly-supported assumption here:

You're calling out Leppert for a statistical, as opposed to real, drop in crime. You won't mention that during Kunkle's mayoral campaign.

See, it's totally unfair of me because how would I know? But I just can't help it. Call it a hunch.


So the Dallas Power Brokers who have huge $$$ and play on the national stage find guys like Tom, and back them with money and organization in return for access and political clout/favors. No different than anywhere else in the country. Except for the fact that they have SO much more money. Oh and one last thing. The last time the DPB's grabbed the "X" shaped wood and strings this blatantly, we got W.

Dear Tom - we can all see the string holes in the back of your coat, man

3rd Wheel Marketing
3rd Wheel Marketing

I think he's the perfect republican candidate: #1 Leppert built an entire bridge just to get to Ray's Gun & Hardware Store. #2 There's no need to fund abortions, just hit main street downtown at 40 miles an hour and the simulated moon surface works better than horseback riding. #3 He got rid of the levees which are just an "entitlement program" for the poor... not to drown.


I have to say as a conservative that Tom doesn't look too good. $300 Million for Calatrava Bridges ($200M of which are to my knowledge unfunded), $500 Million for a convention center hotel. Roads? Evidently not nearly enough.

Conservatives believe that the scope of government should be confined to the narrow margin that we can collectively agree upon. I don't agree upon glitter for the skyline before repairing pot holes in the street that have cost me $1,800 in car repairs and over $1,000 in medical bills from bicycle accidents caused by our abominable roads.

This guy is not a Conservative, he is a Republican.

Brenda Marks
Brenda Marks

Jim -- remember to add to the list his tenure on the board of directors of Washington Mutual. Mayor Tom, only 2 weeks before its failure (the largest in US history), offered his esteemed business analysis declaring that the bank had sufficient capital and "good things were ahead." I think that speaks to his penchant for spewing bullshit. I consider his run for Senate, a race which he has no chance in hell of winning, just another chance for him to spend a few months spewing bullshit before he fades away, never to be seen again in the world of elective politics.

richard schumacher
richard schumacher

Candace? Richard Fontina? Still waiting for you to cite any of Leppert's accomplishments. C'mon, it should be easy: you have them on the tips of your tongues, right? Make all us doubters look like fools.

After Leppert's Senate bid fails he will head the investment group that buys the failed convention center hotel for pennies on the dollar and operates it as a casino.

John Banta
John Banta

"When Tom Leppert took over as mayor, the city of Dallas had a levee system that was rated to protect it from an 800-year flood. That's like a Noah flood. He leaves the city with a levee system that is rated not to protect the city from anything. Squat."

Wow Jim, you're delusional. That is the most retarded paragraph housed in a ridiculous article.

Dallas Diner
Dallas Diner

Amen on the crine rate statistics hoodoo. The police caught someone kicking in one of my neighbor's back door, and the guy was charged with vandalism, not attempted burglary. Makes you think the young chap was out spary painting a fence, doesn't it?


Time to follow the rats off the sinking ship?




Predictable as ever, Jim. I've seen the good Tom has done for Dallas and I'm excited to see the good he'll do for us in Washington. The Senate needs more folks like him.


The response I have to all these negatives? Sarah Palin. With a little creativity, you could make almost identical points about her brief stint in the office of Alaska governor, but she IS the Tea Party. Leppert has already proven that he can bring in the big $$$ while making appeasing the little guy into believing he will fight for their interests (hello South Dallas voting for a Park Cities millionaire). I think you are way too convinced that people (especially voters in the Republican primary) are rational voters. The better argument against his victory is that being a former Dallas mayor doesn't play well in the rest of the state and there are better-known candidates seeking the same nomination.

Richard Fontina
Richard Fontina

This article seems relatively dismissive of the great work Leppert did as mayor, and rather sad in it's almost juvenile way of casting doubt on his accomplishments. Simply saying, 'talk to me' or 'let's chat' isn't really a valid argument, is it?

The fact of the matter is that Mayor Leppert did a fine job and since it's tough to turn on the TV or radio without hearing more stories of brutal government mismanagement, deficits, and spending decisions that will inevitably bankrupt us--I for one am excited to hear he has thrown his hat in the ring and look forward to hearing his plan.

But hey, if you wanna just go with the 'let's chat' approach to critiquing a politician...I suppose that's your call.


Here's the thing I don't get, Tom Leppert should know his campaign is dead in the water, Dallas Republican party leadership certainly knows it, he has very little support within the party and a whole lot of people within the party that are willing expose his terrible record to keep him from getting the nomination.

What's the plan here? Is he so delusional that he thinks he can actually win this or is there more to this plan?


Why must you resort to insults? What have insects and reptiles ever done to you to be compared to Lie-ppert?


When you are told to change you way of reporting as an employee,what do you do?


Tom can't take all the credit, Jamie Dimon wanted to buy WaMu, but they wouldn't sell, so he had his pals shut'em down so he could get the parts he wanted.


John: Tell me why.


John, you do have a point. Mayor Leppert is not personally responsible for the condition of the levees. There are a whole host of people to blame for that, including the entire city government for the past twenty years or so.

What he IS personally responsible for is diverting funds that could have been used to fix the problem into needless vanity projects that will not benefit the city in the slightest, and then shifting the blame onto other people and organizations. No, he is not personally liable. But he is the primum mobile underlying a host of problems that the city is facing.


At least it was still reported as a crime. I was absolutely floored to hear that if multiple cars in one area are all burglarized in similar fashion, it is to be reported as a single crime, because hey, odds are good it was the same guy doing it all. But I guess we gotta manipulate the numbers and keep out of town visitors coming to fill our new socialist hotel.


Candace, I would also like to see you print a list of his accomplishment (singular, if that many!)

The fact is Lie-ppert is a liar. He lied to us about every major project in which he was involved, and so far NONE of them have proven to be good investments. The hotel is the only one even close to being completed, and it is going to be a rathole into which we pour millions of tax dollars that could have been used for more responsible purposes such as repairing potholes in our roads.

There will be no Trinity River Toll Road, and for very good reason. It was purely insane to even think about putting it between the levees, but that was the only way Lie-ppert and his landowner friends could maximize their holdings along Industrial, er Riverfront Boulevard. The USACE is not about to allow that road to be built and NTTA lacks the funding to do the project, so what Dallas got was screwed out of $1 billion - under the watchful eye of Lie-ppert and Suhmbitch.

The Trinity River Corridor Project will never be built because the city does not begin to have the money to fund it. Again, tens of millions will have been wasted as we face mounting budget shortfalls.

The Calatrava Bridge to nowhere will never be connected to either side of the river because the USACE will not allow digging into the sand-filled levees for the abutments, and while Americans were out of work Lie-ppert and Company had that bridge designed in Spain and built in Italy rather than spending the money at home, or at least in the United States.

And, regardless of how much the city got upfront from XTO and Trinity East, they ain't never gonna drill no goddamned gas wells in Dallas because there are just too many educated and concerned people who are going to make sure that never happens. It took an idiot of a mayor (Lie-ppert) and an idiot of a city manager (Suhmbitch) to try sneaking that one by the people.

So, exactly what DID Lie-ppert do that was positive for Dallas? Oh, I forgot - he resigned before his term was up. He is a quitter! He did not want to be here when the budget shit hits the fan, and who could blame him? It costs a lot of money to clean those expensive suits.


Candace, it so like you to make a claim and not back it up.

Grumpy Demo
Grumpy Demo

"I've seen the good Tom has done for Dallas " second person to claim TL did good work, but doesn't cite a single thing.

Care to give a few examples?


You and Fontina have the same supplier?Man, I gotta start hangin' out in Preston Hollow.

cynical old bastard
cynical old bastard

He ignored infrastructure repair and maintenance. He took on massive debt for the city. He played the race card very effectively. Please list the other good things Mayor Leppert did for the city.


And Sarah hasn't won an election since she quit her job, either.


I'm pretty sure Mayor Tom doesn't have Sarah Palin's rack.


Who's your supplier, man? That's gotta be some good shit.


I have to admit, I too am curious about all of this "great work" that mayor Leppert performed.

"brutal government mismanagement, deficits, and spending decisions that will inevitably bankrupt us"

When you say "us", do you mean the US in general, or the City of Dallas in particular? If the latter, I'm pretty sure there's someone whose name begins with "T" and ends with "om Leppert" who might need to shoulder a little bit of the blame.


Tom Leppert did "work" as mayor?


"Simply saying, 'talk to me' or 'let's chat' isn't really a valid argument, is it?"

You're right. Instead, maybe Jim should link to the hundred of stories and blog posts that would validate his arguments.

IttyBitty Wussy
IttyBitty Wussy

Not to put words in the author's mouth, but I think the "let's chat approach" is a shorthand way of saying "I have voluminous proof on this point and already have written about it extensively but space does not permit reprinting all of it here."


This city was once led by people like Robert Thornton, Earl Cabell and Eric Johnson. Now, we have leaders like Tom Lie-ppert who would not know the truth if it bit them on the ass. And, Lie-ppert left us with Arthur and Archie's friend Dwaine in charge of the cookie jar.

I attended a public meeting in North Dallas just before the last Trinity Toll Road vote in which Lie-ppert and Natinsky lied through their teeth in telling citizens how safe the levees are and how a major flood could not compromise them. They actually claimed that the term "500-year flood" means there will only be a flood of those proportions once every 500 years.

That is pure bullshit! I stood up and told them, in front of the audience, that their definition was just plain wrong, and I explained that the term means that there is a 1-in-500 chance of a flood of that proportion EVERY year. In fact, we had a similar flood just a few years ago, in case anybody remembers, so that was two of them within less than 5 years - a LOT less than 500 years!

I challenged Lie-ppert and Natinsky to call the US Army Corps of Engineers and tell them what they had just told the audience. I advised them to be ready when the USACE laughes so loudly that it bursts their eardrums.

Now, I don't know if they made that call or not, but I do know, for a fact, that they have continued repeating that same lie every since. It was obvious that they were not as concerned with facts and truth as they were in pushing the toll road project through at any cost, even if it meant destroying all of downtown Dallas in a flood.

For those of you who do not know, the DPD has all of its communications and computer systems housed three floors underground in downtown Dallas, and we would be in a world of shit if that got flooded because of a levee breach.

The USACE is not about to allow drilling into those levees or building that toll road between the levees because of the potential for disaster that kills a lot of people and wipes out the center of the city. What's more, Lie-ppert was completely dishonest in telling us that funding was already approved and that the city's contribution was a mere few million dollars. None of that is true, and even with USACE approval there is no money for the Trinity River projects.

Lie-ppert and Mary Suhn took nearly $34 million from XTO Energy and Trinity East for gas well drilling leases on city-owned land without public discussion and before the truth about such activities was known. They did it because we were facing a major budget shortfall and they needed to find the money even if it meant killing citizens, destroying property values, polluting water, air and soil and risking contamination of the Trinity River, which supplies drinking water for over 50% of ALL Texas residents.

Our city is currently facing a budget shortfall of at least $41-96 Million for the next two years, and it will probably increase as the state cuts contributions to cities due to a $25 BILLION shortfall in Austin. In case somebody is not paying attention, we are in a world of financial hurt. But, I have a solution that will get us those projects such as the Trinity River Toll Road Project, Trinity River Corridor Project, hotel and all that other bullshit that we do not need and cannot afford. My proposal is that those who support these projects invest THEIR money to build them, and to do it just because they are good citizens who really care about this city.

Talk is cheap! If you really believe those projects are worthwhile, then put your money where your mouth is, or else just STFU and go away! Many of us are tired of the lies and the defenders of liars.

Thelisma Partridge
Thelisma Partridge

His plan? It's obvious to me.

The bills for all those lies he told about the levees, the toll road funding, the city hotel, are going to come due in the next four years (if not four months). TL is getting out before the citizens of Dallas demand answers and solutions that will only make him look bad.

I'm sure he knows he doesn't stand a chance at winning a Senate race, but (to him) it is the perfect cover/opportunity to duck accountability for all those lies.


his backup plan is to "consult" for the companies who need to keep the bond money for the Trinity Toll Road flowing into their coffers

Grumpy Demo
Grumpy Demo

"he had his pals shut'em down so he could get the parts he wanted."

Some one's getting great reception with their tin-foil hat.

WM failed because it was the largest sub-prime lender in the country. It was packaging and selling toxic garbage, and when the music stopped to was forced to eat it owns poison.

WM failed because of bad management bordering on a criminal enterprise.


You left a "T" off of the beginning of that word.


All of the above could also be said of Mayor Laura EXCEPT"" playing the race card effectively "


fair point. my response is that she'd clean up in the primary and lose in the general election.


And follow up with a list of Ron Kirk's massive achievements after that....


Dallas County DID have their basement computer servers and backup power FLOODED from a burst pipe in the building, and it cost millions of dollars and months to recover...and files (paper) were stored there too...and they had major major mess on their hands...primarily because JW Price and the Commissioners failed to act on recommendations to move it all.


Also ALL politicians play the race card here, up front, minorities and majorities. It is disgusting to watch! Of course in mid to upper Brazil where most people are multicultural, the lighter skinned you are, the more clout, education, money and social status you have.

My Caucasian son lives there with my mixed grandson who happened to turn out like he is only Caucasian. People gather around him even now when he is four and are amazed at how white he is and make a point of praising him for it. That's disgusting too!

So Americans aren't the only racists.


yEAH,these guys don't want to analyze all the "great stuff" Laura Miller did as mayor because she was a disaster and a Democrat. @EDM--After her terms as Mayor she doesn't have a political future, but she is a Sacred Cow having ripped apart Ron Kirk in print when she worked at the Observer....Perhaps JS has political ambitions as well.


"All of the above could also be said of Mayor Laura ...."

So what? Laura Miller is not running for the U.S. Senate.

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