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Taking aim at the best and worst of movies and television.

‘Stalker’ star knows the value of privacy

TV-Maggie Q-Stalker


For Maggie Q, her new series, Stalker, hits close to home. But not too close, if Maggie can help it. She sees privacy, and guarding her personal space, as vital to her freedom. Read more

Movie review: ‘The Blue Room’


Sundance Selects

Like a corpse about to be autopsied, the mystery that is laid bare by The Blue Room hardly requires even the economical 76 minutes that director Mathieu Amalric expends on it. Two naked philanderers, played by Amalric and his real-life partner, Stéphanie Clé... Read more

New on DVD: ‘Snowpiercer’ starring Chris Evans


The Weinstein Co.

DVD Snowpiercer : In different hands, Snowpiercer might have been just another generic action movie. Yet with South Korean director Bong Joon Ho at t... Read more

Essay: ‘The Affair’ on Showtime breathes new life into an old approach



The Affair, an excellent new drama from Sarah Treem, is new neither in its subject matter nor in its structure: It is the story of an affair, told from the perspectives of both participants. Read more

Fox Sports Southwest’s Erin Hartigan lives her dream

Erin Hartigan Profile  Kmag


When Erin Hartigan was a kid, she had her own unique definition of high fashion. Read more

Michael Keaton returns with ‘Birdman’


Atsushi Nishijima

When Michael Keaton met Barack Obama shortly before Obama would become president, the then-senator had a question for the actor. Read more

Movie review: ‘St. Vincent’


The Weinstein Co.

If we were going to be curmudgeonly about it — and St. Vincent is, after all, a movie about a curmudgeon — we’d focus on the one major flaw in the film, and not on its pleasures. Read more

Five questions with...Robin Lord Taylor



The actor is making waves as a young Penguin in the Batman-related series ‘Gotham’ Read more

Contest: Name your fave football film, win Cowboys tickets!

Cowboys Ravens Football


It’s fall and it’s Texas. That can only mean one thing: football. Read more

CBS 11 names Gilma Avalos weekend anchor



KTVT/Channel 11 has announced that Gilma Avalos will be the anchor for its new weekend-morning newscasts, which air at 8 a.m. Saturday and 7 a.m. Sunday. Read more

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